Where Playing Partners Stand when I tee off

Where do you like your PP or FC to stand when teeing off

  • Somewhere In front of you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind you

    Votes: 12 5.3%
  • Somewhere behind ball

    Votes: 11 4.9%
  • I don't care as long as they are quiet, still and out of the way

    Votes: 187 83.1%
  • I am now aware of HNSP etiquette and will be using it in the future

    Votes: 3 1.3%

  • Total voters


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Or to check how far it is carry the bunker or make the corner of the dogleg.......

That having never played your own course before you have absolutely no idea about :) Anyway - not for this thread since as well as on the matter of the existence of a HNSP - I have eccentric views on the use of GPS/DMDs :)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I can't believe it's got to 96 pages so far. Oh and in the poll there is no vote for couldn't care less as its makes no diference to anyone's game as we are not professionals and we are here for enjoyment :ears:

The underlying point that I and a few others are making is that we think that where you stand is a matter of etiquette that has been long established.

My issue (and realisation of much surprise) is that most here do not seem to be aware of this etiquette, and indeeds dismiss the very notion that it is or even may be a matter of etiquette, and since they do not know of it seem quite happy to dismiss what we are confident to be the case.

Many and varied alternatives on where to stand with rationale are given - most of which is true and reasonable, and much is written about what you do when you are waiting to play (keep still, keep quiet etc) but all of which rather misses the very simple point that we have been making.

I'll add - is it not perhaps a little curious that such as DfT and myself and a few others have exactly the same understanding given that we are in no way connected other than by this forum. Curious that we would have all made up the same thing and then each had it confirmed by others (until now) through our golfing lives.
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Deleted member 15344

The problem is when you first started posting in this thread you basically accused everyone else of being wrong and your opinion being the only right one.

Obviously another poster has called everyone stupid for not following this ( well it's not a rule. ) position.

Using phrases like "universally accepted" when it's clears it isn't is always going to rub people up the wrong way

4 people as opposed up everyone else - majority seem to think different

Maybe that says something to everyone and it should


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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The problem is when you first started posting in this thread you basically accused everyone else of being wrong and your opinion being the only right one.

Obviously another poster has called everyone stupid for not following this ( well it's not a rule. ) position.

Using phrases like "universally accepted" when it's clears it isn't is always going to rub people up the wrong way

4 people as opposed up everyone else - majority seem to think different

Maybe that says something to everyone and it should

I mentioned before that of course I would take that view as I was absolutely convinced (as I still am) that it is a matter of long, long established etiquette. It has only been since I stated that as it was a matter of etiquette then it DID matter where folk stood (etc) that I have realised (frankly to my amazement) that most on here haven't even heard of it.

And surely all matters of etiquette (whether or not this is one) are universally accepted
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Pistol Peter

Oct 9, 2013
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The problem is when you first started posting in this thread you basically accused everyone else of being wrong and your opinion being the only right one.

Obviously another poster has called everyone stupid for not following this ( well it's not a rule. ) position.

Using phrases like "universally accepted" when it's clears it isn't is always going to rub people up the wrong way

4 people as opposed up everyone else - majority seem to think different

Maybe that says something to everyone and it should

I guess you can lead a horse to the water but you can't make it drink it, start thinking that you have learned from this thread and move on. I for one after asking "Golfers" have learned that what Hogan has said is the way it should be.......


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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The underlying point that I and a few others are making is that we think that where you stand is a matter of etiquette that has been long established.

My issue (and realisation of much surprise) is that most here do not seem to be aware of this etiquette, and indeeds dismiss the very notion that it is or even may be a matter of etiquette, and since they do not know of it seem quite happy to dismiss what we are confident to be the case.

Many and varied alternatives on where to stand with rationale are given - most of which is true and reasonable, and much is written about what you do when you are waiting to play (keep still, keep quiet etc) but all of which rather misses the very simple point that we have been making.

I'll add - is it not perhaps a little curious that such as DfT and myself and a few others have exactly the same understanding given that we are in no way connected other than by this forum. Curious that we would have all made up the same thing and then each had it confirmed by others (until now) through our golfing lives.

Here we go again (where's the kill me now smiley)

What is laughable/ironic is that you castigate people for not accepting your belief whilst not listening or considering alternatives.

Your first sentence would diffuse everything if you added "where practical" at the end.

I learned to play golf in St. Andrews, the self styled (perhaps) "home of golf" and, as I mentioned in a previous post you ignored as it doesn't fit your agenda, nobody who taught me there traipsed back and forth across tees or forced this universally accepted custom on playing partners.

