Reaction score

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    • W
      Wabinez replied to the thread IG late..
      Not that it helps, but this has been my experience. Scores from comps all seem to be uploaded around 7pm on the day (not sure if this...
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      Wabinez reacted to cliveb's post in the thread IG late. with Like Like.
      Are you saying that IG isn't UPLOADING the score to EG on the day of the round, or failing to DOWNLOAD the updated index from EG? When...
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      Wabinez replied to the thread F1 2024.
      Probably going to be a 10 place penalty for new engine anyway
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      Wabinez reacted to Red devil's post in the thread Shane Lowry ruling. with Like Like.
      I hope John Paramor certainly didn't have anything to say on it unless it was through a spiritual medium.
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      Wabinez replied to the thread 2024 Troon Open.
      Ivor hasn’t been there since 2016…
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      Wabinez replied to the thread The Cricket Thread.
      Corrrrrr, that’s a grab!
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      Wabinez replied to the thread The Cricket Thread.
      Hoping Jimmy can pick up at least one…. Don’t think he is going to get the 9 needed to beat Warney in the all time list now though
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      Wabinez reacted to wjemather's post in the thread My EG app with Like Like.
      There's no accounting for what "some people" will do. The committee in charge of the comp are responsible for applying handicap...
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      Wabinez replied to the thread Speed Limiting Cars.
      From this month, all new cars in the UK sold should be restricted to 70mph, unless manually disabled by the driver each time they start...
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      Wabinez replied to the thread F1 2024.
      They do. Think I read that he must be 6th or better in the drivers championship at all times. Think he is clinging on at the moment…...
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      Wabinez replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
      Time for Spain to do what they do best. Throw themselves to the floor and waste time
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      Wabinez reacted to VVega's post in the thread F1 Silverstone Logistics with Like Like.
      Just to report. Ended up going via Sixfields - best decision ever. Easy to get to for us, no queue to park. Transfer to Silverstone took...
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      Wabinez replied to the thread Replacement car advice.
      As others have said..Octavia or Superb. Had a Passat until recently when I swapped in for a Superb. The Passat boot is big, but the...
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      Wabinez replied to the thread F1 2024.
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      Wabinez replied to the thread The Footie Thread.
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