..with x blobs (why?)


Deleted member 15344

The one I laugh at is when some says 38 points and blobbed the last

Or 39 and went 1 point 1 point for the last 2.

People act like the points at the end of the round are worth more than the rest 🤣

That’s because if it comes to count back the back 9 scores and indeed back 6 and 3 become key

Plenty have missed out on wins because of finishing poorly


Head Pro
Oct 20, 2016
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Another downside is shotgun #Stableford starting on back nine. Your always going to attack over last 6 holes if your in touch with a good score sadly I always get the dam back nine start #Argh

Must improve my starts where ever I start.


Sep 11, 2011
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What's wrong with saying 36 with x blobs? Its just conversation piece. Commiserate or call them a knob, have a bit of fun. Ask them where it went all wrong.

The one that get's my goat is the PP who gives you a blow by blow account of their round, and you were out there and saw it all anyway. Once the round is over I'd rather talk about anything other than how badly I played...


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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What's wrong with saying 36 with x blobs? Its just conversation piece. Commiserate or call them a knob, have a bit of fun. Ask them where it went all wrong.

The one that get's my goat is the PP who gives you a blow by blow account of their round, and you were out there and saw it all anyway. Once the round is over I'd rather talk about anything other than how badly I played...


Deleted member 1147

Is it ever ok to state your score and add a qualifying statement?

How about my score at HFH this year - 30 points, hit it well but had 6x3 putts?

It tells anyone, who asked how I got on, that I hit plenty of GIR (not necessarily close to the pin) but I struggled on the greens.

Does that drive you to fits of pique (only asking because that would be my usual response, so you'd better never talk to me about my game)

Deleted member 16999

Is it ever ok to state your score and add a qualifying statement?

How about my score at HFH this year - 30 points, hit it well but had 6x3 putts?

It tells anyone, who asked how I got on, that I hit plenty of GIR (not necessarily close to the pin) but I struggled on the greens.

Does that drive you to fits of pique (only asking because that would be my usual response, so you'd better never talk to me about my game)
As previously posted, we’re on a forum and the posts on the threads about how you played would be pretty dull if it was simply a No,
If people aren’t interested in qualifying statements then surely it’s easy to either refrain from posting their score or ignore those that do.

I think hobbit summed it up well.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
I do this as well. I think it is because when I have more than one or two blobs during a round, it feels like I cannot get a decent score going, and so, if I still manage to get 36 pts together, or even more than that, I feel it worth mentioning, because it is a way of saying that it was an emotionally challenging up and down round and not a smooth ride.

Deleted member 21258

It always astounds me that such minor things can raise a scratch let alone an irritation in anyone. Its one of the most common said things post round. I'm glad it does not irritate me, otherwise I would be permanently irked


You can talk to me about every shot, tell me about every blob, moan about the weather, even talk to me about football or rugby that I don't watch, and I don't mind. I would much rather play with someone that chats all the way round and afterwards, rather than Mr Silent but that doesn't even bother me. Just happy to be out there enjoying myself rather than working 24/7 nowdays.

Have I mentioned I played yesterday scored 37 points, with 2 blobs from 2 lost balls(one in the leaves and one in the trees), 3 putted twice, 2 birdies, managed to par the last and I lost several tee pegs which really annoys me :ears:

Deleted member 1147

Have I mentioned I played yesterday scored 37 points, with 2 blobs from 2 lost balls(one in the leaves and one in the trees), 3 putted twice, 2 birdies, managed to par the last and I lost several tee pegs which really annoys me :ears:

Get over yourself will ya :rolleyes:

Good shootin' - I shot 2 over on saturday and that included a lost ball on the 5th, it was under the trees about 176 yds from the front edge of the green, I had hacked out of some other trees to that point and saw it motor into the leaves so hit a provisional. I only managed 1 birdie over the round but played pretty well really (very solid). But that 1 blob really annoyed me!

How about everyone else, good scores? any annoying blobs?

Deleted member 18588

As I rarely, if ever, read the "I played today..." threads (not in the least interested in other's rounds) the blobs reference is not an issue for me.

The point I was attempting to make in my previous post was that I don't understand when Stableford became the generally accepted form of scoring other than for specific comps.

Why not medal (gross or net) or matchplay.?


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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As I rarely, if ever, read the "I played today..." threads (not in the least interested in other's rounds) the blobs reference is not an issue for me.

The point I was attempting to make in my previous post was that I don't understand when Stableford became the generally accepted form of scoring other than for specific comps.

Why not medal (gross or net) or matchplay.?

Because of that other annoying habit of announcing your score and not stating if its gross or net (or worse still, only announcing your gross score when its a handicap comp!)

Stableford scoring removes the uncertainty (or fills in the blanks)


Tour Rookie
Apr 4, 2013
I don't have a problem with it.

If someone told me 'I scored 36 points with 2 blobs', what they are saying is 'I played really well over 16 holes and could have shot 38-40 points had I not messed up two holes'. What's wrong with that?

They are just clarifying their round for you.

What if someone told you they made 4 three putts? Would that be as bad as saying '2 blobs'?


Journeyman Pro
Feb 22, 2012
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I wouldn't normally announce the number of blobs attached to my score, although I might offer it as an explanation of a poor round. E.g. "32 points, played ok generally, but blobs on 5, 9 and 12 cost me".

The exception to the general rule above came when I scored 45 points (in a board comp) having blobbed two holes. In that case though, it was in the context of how embarrassng it would have been had I come in with 49 or 50 points! I had one of those freak days which came from nowhere and I played so much better than I ever had before.

Overall, I don't really care if people tell me how many blobs they had, in the case of some higher handicappers I play with, blobs are just part of their game so I don't think how many blobs they have is relevant info really, but even so, I don't mind if they tell me anyway.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Is it ever ok to state your score and add a qualifying statement?

How about my score at HFH this year - 30 points, hit it well but had 6x3 putts?

It tells anyone, who asked how I got on, that I hit plenty of GIR (not necessarily close to the pin) but I struggled on the greens.

Does that drive you to fits of pique (only asking because that would be my usual response, so you'd better never talk to me about my game)

Sure, personally I'm often interested in how people's rounds have gone :thup:
(Not in shot by shot detail though perhaps)

Who said they were driven to fits of pique? :confused:
I think the opening post quite clearly mentioned it as a minor annoyance


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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What's wrong with saying 36 with x blobs? Its just conversation piece. Commiserate or call them a knob, have a bit of fun. Ask them where it went all wrong.

The one that get's my goat is the PP who gives you a blow by blow account of their round, and you were out there and saw it all anyway. Once the round is over I'd rather talk about anything other than how badly I played...
You do sometimes talk sense.;)

We have a rule with mates that you can talk us through your round from after you putt out on the 18th. Happy to hear what someone scored, but have absolutely no interest in a blow by blow account.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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You do sometimes talk sense.;)

We have a rule with mates that you can talk us through your round from after you putt out on the 18th. Happy to hear what someone scored, but have absolutely no interest in a blow by blow account.

Good idea :)

Another minor annoyance is being told about every shot they've just played and what they did wrong :mad:

Oh and also being told how unlucky someone is whenever they're faced with a bad lie, blocked out, near a root etc (try hitting the f/w :mad:)

The odd time is OK but it does grate

* I probably sometimes am guilty of both offences too :whistle: ;)


Sep 11, 2011
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Another minor annoyance is being told about every shot they've just played and what they did wrong :mad:

The what they did wrong syndrome!

I used to play with a guy who was convinced all his mistakes weren't his fault. The excuses were legend. He could hear a sparrow fart 3 fairways away, and he just hated loud noises like that.