UK Golf Weekend Ideas


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Sep 14, 2022
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Hello - I'm asking for recommendations for golf courses with accommodation to book a golf weekend next year in the UK. Yes I can use google - but I'm looking for something quite specific...I hope you can help!
The group I am going with have been for the last 20+ years to the same golf course, which has been fantastic for the following reasons:
  • for 2 nights accommodation and unlimited golf for 3 days, the cost is £80...all in! That price went up this year from £70 which it had been forever. The accommodation has seen better days but does the job.
  • handicaps range from 10 - 36 in our group of 16 golfers so it helps that the course is quite unpretentious. Most people used to play golf but now only play once a year.
  • the course itself is in a beautiful setting and has some fantastic holes.
  • it's in the middle of nowhere with a 1 pub village just two minutes away.
So why do we want to change?! Well despite all the good things...the course itself is now in the worst condition it has ever been. It was never great - but at £80 for the weekend you could hardly complain - but it is now really poor.
We got talking and are considering a change for next year. So requirements...
  • all the good points of the above...happy to pay more but not too much more. Not expecting a high end course for nothing...unpretentious is key.
  • most people travel from the North West, some from somewhere between those ideal, though all ideas considered.
If you made it this far - thanks for reading! Would really appreciate any recommendations you have.
P.S. if anyone wants me to send details of the course discussed above...DM me...just don't want to be seen slagging it off online! It is a great place, we're just looking for a change.
For 2 nights 3 rounds or unlimited golf you'll be looking at about nearly treble what you normally pay. I organise our annual trip and a Sunday driver now is around £150/160. Our monthly society golf day (27 holes plus lunch) is now £50.

Other option is try get a Travelodge bargain with 3 cheap rounds of you can find them. Good luck sorry I haven't got any suggestions.
Thanks both. Appreciate what you’re saying on price - happy to look at paying more but £200+ probably a no go.
Will take a look at Alnmouth thanks.
Thanks both. Appreciate what you’re saying on price - happy to look at paying more but £200+ probably a no go.
Will take a look at Alnmouth thanks.
If you want to add an additional round to that trip then look at alnmouth village GC. It's a 9 hole course on the sea front in the village itself and the green fees would suit what you are looking for.
Email the golf club and tell them your concerns about the course condition and offer to pay a bit extra if they cut greens and tidy up the course for your golf day. Perhaps offer to pay an extra tenner a head or just go somewhere else, worth a try.(y)
What do you mean by “in really bad condition “? The weather this summer has been extreme and most courses have suffered from the heat. If you mean it has a few bare patches then you will find this on a lot of courses, especially those at the lower cost end as they won’t have the facilities or staff to water everywhere. Possibly same goes with course maintenance if they can’t afford/recruit enough green keepers
What do you mean by “in really bad condition “? The weather this summer has been extreme and most courses have suffered from the heat. If you mean it has a few bare patches then you will find this on a lot of courses, especially those at the lower cost end as they won’t have the facilities or staff to water everywhere. Possibly same goes with course maintenance if they can’t afford/recruit enough green keepers

The problem could be that the courses in the North West have had bits of rain throughout and are in great nick atm. So from the inside looking out it might look as though courses further south are in bad condition when really they've just suffered in the heat.
I used GolfBreaks for a trip with my mates, but that was nearer £160 for one night and two rounds. Cheapest on there were around £100 pp but again that was one night, two rounds rather than two & three.
What do you mean by “in really bad condition “? The weather this summer has been extreme and most courses have suffered from the heat. If you mean it has a few bare patches then you will find this on a lot of courses, especially those at the lower cost end as they won’t have the facilities or staff to water everywhere. Possibly same goes with course maintenance if they can’t afford/recruit enough green keepers

As most are once a year golfers, we are really not fussy, the course has never been in fantastic condition but for the price you couldn't really grumble...but this year (exacerbated by the weather) the fairways mostly have the look of a farmer's field; majority of the greens are full of bare/muddy patches and sand. Bunkers full of grass. We're not just talking an odd bare patch!
I have no idea how they're doing it for £80. Farthingstone used to be the cheapest I could ever find, and currently this is still a great deal!
Not sure about the village pub nearby but forest pines is a great golf hotel resort and a forum venue for a good few years
Not sure about the village pub nearby but forest pines is a great golf hotel resort and a forum venue for a good few years
I have stayed there a few years ago with the misses, we took a taxi into Brigg for our second night, two times taxi ride, evening meal and a good few beers, added up to far less than they were charging on the site.
I have stayed there a few years ago with the misses, we took a taxi into Brigg for our second night, two times taxi ride, evening meal and a good few beers, added up to far less than they were charging on the site.

Grew up in Brigg, pubs of all sorts there, local ales, a wetherspoons and a young persons pub. Then decent chinese, indian restaurants as well.