What I do in the clubhouse


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Not in any way a pee’ing contest

The threads about bar levy and golf decline got me thinking about what time I spend in the clubhouse & what food & drink I typically have before/after a game or a practice session (or even if not playing at all) I’m fortunate that I rarely have to be somewhere before or after playing, so don’t have the time constraints some have

I like to get to the course about 45 mins before tee off and usually leave about an hour or so after shaking hands on 18th (maybe longer if my wife meets me for lunch) occasionally leave quickly after 15 minutes or so if others can’t hang around
I usually play once a week and will have lunch about half the time, dinner roughly once a month, coffee before most games and a couple of drinks after

What would make me spend more/less time in there? Well prices going up would sure reduce things or if the quality of service/food went to pot. I don’t imagine there’s much they could do that would make me spend more time there but some dinner deals might make a little bit of a difference

Generally I’m more than happy with the clubhouse as a place to relax/socialize, its not formal/traditional and has modern decor & great view with very little dress code to speak of or other restrictions on things like caps/phones etc (but I’m not sure how much rules on these would actually keep me away if they had them) most folks seem pretty decent about moving away on their own accord if on a call etc and while I’m a ‘cap off indoors’ person I’m not fussed if others do or not. I'd like things to be cheaper but I can't do much about that

What do you do?


Journeyman Pro
Mar 21, 2012
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I'll tend to hang about in the bar after a round of golf for an OJ and Lemonade or two, and usually grab a bite to eat on a Saturday as we finish playing around 1/1.30pm.

Aside from that, I don't tend to frequent the bar area before a round, or go up and eat there as a 'night out'.


Tour Winner
Apr 15, 2008
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In fiddle days will have coffee before hand then ear and drink afterwards for about 30 -60 mins.
On Comp days normally eat and drink afterwards and maybe stay bit longer
If a quick 9 holes with HID don't go in .
When away would arrive an hour before then have bacon roll and coffee before and drink afterwards, if meal included stay for that but as we can travel up 2 hours we like to get on the road to head home
Also attend 4-6 functions a year


Money List Winner
May 8, 2007
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At clubs where the kitchen was open early, I used to head to the club before a round for a weekend treat of a bacon sandwich and coffee. Current club does not have a kitchen open before 9 and so now I tend not to go in before I play. The only coffee is a machine in the pro shop so I buy one and drink it whilst I warm up a bit.

After the round, I stay for a coffee and that is about it. My wife works away for much of the week and so spending time with her at the weekends is important to me. I also do not like the atmosphere much in the club, I think much of that is due to being brought up around rugby clubs, lively atmosphere, families encouraged to come up, match on the tv etc. My current club is a bit too reserved, more like a tea room than a sporting club, no tv, only seats at tables, dress codes etc. If the club was more family friendly, I would have my wife meet me for lunch but she was put off by having to work out what to wear the one time she did meet me as she could not wear jeans. Instead, I have a coffee and socialise with my playing partners then either head to the local pub with some of our group or meet my wife elsewhere for lunch.

If the atmosphere changed and it family friendly then I would spend more time and money there. That said, as others have pointed out, if the majority wanted that, if would change. As they clearly do not, I do my bit and head of elsewhere.


Q-School Graduate
May 14, 2010
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What I do before and after a round has changed a lot depending on the company, the "feel" of the clubhouse and the prices.
For the vast majority of my golfing "career" I've always had a couple of drinks and a meal either before or after playing, as all three criteria were well met.
However, from the second time I moved clubs (moved four times in total...so far :() there's always been a severe lack in clubhouse feel and prices. I've therefore become .... well not quite a car-park golfer, but almost.
Visited my old course last week and "fell" into the old routine, so maybe I need to move back to OLD pastures permanently! :unsure:

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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I get to my place about 20 minutes before tee off time. The bar / catering is not open at that time so there is no option to use it even if I wanted to. I play and go into the bar afterwards. If it has been warm I'll get a pint of lemonade and a bag of crisps, if cold I'll have a coffee and a kitkat. If they offered tea cakes, scones etc I'd have that but they don't so I pass on what is available. Me and my PP will usually just stop for 1 drink, maybe 2 but no more. 30-40 minutes in the clubhouse then I go. I've never eaten at my club.

The bar is nice but lacks atmosphere due to lack of numbers so I don't want to be sat there with barely anyone else. They need to work harder to get people using the bar, do specials, entice people but they don't seem interested.

