What would YOU do?


Deleted member 15344

The answer is simple

You need the card as proof of the score - if it's not submitted then it's a DQ from the comp. A 15 day Comp ban is utterly ridiculous though.

And sanctions shouldn't really be given for people not putting a score into the PSI - it's a temperamental bit of kit that at times has response issues so wrong scores can be entered etc.


Journeyman Pro
Dec 20, 2014
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Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Doesn't seem fair to me. Not everyone can use a computer or see well enough to do so.

I would not be happy if my club took such measures. Totally understand that they would like people to do it but to impose a penalty is wrong in my opinion.

It's simply a terminal on a wall. We have many older members and some that can't see too well but playing partners will always assist and it's a very straightforward touch screen process. As long as the card and screen match, that's all there is to it. A couple of minutes at most to complete


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Doesn't seem fair to me. Not everyone can use a computer or see well enough to do so.

I would not be happy if my club took such measures. Totally understand that they would like people to do it but to impose a penalty is wrong in my opinion.

I'm 70 and i usually manage use the clubs touchscreen no probs, but if not, there's always some kind F/C who's been behind me for 4 hours to help out.
Then i mibbie even wave them through, at last. :D


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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It's simply a terminal on a wall. We have many older members and some that can't see too well but playing partners will always assist and it's a very straightforward touch screen process. As long as the card and screen match, that's all there is to it. A couple of minutes at most to complete

I do understand that!

I just think that a club with such a poor attitude needs to take a look at what they are doing.


Nov 16, 2011
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Hi all,
I'm a new member here and I hate to begin with a question, but a bit of assistance from someone 'in the know' would be much appreciated.....

Okay then, recently, I had to exclude a player from a competition because I didn't find his scorecard in our card box following the competition.

He is adamant he posted the card and I have proof that he did enter the competition (signing on sheet) though only his and his markers 'word' that he did return his card.

I can appreciate that the 'non-return' is against our club rules and that I must impose our club's penalty - a D/Q and a 15 day match ban - but has the player any redress with the club I wonder? In other words, can he take issue with the club's decision and press for further investigation of the matter?

Also, as the person who collects and scores the cards, is there any way I can 'protect' myself from claims of 'fiddling?' - Not that I ever have or ever would!

Any replies/comments will be gratefully received.
HatedOfficial :)

Seems to me that you are inclined to believe the player and his Marker!

I'd suggest that, given the potential for foul play, you defer the penalty until after a full Committee - Or at least the Match and Handicap Committee - is held and a 'multi-person' decision is made. To start that process, the player involved should make an appeal against the DQ & ban!

It does seem a touch harsh to ban for what may well simply be an act of forgetfulness! Certainly, a 2nd case in a playing year would warrant some punishment in addition to the DQ though!

A second person being present when you open the box and match those returned to the entry List would protect you from any possible accusation of impropriety.

The 'security' of spare keys to the Card Box should be reviewed too! Would it be better to have the box in a public place like the Pro Shop or Bar?


Sep 11, 2011
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Seems to me that you are inclined to believe the player and his Marker!

I'd suggest that, given the potential for foul play, you defer the penalty until after a full Committee - Or at least the Match and Handicap Committee - is held and a 'multi-person' decision is made. To start that process, the player involved should make an appeal against the DQ & ban!

It does seem a touch harsh to ban for what may well simply be an act of forgetfulness! Certainly, a 2nd case in a playing year would warrant some punishment in addition to the DQ though!

A second person being present when you open the box and match those returned to the entry List would protect you from any possible accusation of impropriety.

The 'security' of spare keys to the Card Box should be reviewed too! Would it be better to have the box in a public place like the Pro Shop or Bar?

Far too sensible. Are you sure you should be on a golf forum...;)


Nov 16, 2011
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Doesn't seem fair to me. Not everyone can use a computer or see well enough to do so.

I would not be happy if my club took such measures. Totally understand that they would like people to do it but to impose a penalty is wrong in my opinion.

Given the massive difference in time required by volunteers to process a comp with/without PSI (Player Score Input), it's not unreasonable for clubs to take some action against those who don't enter their scores - though I'd expect for 2nd and subsequent instances.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Doesn't seem fair to me. Not everyone can use a computer or see well enough to do so.

I would not be happy if my club took such measures. Totally understand that they would like people to do it but to impose a penalty is wrong in my opinion.