Maybe a salt and sauce or salt and vinegar difference :whistle:

Deleted member 15344

But even then when realising that the majority have never heard of it you still treated those people as ignorant golfers who fail to observe etiquette on a golf course

Yesterday I mentioned that not one person followed this "universally accepted" position and you just dismissed them as not knowing the game and not being brought up within the game well enough

It's extremly rude to judge people that way and disappointing

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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One of the players in our regular four ball is a Cat 1 & a former County player, and I tend to stand behind him, so I put the question to him. He said he far prefers it when people stand behind him as he can't see them. Made a point of standing in front of him on our first (we started from the 10th) and he pointed out afterwards that he could see me.

So, next week, do I stand in front of him, where I may be in his peripheral vision, to comply with the age-old rule of etiquette, or do I continue to be ignorant and stand behind him where he would prefer that I was?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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But even then when realising that the majority have never heard of it you still treated those people as ignorant golfers who fail to observe etiquette on a golf course

Yesterday I mentioned that not one person followed this "universally accepted" position and you just dismissed them as not knowing the game and not being brought up within the game well enough

It's extremly rude to judge people that way and disappointing

You can be ignorant of something without being ignorant - I think I made that point.

And any 'dismissing' I have done has been tongue in cheek and simply in response to the nature of the dismissal that has been handed out by most here of what I and others understand to be true.

There's seems to be a complete lack of acceptance in any way that what I and some others say could in fact be true - even although most on here and their mates haven't heard of it. I haven't seen the world's tallest tree - doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I was told where to stand when I first starting playing, probably about the same time as SILH. I started as a junior and you had to know the etiquette of the game before you were allowed on the course. Obviously there will be times when you can't stand to the side of someone teeing off because of the tee position, and it that case you stand else where. Personally I have no problem with where anyone stands as long as it is not directly behind the ball, but that is just me.

Have we discussed where to stand when someone is putting yet ?:whistle:


Girls, Girls, Girls..... Can we stop bickering over this..

I play with multiple partners. I stand where I think I wont interfere with their game. If however they have a preference, I will listen to them and change where I stand. I will expect them to do likewise (which I hope is received wisdom or atleast not being rude to your partners)

I am just wondering when the Mods will step in and put this thread out of its misery.. IMHO, this has run its course.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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One of the players in our regular four ball is a Cat 1 & a former County player, and I tend to stand behind him, so I put the question to him. He said he far prefers it when people stand behind him as he can't see them. Made a point of standing in front of him on our first (we started from the 10th) and he pointed out afterwards that he could see me.

So, next week, do I stand in front of him, where I may be in his peripheral vision, to comply with the age-old rule of etiquette, or do I continue to be ignorant and stand behind him where he would prefer that I was?

Which is all good and true - but doesn't address whether there is a HNSP (which I believe was understood as etiquette). Your buddy simply expressed a preference that, of course, over-rides the HNSP. Us few proponents of the HNSP have never suggested otherwise.

Deleted member 15344

Yes what you have been told could easily be some old etiquette that some people followed at some time

But it's not this convention or any other phrase you mentioned

In all the years of you playing has every single person always stood directly opposite you whilst you tee off - I highly doubt that they off - so surely then you should have realised that you are just following one etiquette statement

People can't be ignorant to something they didn't even know exsists

And yes you suggested that me and my FC were ignorant to etiquette and suggested it's how we were brought into golf - that's very rude.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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Girls, Girls, Girls..... Can we stop bickering over this..

I play with multiple partners. I stand where I think I wont interfere with their game. If however they have a preference, I will listen to them and change where I stand. I will expect them to do likewise (which I hope is received wisdom or atleast not being rude to your partners)

I am just wondering when the Mods will step in and put this thread out of its misery.. IMHO, this has run its course.

Hey stop trying to ruin the fun. We are going for 1000 posts.:p


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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You can be ignorant of something without being ignorant - I think I made that point.

And any 'dismissing' I have done has been tongue in cheek and simply in response to the nature of the dismissal that has been handed out by most here of what I and others understand to be true.

There's seems to be a complete lack of acceptance in any way that what I and some others say could in fact be true - even although most on here and their mates haven't heard of it. I haven't seen the world's tallest tree - doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
Your tree exists but not for ever I'm afraid, because everything changes with time . Even golf's long established rules and etiquette change .
Even though some older guys don't like it we have to accept it.