29-54 Handicappers


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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What is your club planning to do to accomodate the 29+ handicappers after Jan 1st?

Its still up in the air for us but we will probably keep to a max handicap 28 for board comps and maybe have a new KO comp specifically for high handicappers. I guess for monthly medals/stablefords we will integrate them into existing comps rather than to create new ones (until their numbers grow) maybe just allowing them to win division prizes rather than overall prize but will have to discuss with the committee.

I suppose some of our existing 28 handicappers will go up into the upper categories and we may accrue 1-2 new ones into the club over 2018 but not expecting there to be too many 29+ handicappers for a while. We only have one 33 handicapper (club handicap) at the moment!

The 2 main concerns for most clubs I reckon will be the extra time it may take to complete a round playing with one or more 54 handicapper and someone shooting gross 110 and coming in with net 56 and winning the overall prize!

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Not really a rules question.

As has been pointed out already there are many 28 handicappers who regularily shoot 110+ already; so that ones pretty irrelevant.

Initially there will be so few at most clubs that setting up dedicated competitions, let alone knock outs, would seem more of a 'second class citizens' label than of any practical relevance.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Not really a rules question.

As has been pointed out already there are many 28 handicappers who regularily shoot 110+ already; so that ones pretty irrelevant.

Initially there will be so few at most clubs that setting up dedicated competitions, let alone knock outs, would seem more of a 'second class citizens' label than of any practical relevance.

High handicapper KO will be probably something like 18-54.

No its not really a rules question so mods can move, really just asking how clubs plan to change their comps to accommodate the new cat 5 and 6 players.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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In terms of numbers I expect we will have 30 to 40 members reviewed (mix of ladies and gents). I think what we do will then be based on the numbers and the fact that a lot of these will be long term members who enjoy playing in the regular ladies and seniors comps.

As comps committee chair I am likely to suggest a limit for men of 36 for Saturday comps with a Trophy attached and no limit on ordinary comps.

Ladies and Seniors have their own committees.

Our Opens and some of the knockout comps already have handicap limits lower than the current maximum so I see no need to change these.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Be aware of Decision 1(j)

Dec.1(j) Limitation of handicaps in Qualifying Competitions

Q. May an Affiliated Club impose a limit of handicap to some of their Qualifying Competitions e.g.
insist that a player with a Playing Handicap of 27 competes from a handicap of 18?

A. This is contrary to the spirit of the UHS. Players must be allowed to play from their established
handicap. The player must play off full handicap and the correct Playing Handicap must be used when
calculating the Competition Scratch Score. The organising Committee may then adjust the
scores for the purpose of awarding prizes for the competition.

The Committee may of course restrict entry to members with a playing handicap of x or below.
Last edited:


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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A question out of general interest.

Does you club have any matchplay or strokeplay competitions where players are limited to the handicap they must play off although they are not prevented from entering?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 18, 2010
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A question out of general interest.

Does you club have any matchplay or strokeplay competitions where players are limited to the handicap they must play off although they are not prevented from entering?

Yes I'm sure we do. Mght be 24 and anybody above that may enter but play to 24. This is off the top of my head


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Any time we have a comp for 18hc and below we have a parallel comp for 19-28, I think this is the best way of doing it, we can all still play together on the day, just in different comps.

Matchplay-wise there's no limit other than when calculating the difference between teams in a foursome match the limit is 18 shots, i.e regardless of whether it's two scratch guys against two 28s, the 28s can only ever have 1 shot per hole. I presume this will continue on the introduction of the 29+ group.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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A question out of general interest.

Does you club have any matchplay or strokeplay competitions where players are limited to the handicap they must play off although they are not prevented from entering?

Yes, board comps, but only four in the year, limited to 18 handicap.


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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We are going to roll with it. Only one member has a club handicap, and there are only very few on 28, so just going to let it happen and see whats occurring.


Q-School Graduate
Apr 16, 2010
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That all changes come January 1st.

Surely the word "can" specifically says otherwise? :confused:

After 1st January 2018 Handicap Committees can increase handicaps above the current limits of 28.0 and 36.0, and they will also increase above those limits automatically as a result of above Buffer Zone returns in Qualifying Competitions and Supplementary Score submissions.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 18, 2010
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Thanks. Stroke Play or matchplay?

Just looked at clubs competition manual. Matchplay comps have maximum handicap entry. Anybody higher must play at the maximum. One stroke play comp is the same wording as the Matchplay. All other strokeplay is just worded maximum


Challenge Tour Pro
Nov 27, 2013
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Surely the word "can" specifically says otherwise? :confused:

After 1st January 2018 Handicap Committees can increase handicaps above the current limits of 28.0 and 36.0, and they will also increase above those limits automatically as a result of above Buffer Zone returns in Qualifying Competitions and Supplementary Score submissions.

You're confusing the matter. The use of the word 'can' in this context has nothing to do with allowing entry into competitions.

After 1st January, my committee 'can' increase a member's handicap to (for the sake of example) 32.0
So this refers to manual adjustments that 'can' be applied, by my committee, above what used to be a limit of 28.0

The statement also explains that handicapping software, such as IG, 'will' increase above the 28.0 limit if the member's result in a competition warrants this.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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Any time we have a comp for 18hc and below we have a parallel comp for 19-28, I think this is the best way of doing it, we can all still play together on the day, just in different comps.

Matchplay-wise there's no limit other than when calculating the difference between teams in a foursome match the limit is 18 shots, i.e regardless of whether it's two scratch guys against two 28s, the 28s can only ever have 1 shot per hole. I presume this will continue on the introduction of the 29+ group.

Appendix F of the CONGU manual tells you that the mandatory allowance for Foursomes matchplay is 1/2 the difference between the combined handicaps. This does not allow you to limit that difference.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Surely the word "can" specifically says otherwise? :confused:

After 1st January 2018 Handicap Committees can increase handicaps above the current limits of 28.0 and 36.0, and they will also increase above those limits automatically as a result of above Buffer Zone returns in Qualifying Competitions and Supplementary Score submissions.

Our view is quite simple, many of the payers will simply appear month after month on the Continuous Review Report (as they do now) so we are just delaying the inevitable if we do not revise them on the annual review.