I'm scared to go near it, as I have no idea how broke it is, or how finished it is. Could spend hours on it, then suddenly it all changes again?
Simply giving new golfers an Index equal to Congu handicap is worrying, given virtually all golfers who have submitted lots of scores have a handicap index lower than Congu. It means we have ridiculous situations where an experienced golfer with Congu of 28.6 gets a course handicap of 29 off yellows, whereas a new golfer with Congu 28 gets a course handicap of 32. These will stick out like sore thumbs in our winter league. I could try and change them, but someone says these are only indicative and may well change.
In a different thread, I asked whether there were any max scores for holes for the initial cards and apparently it is +5 per hole (and not double par as per Congu rules). Therefore, if you take the three intial cards, it is quite likely that you will get a handicap higher than the one calculated for Congu, e.g. for a 28 handicap if they get a few 10s on par 4s they will only be cut down to 9 under WHS, but would have been cut down to 8 under Congu. Same applies if someone gets e.g. an 8 on a par three.
I wonder if using the 3 cards and calculating a new WHS handicap, you could get a higher index than the Congu handicap, so this is what it has been capped at?