When will it end?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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Well it started by getting up to rain, that turned to a full-on snow blizzard, now there's not a cloud in the sky, its as blue as blue can be with a gentle breeze, but, the damage is done because it so sodden underfoot.

This weather is just on the wind up.....

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Originally Posted by Hacker Khan

I've had a message from the hundreds of thousands affected by Hurrican Katrina, and the Asian Tsunami , few years ago. They send their sympathies to the people of Somerset who have only lost their homes and some possessions. They say keep strong, they are thinking of you.

Comments like this always amuse me. Problems are relative, sure, but crutially they are also subjective. That is to say that other people affected by natural disasters or generally in a worse off position, comparatively, to our own, simply aren't relevant to our personal circumstance.

If you want to go down that path of reasoning, where do you draw the line? Why not strike everyone's worries off the table and tell them they shouldn't be complaining about anything at all, because they don't live in a war zone, or weren't born with AIDs?

Endless comparisons may be drawn demonstrating how others are always worse of than you, to varying levels of the ridiculous, but ultimately nothing is relevant to the self other than one's own personal circumstance, or the circumstances of those they are emotionally connected to.

In other words; I just want to play golf, am sick of the weather and wish the sun would come out again ;).

Slight point of order in that I did not actually make that quote, someone else did and at the time I said I found it in poor taste.

My original quote/post was taking the mickey out of golfers complaining that they are on temps when peoples livelihoods are at risk from the same weather being experienced in the UK. I was highlighting the differences in what golfers are enduring with what people in Somerset and other regions are now enduring. Someone else started mentioning tsunamis and hurricanes.


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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Pretty woeful here, wind and rain for the last couple of days with a bit of snow and ice thrown in. Not checked on the status at the club as working all week but suspect that it will be closed at the weekend.

Still, at least I am off to watch the Ice Hockey at Nottingham this weekend against Belfast. That is inside so the weather cannot kill that off.

Hacker Khan

Yurt Dwelling, Yoghurt Knitter
Aug 28, 2012
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Some really nasty weather coming to North Wales and the North West in the next few hours, so if you are in that part of the world then stay safe.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Some really nasty weather coming to North Wales and the North West in the next few hours, so if you are in that part of the world then stay safe.

I am (in the north west) we have had a right drenching up until now, the heavens are clearing up and I can see blue. It could all change again soon as the winds are howling.


Tour Rookie
Jul 16, 2009
The Tayside Riviera
I'm working from home today and having not practiced the head cover drill that my pro insisted, during my lesson on Sunday, I need to ingrain to stop me coming over the top I intended hitting the practice ground for an hour before work. A warm bed for an extra hour proved too much of a temptation though, which was a mistake because when I let the dog out before starting work it was a beautiful morning, cold and crisp but with a bit of sun and just a breeze.

Forced myself to head along to the practice ground despite the wind picking up to 30mph - I really don't like playing in that sort of wind normally but went through the drill and then started hitting shots without the normal flying right elbow - what a difference keeping that elbow in tighter makes, lower ball flight, a fair bit further on each iron and a nice little controlled draw - I was out there for an hour and if I hadn't had to go back to work I'd have stayed - most fun I've had hitting a golf ball ever.

Got home just as it started spitting rain and the last couple of hours have seen a big storm here - wind's up to 45mph now.

I've got a day off tomorrow and forecast for afternoon is windy but fine - can't wait to get out there and hit the course.


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2012
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This weather is on the wind up.

After a full-on hail/sleet storm it then went pure blue skies with the sun glowing, so, I thought I'd get Max around the block whilst I could. Got out and still not a cloud in the sky but the wind was severe, didn't realise sitting in the house how bad the wind was. Anyway, got about a mile down the road and it suddenly went pitch black in minutes and then, wallop, the heavens opened up again and me and Max got soaked racing to get back to the house!

Got all the soaking gear off, towel dried Max and now its all blue skies and sun blaring again!!

Its taking the pish :angry:


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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This weather is on the wind up.

After a full-on hail/sleet storm it then went pure blue skies with the sun glowing, so, I thought I'd get Max around the block whilst I could. Got out and still not a cloud in the sky but the wind was severe, didn't realise sitting in the house how bad the wind was. Anyway, got about a mile down the road and it suddenly went pitch black in minutes and then, wallop, the heavens opened up again and me and Max got soaked racing to get back to the house!

Got all the soaking gear off, towel dried Max and now its all blue skies and sun blaring again!!

Its taking the pish :angry:

That normally happens to me when I go running. A few weeks ago I went out in clear blue skies, got 2 miles into my run and got hit by an almighty hail storm, by the time I got back home it was blue sky again, went out again a couple of days later and the exact same thing happened :mad:


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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That normally happens to me when I go running. A few weeks ago I went out in clear blue skies, got 2 miles into my run and got hit by an almighty hail storm, by the time I got back home it was blue sky again, went out again a couple of days later and the exact same thing happened :mad:

Don't you think someone might be telling you something there Mike....?


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2009
Wroclaw, Poland
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Pictures on Facebook this morning of the damage done back home apparently Morrison's has been rebranded as Son's in Nantwich and Sunny Crewe (official title) has been on the news as the roof has yet again blown off the railway station, as a town that's only there because of the railway you'd think we'd take better care of the station!