TV Series - What Are You Watching?

I think the best potter won. Weather they was the best potter on the day is debatable.

I’m more irritated that the Jack Russel didn’t win at Crufts! Some blinking whippet from Italy took the prize! 😡 (it was still a lovely dog but the JR was my fave!)
Personally, I preferred the other guy, consistently across the series. That's a subjective call so that's fine. Last night I didn't like James's design, subjective, but I loved Steve's, plus his pot shape was better imo. James had a fundamental flaw with his jug though, a basic error. Can you win with a basic error? Had it been perfect then it comes down to personal taste but it wasn't.

Ah well, a cracking series still. A bit of calm and happiness each week.

(names in the spoiler corrected - thanks F & D (y) )
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Personally, I preferred the other guy, consistently across the series. That's a subjective call so that's fine. Last night I didn't like Steve's design, subjective, but I loved James, plus his pot shape was better imo. Steve had a fundamental flaw with his jug though, a basic error. Can you win with a basic error? Had it been perfect then it comes down to personal taste but it wasn't.

Ah well, a cracking series still. A bit of calm and happiness each week.
Think you may have those names the wrong way around LT?. James had the flaw, the broken handle, Steven had the better shape and the clever animated decorations.

But as you say, another cracking series. They seem to get some really nice people with no real egos taking part.
Missis T was not happy because I put the football on, which promptly dumped the crufts dog relay races she was watching. Anyway I put it on plus one and we watched the lot. It was actually quite good. Least I could do as she was stitching socks onto my head covers. 😁
For me - I was very happy James won. I warmed the most to him as a human being and his illustrations have been stunning. He took the broken handle so calmly and just cracked on. Lovely guy. I didn't really like Steve's pot - until it spun so fast it risked breaking. Natalie's looked messy and incoherent. I've never warmed to her BUT did admire her tenacity, not for the first time, and also recognised some of her on screen antics would be led by the producers (like bringing two can-can skirts with her)! A lovely series ❤️
For me - I was very happy James won. I warmed the most to him as a human being and his illustrations have been stunning. He took the broken handle so calmly and just cracked on. Lovely guy. I didn't really like Steve's pot - until it spun so fast it risked breaking. Natalie's looked messy and incoherent. I've never warmed to her BUT did admire her tenacity, not for the first time, and also recognised some of her on screen antics would be led by the producers (like bringing two can-can skirts with her)! A lovely series ❤️
I watched last night as well. I was surprised that the judges did not mention that Natalie made an amphora (wide at the top) and the two chaps both made a pot-belly vase.
Steven should have made just one animation. There was no need for two of the same. And then put some other aspects of his life into it. Who wants to spin a big heavy vase very fast?
I think Natalie got the idea of making the biggest and the best. Really had a good go at that.
The judges could have ignored her big crack around the inside near the top. This occurred because she made an amphora. The other two avoided this risk by not making an amphora. Natalie was fairly hopeless in the technical and James was way out in front in that. James deserved to win, but I think Natalie was a close second.
I finished Series 2 of Beacon 23 (Paramount +) this week.

A very different and sometimes downright weird Sci Fi series but good enough for me to watch both series.
Towards Zero, the Agatha Christie drama. Don't bother. I found myself wanting either all of them to be the victims or guilty. Barely a sympathetic character to be seen.
Watched the first half of episode 1 and deleted it.
Apparently it has been deleted from I player or could that be the other new one that has been panned.