what would you do??


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2007
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Yes, done in the appropriate manner they'll learn the lesson. When I was Junior Convener I had many a member pass comment about things they had seen "my juniors" do out on the course. I always asked them if they had spoken to the Juniors at the time ...... best to get it sorted as it happens rather than try to work out who did what and when at a later date. Club Rules are there for a reason.

Deleted member 1147

Depends on severity of crime how I’d respond.
Innocent errors, just advise them that if one of the old boys caught them they’d get a moaning old fart in their face, so best not to do it again.

More severe offence, tell them straight and advise the junior organiser as well.

Main thing, don’t be a dick about it!


Tour Winner
Apr 1, 2007
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Have a word, but there's a way to speak to them. There is a rumour at my club right now that we're about to lose 7 members. They're a group of mates and 2 of them have kids in the junior section and both have come off the course in tears this season for being dressed down by one of the old boys. I hope it's not true but smoke without fire and all that.

Deleted member 17920

Have a word, but there's a way to speak to them. There is a rumour at my club right now that we're about to lose 7 members. They're a group of mates and 2 of them have kids in the junior section and both have come off the course in tears this season for being dressed down by one of the old boys. I hope it's not true but smoke without fire and all that.
It’s great isn’t it when the old hard get involved without thinking ahead.

7 members is a massive amount to lose.

As for the OP, have a word but make it on the kids level so they understand it. We occasionally get a problem but it’s always dealt with in a polite way.


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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if i saw any member junior or otherwise deliberately flouting the the club laws i would challenge them as to why they thought it right to do so .
the rules are there to be obeyed and are there for a reason ,not to flout whenever they think they are wrong.
hopefully you would do it in the right manner 👍👍

Deleted member 21258

I probably would not say something but really depends on what they were doing but your haven't said).

(I may say something to the pro if it was something that wasn't good..)


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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When I was a junior we could only sit in the snooker room or locker room. Members would usually look for any excuse to kick us out of the snooker room. Similarly they would almost go out of their way (or so it seemed) to find something to moan about when we played). I have always tried to be far more encouraging to juniors. It would depend largely what the junior in the OP had done and their age. If they were fairly young I'd have a quiet word and explained why they had broken the rules and leave it there. If they were in their teens and dependant on the offence I'd tell them their behaviour wasn't acceptable, and explain why and try and treat them as an adult, and leave it there. If it was serious breach (going into our protected environment area to retrieve balls a big no, no) then I'd tell them they'd made a serious mistake but try and leave it at that first time and then report them if I saw them do it again. If it was something so serious it couldn't be overlooked (damaging a green etc) I'd simply tell them they were in trouble and report them. It's about context but hard to answer the OP without knowing what happened


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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If any member is doing something that is clearly against the club rules (especially if it is about the condition of the course) then every member has a duty to have a polite word.


Head Pro
Apr 5, 2010
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Im only 24, played at the ages of 15/16 as a junior and at that time I would do anything that would make people consider myself as equals to them or look at me as a normal golfer not a junior!

After 8 years off im back playing again and wouldn't hesitate calling a junior out if i thought they were doing something particularly bad. Would always try do it in a tactile way and speak to them on their level first and give them the opportunity to sort it themselves. Alternatively speak to the junior captain and let them fulfil their role of responsibility and give them the job that they have learnt. Would never try make them feel stupid or belittle them though. Quiet word might be all that is needed and they might not know they are even doing anything wrong.