World Handicap System - submitting own scores


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Feb 4, 2020
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Hi everyone.
Having retired, I now have the chance to play golf in both the UK and in Europe, specifically France. I have a question about the new WHS system. Am I able to submit my own scores (via the internet?) to a WHS application that will recalculate my handicap? As a travelling golfer I only go back to my club occasionally and without the ability to add scores, I cannot obtain an updated handicap.
Thanks, Nick


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Hi everyone.
Having retired, I now have the chance to play golf in both the UK and in Europe, specifically France. I have a question about the new WHS system. Am I able to submit my own scores (via the internet?) to a WHS application that will recalculate my handicap? As a travelling golfer I only go back to my club occasionally and without the ability to add scores, I cannot obtain an updated handicap.
Thanks, Nick
It is very likely that you will be able but initially it may depend on where you are as opposed to where your home club is.You can only have one 'Home' club.
At WHS start up handicap adjustments will not be forwarded to the WHS system of other national authorities. The player will be obliged to inform their home club. Ultimately it will all be linked.


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Feb 4, 2020
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It is very likely that you will be able but initially it may depend on where you are as opposed to where your home club is.You can only have one 'Home' club.
At WHS start up handicap adjustments will not be forwarded to the WHS system of other national authorities. The player will be obliged to inform their home club. Ultimately it will all be linked.

Thanks. Sounds like further work is required by the various associations to meet their objective of a single, global system


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Feb 21, 2013
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It seems to be up and running pretty well in the US after a few teething problems, mainly due to clubs not having done the preparatory work.


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Jul 22, 2019
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How would these scores be checked to ensure they were input correctly and where signed for? Or will that, at least at some point, not be a concern?


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Jul 31, 2015
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How would these scores be checked to ensure they were input correctly and where signed for? Or will that, at least at some point, not be a concern?

I asked this exact question at a recent county presentation on the WHS.

The answer that came back was effectively, that the system will rely entirely on the integrity of the player and his marker and that the marker should stand and watch the player enter his scores into whatever app/input method was being used.


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Jul 22, 2019
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I asked this exact question at a recent county presentation on the WHS.

The answer that came back was effectively, that the system will rely entirely on the integrity of the player and his marker and that the marker should stand and watch the player enter his scores into whatever app/input method was being used.
O dear.

Every year, we have to edit players scores when they have made honest mistakes in inputting it into the terminal. Sometimes by just a shot or 2, but other times they end up getting 70-80 stableford points, because they entered their stableford point score for each hole rather than their gross score. And it's not as if they've been on their own, they'll usually have had the guys in their group standing around them while they do it.

Even though I trust the integrity of golfers (well, the vast majority), this does worry me.

Thanks for the info though, it was probably a question I was going to raise myself in a couple of weeks.


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Aug 22, 2015
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O dear.

Every year, we have to edit players scores when they have made honest mistakes in inputting it into the terminal. Sometimes by just a shot or 2, but other times they end up getting 70-80 stableford points, because they entered their stableford point score for each hole rather than their gross score. And it's not as if they've been on their own, they'll usually have had the guys in their group standing around them while they do it.

Guilty as charged m'lud, much to the amusement of everyone in the bar where a tv screen showed a live leaderboard of the day's scores :ROFLMAO:
Only positive was the the club captain admitted to doing the same a year or so earlier :p


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Feb 21, 2013
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Every year, we have to edit players scores when they have made honest mistakes in inputting it into the terminal. Sometimes by just a shot or 2, but other times they end up getting 70-80 stableford points, because they entered their stableford point score for each hole rather than their gross score. And it's not as if they've been on their own, they'll usually have had the guys in their group standing around them while they do it.
The WHS does not make it mandatory for the player himself to enter scores. The Rules of Golf still require a marked card to be returned. If you club want the hcap sec or anyone else to enter the scores into a psi etc, then they can.
How do you currently 'trap' these faulty scores?
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Jul 22, 2019
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The WHA does make it mandatory for the player himself to enter scores. The Rules of Golf still require a marked card to be returned. If you club want the hcap sec or anyone else to enter the scores into a psi etc, then they can.
How do you currently 'trap' these faulty scores?
I directly enter all players supplementary cards. In competitions, the players enter on computer, then checked by comp sec before closure


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Feb 21, 2013
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I directly enter all players supplementary cards. In competitions, the players enter on computer, then checked by comp sec before closure
No reason not to continue the process but there is a correction facility.
Note. Competitions don't have to closed on the day to submit scores and if scores are not submitted on the day it may an effect on the PCC.


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Jul 22, 2019
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Why don't you allow the player to enter their own supplementary cards out of interest.
They are allowed, but none choose to do so. We don't get many, perhaps a handful every week in summer. To be honest, it is touch and go whether computer is ever on. Sometimes owner has it turned off for reasons unknown, or it is temperamental and locks up.

However, if they did enter in computer, no problem. After all, I still have to accept them before they are processed and make any changes to players handicap.

My concern with the subject on this post, where players getting into a habit of simply entering their scores in an ap at home, their score effecting the playing condition factor of that day and then me finding out a day or more later it was entered incorrectly. Or, finding lots of golfers forgetting to submit cards entirely.

With supplementary cards I get the biggest issues in finding errors. Things like no date on card, no tees marked, multiple scores in one card but expecting me to process all scores on that card. The reason being, a lot of people handing in supplementary cards don't really have much or any experience in competitions so have had no real guidance before. Even with a clear poster on Noticeboard at club on how to fill a card in, this is often overlooked or aspects ignored.

If we ever get to a situation where we are encouraging players to enter every score they can, and giving them apps to do so, it could potentially get very messy for a handicap secretary to sort out what is fine and what isn't. Hopefully that is some way off though


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It would seem to be a club culture problem.
I'd be surprised if it wasn't more common than you think.

Some clubs, well established and maybe expensive, attract more serious golfers. People who are willing to learn the ropes, and will expect they have responsibilities.

Other clubs are run on a much tighter budget, cheap membership and attract golfers of all levels. From serious golfers who play in competitions, to recreational golfer and beginners who are happy just to play with their mates every weekend, but over time may fancy getting themselves a handicap.

Our club fit into the latter. We have no way of reaching out to every single golfer, nor do most really care. We do try though, sending out general emails from time to time to anyone with an email address, and putting information on Noticeboard. We are also not a members club, so we do rely on the Owner to play ball. He does most of time, but he is not a golfer himself, so sometimes he does things differently to what we may have done if we ran the club. But, overall, the club is successful so kudos to him.

It would be a shame if the golfing authorities made all their decisions based on the assumption all golf clubs are run like the top clubs in each county. They'd be wrong. Maybe WHS will run like clockwork at St Andrew's and Wentworth, but it might pose problems in places for clubs with a "culture problem"


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Mar 4, 2012
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I cannot see any way an individual player can enter is own supplementary score in the ClubV1 software. Unless each player can get set up with an user id and there is a way of restricting then to just their record.

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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I cannot see any way an individual player can enter is own supplementary score in the ClubV1 software. Unless each player can get set up with an user id and there is a way of restricting then to just their record.
Forget how I did it now but initially went through the help desk. Players were able to enter score via PSI and then had to be accepted by those with the correct rights.