or if you play in a comp every week and occasionally have a good score, and not the barest min and only play Texas scrambles and match play

I don't think it necessarily ever goes away unless you reach single figures, and then I'm picking an arbitary cut off point. Normally said by those that have played poorly and shot over handicap and tinged by a hint of jealousy. It can be said in mocking and friendly fashion too and I'm often calling Ads749r a bandit, especially after his last few months but I know how hard he's been working with our assistant and pleased to see him getting his due
I was 4 under hcp at the weekend and shot 38 points. I am currently a bandit. Glad that's off my chest 
Low handicappers are never jealous of a higher handicapper scoring well but they may be frustrated with the fact that they can never score 46 pts. People seem to forget in club golf that fewest shots is what wins at golf, handicaps are good to a point but at a lot of clubs there is only one comp per year (club champs) where the best golf is rewarded. Not sure that's quite the right balance.
Low handicappers are never jealous of a higher handicapper scoring well but they may be frustrated with the fact that they can never score 46 pts. People seem to forget in club golf that fewest shots is what wins at golf, handicaps are good to a point but at a lot of clubs there is only one comp per year (club champs) where the best golf is rewarded. Not sure that's quite the right balance.
Spot on, apart from the frustrated bit. If a higher handicapper posts 46pts, good luck to him/her and well done. Its been happening forever and a day, and in the dim and distant past I'll have done it - can't remember that far back though.
The only handicap bandits are those that actively manage their handicaps to an artificially high level in the hope that it'll give them a better chance of scooping the prizes.
If par is, say, 71 and SSS is 73 then would not 46 points equate to 8 under handicap.
I think its possible if the CSS was 69 (38 points) then the OP could have shot 46 points and Net Difference would be 8 under.
Not got time at the moment to put up my scores, as I'm sat in traffic on the M3 ( I'm not the driver ) but when I get home tonight I will put up what and which hole I scored, seeing as many here don't seem to believe its possible.
I had the card checked by two others, so unless all 3 of us made mistakes I'm sure it's right.
I find golf society's are bandit territory. We don't allow new members to win on the first event unless they have a congu handicap. to often people say I don't have a handicap, best put me down for 28.......
How many times: CSS or SSS have no bearing on the number of points scored. The OP plays off of 19 and shot 82 (8 under handicap) on a par 71 course and says he scored 46 points. You can stick and number you want on SSS and CSS, it won't change the actual gross score or number of points.
SSS at Blackmoor is 1 over par, if I score 36 points I do 't go round telling everyone I scored 37.