what would you do??


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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Depends what it was, if it's something silly like not tucking a shirt in or not wearing golf shoes no I wouldn't bother, if they were actually breaking rules on a course yes I would. Kids will be kids, everybody was one once, people sometimes forget what it was to be a kid and actually have a laugh


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Oct 4, 2018
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I think Homer has pretty much nailes the best course of action on this especially without knowing all the ins and outs of the situation.

As a junior we were restricted to the stud bar or locker room if we weren't with an adult, but even then we'd be evicted if the adults wanted to play cards in there.

We got upto alsorts of things as juniors and found people treating us as Homer described always worked best or alternatively having a word with the junior organiser was a good way to go as he would know the best approach to take.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I'm in the camp that says it's probably not the most important thing that it's a junior involved (but accept that there could be factors that come into play...we haven't been given them).

So you are down the the key elements of such situations everytime they crop up, for anyone, anywhere.

1. Don't start the discussion from any distance - unless there's a real and immediate risk of injury to someone. You will always be starting with a raised voice if you do, and the risk of initial misunderstanding increases as an exponential to distance.
2. Always, always start with a question. Try hard not to make it a sarcastic, rhetorical one. Creates instant communication (assuming they answer) and usually provides a common understanding from which to make the point you are burning to make.
3. When done make it clear if you are intending to take the issue to anyone else, and why. If you are just drawing something to their attention in the expectation that they will understand and desist then consider it closed and tell them that.
4. Smile 🤗

Deleted member 23344

Our responses would be far more appropriate if we knew what the misdemeanour was ... why not start the thread by saying “I saw them do this ... what would you do?”


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Other than a safety issue or something that has a detrimental and immediate impact to me I doubt I'd be saying anything. If I did have to speak up there's some good posts already on effective ways to do this

On a separate note, if some of the posting styles on the forum were examples of communication styles that would be used to raise a matter with a member (junior or otherwise) then I'd expect escalation to the point of carnage :eek:


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
I never really thought about this. At our club, the junors are probably the best behaved members we have. They are all very respectful and keep the etiquette better than most of the old timers.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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same junior (who is 15 )seen 3 times not using the fairway mat from the middle of the fairway and been seen prev doing the same. We have a winter Club rule that all shots should be played from a mate from the fairway and 1st/2nd cut, though you can play from the rough and putt on the fairway.

on the last occasion seen to take a big divot and not even attempt to replace it despite being seen by 3 other members. was asked why he didn't use the mate, he didn't reply and sheepishly sloped off without answering. i witnessed this and all that was said was " why did you not use your matt" which could clearly be seen hanging from the trolley handle.

club has had a letter asking why it is not adhering to the SGU rules for juniors, which apparently say no direct conversations between adults and juniors for mistermenors and complaints, this also includes members of staff. everything should go though committee apparently and legal action threatened.

of the 30 guys i play with reg none knew this directive from the SGU, or by the look of things the club

Shooter McPowick

Head Pro
Apr 2, 2016
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Difficult to answer no knowing what they were doing wrong. Also depends on the age but as they clearly weren’t accompanied in guessing it was teenagers. As a teenage member I had total respect for the rules and so did my golfing buddies. Reading between the lines... damaging the course deliberately I’d definitely have said something, possibly even have filmed it if it was particularly bad.


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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It’s great isn’t it when the old hard get involved without thinking ahead.

7 members is a massive amount to lose.

As for the OP, have a word but make it on the kids level so they understand it. We occasionally get a problem but it’s always dealt with in a polite way.

It is. what makes it worse is that they all live local, are decent club guys who support events and they're all between 35-45. A demographic we desperately need more of.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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But there was no communication regarding a misdemeanor or complaint; merely advice regarding a club rule in the same way as you would give advice to any other player regarding the rules of the game.
As to the threat of legal action.....is this the committee threatening to cancel his membership?
Overall a sad reflection on things overall


Club Champion
Jul 28, 2018
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same junior (who is 15 )seen 3 times not using the fairway mat from the middle of the fairway and been seen prev doing the same. We have a winter Club rule that all shots should be played from a mate from the fairway and 1st/2nd cut, though you can play from the rough and putt on the fairway.

on the last occasion seen to take a big divot and not even attempt to replace it despite being seen by 3 other members. was asked why he didn't use the mate, he didn't reply and sheepishly sloped off without answering. i witnessed this and all that was said was " why did you not use your matt" which could clearly be seen hanging from the trolley handle.

club has had a letter asking why it is not adhering to the SGU rules for juniors, which apparently say no direct conversations between adults and juniors for mistermenors and complaints, this also includes members of staff. everything should go though committee apparently and legal action threatened.

of the 30 guys i play with reg none knew this directive from the SGU, or by the look of things the club

Where is the line drawn though in this politically correct world? Could you have said 'just to let you know we all need to be using mats at this time of year etc.' as its guidance or is that also a step too far?

All sounds rather pathetic to me, I would totally expect some kind of rule preventing adults from F'ing and blinding at juniors and giving them a serious dressing down as they may do another adult, but to ask a simple question to try and steer them on the right course is a joke to me.

Where did the legal directive come from, the kids parents I assume?

I guess in future, i'd relay everything to the junior organise who can advise the committee and even the parents of the juniors.

Put it this way, if I was found to be hacking away at golf course (which i was with practicing as previously mentioned) and a member directly picked me up on it as a junior I'd have had the etiquette to apologise and advise it wouldn't happen again. If I didn't and I walked off and it got back to my old man, i'd be writing a letter of apology and having my clubs confiscated for a short period.

I didn't get that opportunity as a junior as it was taken direct to the junior organiser however he put a minor disciplinary in place so that i learned my lesson.

Sorry to hear about this, its the pathetic direction this world is heading in.

The abuse we use to get from the old timers in the fiddle, I dread to think what legal action may have been taken. Especially for accepting £1 entry from minors, god forbid.
Last edited:


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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But there was no communication regarding a misdemeanor or complaint; merely advice regarding a club rule in the same way as you would give advice to any other player regarding the rules of the game.
As to the threat of legal action.....is this the committee threatening to cancel his membership?
Overall a sad reflection on things overall

i was just a witness and have stated what i saw and heard to the club when asked. a letter did get sent to the club captain highlighting the issue with some not using the mats asking what disciplinary action was being taken against repeat non mat users as this individual has been reports by others as well.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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It reads like an embarrassed parent going on the offensive as a form of defense

A bit like the ever increasing scenario of someone doing something wrong (like speeding) and then looking to wriggle out of it on a technicality when they get caught

Shame really


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Oh joy ..... a simple telling off for playing off the fairway when it's not allowed and a parent takes the high horse .....

Not actually aware of a Scottish Golf directive that says adult members shouldn't talk to junior members, can't see it on their safeguarding pages either.

if it's done in a polite manner and addresses the issue what is the problem.

Deleted member 21258

Now I know the offence, I would not have said anything for certain. Just asking for a run in saying something to someone by walking across to them and saying something.

Not saying it is the right thing to do and the white than white people on here wont be happy with this reply, but that's the truth and being honest my life is to short to go looking for hassle, I would have walked on.

I may have mentioned it when I went it into the clubhouse if I had seen them doing it on another round as well.