If playing at another club I'll make more of an event of it. I get there 45 minutes + before the tee time, coffee and a bacon buttie. Afterwards I'll likely have a sandwich and a drink. I would not do this every week though, they are exceptions, events.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Thinking on, the main thing that would get me in more is if I could join and be a member
Memberships are tied to a debenture scheme, no idea how it works but I know I can't afford it!

Deleted member 21258

A lot of my golf is when the clubhouse is closed afterwards, so don't use that much. Tend to be rushing to the club to play, so don't normally go into the clubhouse before playing.

If we are playing in a comp or special day, tend to stop for something afterwards. Best chips in Shropshire are served at the club. Have attended various social evenings over the years, tend to go with the family, as family is No1.


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
We tend to go in and eat after a Saturday morning game... people who have to be elsewhere asap are excused without any issues. Our club bar does decent food at reasonable rates, so folk tend to use it. Full breakfast before Winter League is a tradition that most keep to. I'd go to more socials if I wasnt 20 miles away!

Pro Shop has a decent quality coffee machine in it for £1 a cup...and thats well used.

Previous club had hotel attached... did an excellent pasta dish for £18 (!!!) Not what was needed after a swift 9 holes after work! Decent butty/toastie is about £3... £5 or £6 for a special... curry etc etc

If the club does good stuff at the right price, people will use it.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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I do spend a lot of time in the clubhouse, I will usually have a drink and sometimes food after nearly every round also being handicap secretary and on the ladies committee means I am often there when not playing too.

Deleted member 15344

Will spend anywhere between 30 mins to an Hour after 99% of my games , the only time i Leave is when I have to get back to look after Daughter if wife is playing hockey - whilst in the club it will be at least one soft drink plus a sandwich every time


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Apart from the changing rooms, our clubhouse didn't really open until 11 most weekdays, earlier at weekends....
Shop doesn't open until 8 and we're normally on the 2nd or 3rd by then so the only reason to go into the clubhouse is to change shoes in the changing room and pick up some cards from behind the bar.
We time it so we get in at 11 so we can get a coffee and a bite before heading off about 11.45.
It's not the sort of place that you would pop in for a drink on the way home after work as it's so far off the beaten track - you have to go out of your way to get to it.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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Like to arrive about 30-45 mins before tee off - partly for a chat & partly to organise the swindle (if its not a comp day that is). No facilities open at that time of day (early-ish am) but coffee available from a machine - or free if you make it yourself in the pro-shop "cupboard" (but for that you are expected to stay around for a chat with the pro. It is his coffee after all!)

After the game, we generally congregate in the bar for tea/beer/soft drink etc. Generally accepted that if you play in the swindle, then you stay around for a chat. Not compulsory of course, but considered somewhat poor form if you always just play and then p-off straight away.

I generally hang around after playing for about an hour and have a sandwich/toasty/snack for lunch. Me & Mrs B have Sunday lunch something like once every 4-6 weeks. Occasionally - but not often - will pop in if passing without having played golf. (But without the golf, its not somewhere I'd specifically pass that often).


Tour Rookie
Oct 26, 2015
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We have a compulsory stop at the halfway house so you have no option to stop and have something to eat/drink. We get invoiced at the end of the month so can be anything from a few hundred quid to 500 quid depending how often you play as each visit can cost you at least 40-50 quid if it’s your turn to buy.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I'm not one for practice before a game, but for most games we meet for a coffee before playing. After the round have a soft drink or two occasionally food, then home, play 3 times a week sometimes more in summer.

I do have a 20/ 30 min drive to get to the club, so it i lived in Nairn, i would walk down and have a pint after the game i'd imagine. Tried to get the Current Mrs 148 to think about it but she is'nt having it:(


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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I don’t go into the clubhouse prior to a round.

I’ll grab a coffee and a bacon or sausage bap after 9 holes at the halfway hut.

A couple of drinks in the bar afterwards probably won’t eat but usually there at least an hour after a round.

Might make an afternoon of it if there is some good sport on.


Head Pro
Jul 13, 2017
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I don't spend any time at all, I go into changing rooms change shoes and go play, once finished I change back and go home, take all my stuff up with me and away again every round

Deleted member 16999

Varies on day, time of day, on my own, with mates or in a comp.
If friendly with mates or comp with others I’ll always go into the Clubhouse for a drink and maybe something to eat with them.
Other times is shoes changed in car park and straight home, ie today, on my own, 18 holes and bar shut, straight home.
Club has quite a few varied social events, attend those I’m interested in.