What would YOU do?


Nov 19, 2016
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Hi all,
I'm a new member here and I hate to begin with a question, but a bit of assistance from someone 'in the know' would be much appreciated.....

Okay then, recently, I had to exclude a player from a competition because I didn't find his scorecard in our card box following the competition.

He is adamant he posted the card and I have proof that he did enter the competition (signing on sheet) though only his and his markers 'word' that he did return his card.

I can appreciate that the 'non-return' is against our club rules and that I must impose our club's penalty - a D/Q and a 15 day match ban - but has the player any redress with the club I wonder? In other words, can he take issue with the club's decision and press for further investigation of the matter?

Also, as the person who collects and scores the cards, is there any way I can 'protect' myself from claims of 'fiddling?' - Not that I ever have or ever would!

Any replies/comments will be gratefully received.
HatedOfficial :)


Sep 11, 2011
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Think you've answered your own question. As it's you that checked the box, and rechecked it I dare say, before imposing the club comp rule it just his word against yours. The evidence is no card in the box, not an opinion. Stick to your decision.


Nov 19, 2016
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Think you've answered your own question. As it's you that checked the box, and rechecked it I dare say, before imposing the club comp rule it just his word against yours. The evidence is no card in the box, not an opinion. Stick to your decision.

Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, there is a slight complication here: The player in question isn't a popular member of our club and indeed, other members are indicating that they may not rejoin for 2017 if he does! I have developed a 'conspiracy theory' regarding the possibility that the box may have been tampered with and his card removed! :-(


Provider of Entertainment for the Golfing Gods 🙄
Oct 29, 2009
Aylesbury Bucks
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a can of worms has just been opened

You know the guy entered
you know his marker marked the card and probably the markers card carries the guys score
You know the card is missing
you suspect the card has been misappropriated by members of the gang who want the guy out, but have no proof
There is no reason to suspect that the guy didnt put his card in.

What would Judge Rinder do?

Its a DQ as no card
the 15 day ban seems harsh as it appears not to have been his fault

How many members are in the gang? do they bring value to the club? are they future/past club officers or troublemakers
why is the guy unpopular?

so many questions,

Going to move this to the lounge
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, there is a slight complication here: The player in question isn't a popular member of our club and indeed, other members are indicating that they may not rejoin for 2017 if he does! I have developed a 'conspiracy theory' regarding the possibility that the box may have been tampered with and his card removed! :-(

You can't possibly work on that basis. Only on the facts as presented to you. I.e. No card in the box. Proceed as originally stated and let others worry about the possibilities.


Assistant Pro
Oct 26, 2016
NW Blighty
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If you can't be certain that the box was locked, then applying the 15-day ban appears harsh to me given that two people say the card was posted. The DQ still applies as you have no signed card to enter the scores.


Sep 11, 2011
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Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, there is a slight complication here: The player in question isn't a popular member of our club and indeed, other members are indicating that they may not rejoin for 2017 if he does! I have developed a 'conspiracy theory' regarding the possibility that the box may have been tampered with and his card removed! :-(

Whoa! You're now way beyond 'the guy forgot to put his card in. Slight complication? First of all, you can't make assumptions about Martians abducting the club captain. Just as plausible or otherwise without facts.

If you're club comp sec, you need to put a process in place that protects the integrity of the comps, and that includes access to the cards. If you have a genuine concern, take it to the monthly committee meeting but be prepared to be shot down. You have no evidence.

You have no choice but to stick with the current comp rules. If you don't, you'll get everyone and their dog ripping you to pieces. Then change where/how you keep the spare key, e.g. leave the spare key with someone on committee that you trust.


Nov 19, 2016
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Whoa! You're now way beyond 'the guy forgot to put his card in. Slight complication? First of all, you can't make assumptions about Martians abducting the club captain. Just as plausible or otherwise without facts.

If you're club comp sec, you need to put a process in place that protects the integrity of the comps, and that includes access to the cards. If you have a genuine concern, take it to the monthly committee meeting but be prepared to be shot down. You have no evidence.

You have no choice but to stick with the current comp rules. If you don't, you'll get everyone and their dog ripping you to pieces. Then change where/how you keep the spare key, e.g. leave the spare key with someone on committee that you trust.

If only it were that simple! I have already emailed the full committee with my concerns. As yet, I have had one reply from a colleague whom I trust and one from someone with conflicting vested interests who has accused me of accusing HIM of being dishonest! Why Do we, as club officials, lay ourselves open to this bo**ocks! :)


Sep 11, 2011
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If only it were that simple! I have already emailed the full committee with my concerns. As yet, I have had one reply from a colleague whom I trust and one from someone with conflicting vested interests who has accused me of accusing HIM of being dishonest! Why Do we, as club officials, lay ourselves open to this bo**ocks! :)

But it is that simple. You're the one using assumptions as facts, and deciding your actions based on those assumed facts.

You may well be 110% accurate with your assumptions, but no evidence makes it deniable. You're on shaky ground and heading for a (potential) fall. Only fight the battles you can win.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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If only it were that simple! I have already emailed the full committee with my concerns. As yet, I have had one reply from a colleague whom I trust and one from someone with conflicting vested interests who has accused me of accusing HIM of being dishonest! Why Do we, as club officials, lay ourselves open to this bo**ocks! :)

You've been given the only answer twice.. You're obviously looking for someone to tell you that you can avoid giving the penalty.. Do you want the best advice or the advice that best suits the way you want to proceed? If it's the latter then let me know and I'll post that..


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Golf is about honesty and integrity blah blah... so apply the penalty as per your guidelines/rules and you have done your job. Anything outside that is not your job or role so if you follow it down that hole it's because you want/wanted to.

Do the former and no one can question you. Do the latter and anything can and will happen.

Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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Golf is about honesty and integrity blah blah... so apply the penalty as per your guidelines/rules and you have done your job. Anything outside that is not your job or role so if you follow it down that hole it's because you want/wanted to.

Do the former and no one can question you. Do the latter and anything can and will happen.

this with bells on ,do what the job says do no more ,when the poo hits the fan you have done nothing wrong and it will be passed to higher officials ie the committee ,and therefore out of your hands .

shivas irons

Dec 26, 2011
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Sounds like he is telling the truth but Its simple to me no card no score & a DQ,I would keep the box key away from members though and put up a notice that any tampering with club property will result in a lengthy comp ban.