So is it that hard to ask someone else to do it for you on the day,if an eyesight problem?

If you cant be taught to press 18-25 buttons after a round, or again, ask someone to do it for you........

Have you served on a handicap committee - if not, believe me, there are enough lazy sods out there, or people trying to kick against the system to make the job hard enough as it is. It takes 2-3 minutes to do. Bans/punishments are needed.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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The answer is simple

You need the card as proof of the score - if it's not submitted then it's a DQ from the comp. A 15 day Comp ban is utterly ridiculous though.

And sanctions shouldn't really be given for people not putting a score into the PSI - it's a temperamental bit of kit that at times has response issues so wrong scores can be entered etc.

Occasional glitches, yes.

What do you do if lazy sods dont do it week after week,then?


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Sounds like a golf club with real issues and bitterness. I'm a member at three clubs, all of them have computers to enter comp scores, all of them will impose a DQ if the card is not in the box even if the scores is entered in the computer.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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I do understand that!

I just think that a club with such a poor attitude needs to take a look at what they are doing.

So the lazy arse, doesnt have the poor attitude and the voluntary club official does.

I think you have your priorities totally wrong.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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So the lazy arse, doesnt have the poor attitude and the voluntary club official does.

I think you have your priorities totally wrong.

How did clubs manage before computers?

BTW, I ALWAYS enter my score onto the computer as do most members. I don't see a problem if the odd person doesn't do it. A decent hcp official will be checking all the cards anyway.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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How did clubs manage before computers?

BTW, I ALWAYS enter my score onto the computer as do most members. I don't see a problem if the odd person doesn't do it. A decent hcp official will be checking all the cards anyway.

What did we do before we discovered coal - it doesnt matter.

Ok, why should 98% of people do it every week and 2% not?

I can live with people forgetting now and again, but people systematically not doing it, sorry, punish them. Probably the same people who go with 3 cards and book in 12 members every Sunday, 5 of which dont turn up on the day.......


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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What did we do before we discovered coal - it doesnt matter.

Ok, why should 98% of people do it every week and 2% not?

I can live with people forgetting now and again, but people systematically not doing it, sorry, punish them. Probably the same people who go with 3 cards and book in 12 members every Sunday, 5 of which dont turn up on the day.......

Sorry, you've lost me there.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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What did we do before we discovered coal - it doesnt matter.

Ok, why should 98% of people do it every week and 2% not?

I can live with people forgetting now and again, but people systematically not doing it, sorry, punish them. Probably the same people who go with 3 cards and book in 12 members every Sunday, 5 of which dont turn up on the day.......

Sorry, you've lost me there.
It's very simple really.... through personal experience I've found that its quite reasonable to remind inconsiderate folk of their responsibilities & apply sanctions if they fail to cooperate.... it happens lots in our society. Failing to enter in the PSI, return a score-card to the Box or 'No-show' for your tee-time deserve sanctions being applied.... though 15 days seems long, however it maybe that 7 days wasn't working


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Sorry, you've lost me there.

I dont know why, pretty clear really.

There are a small number of very inconsiderate/lazy golfers in any club and if they go unchecked it has bigger repercussions for the rest of the membership.

Things such as :-

1. Never entering their scores in the computer, even though it only takes 2-3 minutes.
2. Booking out 2/3/4 time slots for them and their mates, normally in premium times.
3. The same people then not turning up on a weekly basis, cos the're on holiday, havent played for 12 weeks, had no intention of playing,injured, etc

I could go on, every club has them and the more apologists they have the bigger the problem they become.

Whats hard to understand?
Last edited:


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I dont know why, pretty clear really.

There are a small number of very inconsiderate/lazy golfers in any club and if they go unchecked it has bigger repercussions for the rest of the membership.

Things such as :-

1. Never entering their scores in the computer, even though it only takes 2-3 minutes.
2. Booking out 2/3/4 time slots for them and their mates, normally in premium times.
3. The same people then not turning up on a weekly bais, cos the're on holiday, havent played for 6 weeks, injured, etc

I could go on, every club has them and the more apologists they have the bigger the problem they become.

Whats hard to understand?
I love the idea of taking 2/3 minutes to enter score on computer. Takes me longer than that just to find my name on ours. :(The touch screen is so poor that it takes for ever to get each score in, and when I finally get to the end it tells me I have shot a gross 93, when it was obviously a 76.:mmm: