Top 100 Courses In The World - How many have you played?


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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At least half of those courses are courses that the average golfer will never ever have a hope in hell of playing. I think the list of public courses is much more meaningful rather than debating whether Pine Valley or Cypress Point is better when you would get tackled by security if you even managed to set foot on the property. Who cares?

Deleted member 17920

20 so far and I’m a member at one of them. Would love to go to the states and play some of the courses there.
I have hacked round 21 of these, what one do we differ on?

Lost 3 from the ones that have dropped off.


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Aug 14, 2021
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Three - The Old Course; Cruden Bay, and Royal Birkdale. All played more than 25yrs ago, and of these I only paid to play the one - Cruden Bay and that was about 30yrs ago.

Once I’ve won the lottery and have money to burn maybe I will travel the country and the world and tick off a few more. But TBH playing ‘top’ courses is nowhere near the top of my life ’To-Do’ list.


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Mar 28, 2020
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Three - The Old Course; Cruden Bay, and Royal Birkdale. All played more than 25yrs ago, and of these I only paid to play the one - Cruden Bay and that was about 30yrs ago.

Once I’ve won the lottery and have money to burn maybe I will travel the country and the world and tick off a few more. But TBH playing ‘top’ courses is nowhere near the top of my life ’To-Do’ list.

I’m probably the exact opposite — I have never regretted the time and money travelling nor money spent on green fees playing a top course (I try to do them off season, on twilight deals or in Open comps…never paid full morning summer whack and probably won’t ever).

If I was to give myself say £1200 to spend on golf courses a year I would rather have 12 rounds on really good courses than a years membership on a normal course.

Obviously if I was retired or free-time was unlimited then I’d choose the membership of course. And partly this is cos I have some other hobbies. But I really enjoy reading about a famous course before my visit, anticipating the holes and then living it, and re-living it in the memory bank afterwards.

Though I love playing golf, sometimes less is more


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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I’m probably the exact opposite — I have never regretted the time and money travelling nor money spent on green fees playing a top course (I try to do them off season, on twilight deals or in Open comps…never paid full morning summer whack and probably won’t ever).

If I was to give myself say £1200 to spend on golf courses a year I would rather have 12 rounds on really good courses than a years membership on a normal course.

Obviously if I was retired or free-time was unlimited then I’d choose the membership of course. And partly this is cos I have some other hobbies. But I really enjoy reading about a famous course before my visit, anticipating the holes and then living it, and re-living it in the memory bank afterwards.

Though I love playing golf, sometimes less is more
? £100 a round average isn’t going to see you ticking off many of that top 100. But I get the sentiment.

In 1988 I had the opportunity to play Pebble Beach - it was $100 plus club etc hire - but my g/f travelling companion (now my Mrs) said No…and I have that regret today (of course no regrets on her being my mrs ?)


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Mar 28, 2020
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? £100 a round average isn’t going to see you ticking off many of that top 100. But I get the sentiment.

In 1988 I had the opportunity to play Pebble Beach - it was $100 plus club etc hire - but my g/f travelling companion (now my Mrs) said No…and I have that regret today (of course no regrets on her being my mrs ?)

Nice save at the end ?

I have played and will try to play on comps, twilight, winter etc. No aim to play US courses nor Dumbarnie/Kingsbarns etc.
I am somewhat of a traditionalist / purist…so will avoid the courses purely built for wealthy US visitors

West Hill, Ganton, Porthcawl all in summer on twilights were all that price and all superb

Deleted member 23270

? £100 a round average isn’t going to see you ticking off many of that top 100. But I get the sentiment.

In 1988 I had the opportunity to play Pebble Beach - it was $100 plus club etc hire - but my g/f travelling companion (now my Mrs) said No…and I have that regret today (of course no regrets on her being my mrs ?)


GM Forum Editor
Sep 24, 2020
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? £100 a round average isn’t going to see you ticking off many of that top 100. But I get the sentiment.

In 1988 I had the opportunity to play Pebble Beach - it was $100 plus club etc hire - but my g/f travelling companion (now my Mrs) said No…and I have that regret today (of course no regrets on her being my mrs ?)

My dad took me to The Belfry when I finished my degree and we played two rounds on.... the Derby. Which, as nice as it was, was missing the point a bit. The green fee was £30 while the Brabazon was £60. Just before he died he apologised for his carefulness with his money, which we both found funny. I still haven't played it.

Deleted member 21258

My dad took me to The Belfry when I finished my degree and we played two rounds on.... the Derby. Which, as nice as it was, was missing the point a bit. The green fee was £30 while the Brabazon was £60. Just before he died he apologised for his carefulness with his money, which we both found funny. I still haven't played it.

Nice story.

Do you think you will ever play it ?

Think I would have to, just to be able to have a toast to old memories.


Well-known member
Dec 17, 2018
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If I was to give myself say £1200 to spend on golf courses a year I would rather have 12 rounds on really good courses than a years membership on a normal course.

£1200 would probably only get you 4 rounds if you were targeting the top of this list


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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My dad took me to The Belfry when I finished my degree and we played two rounds on.... the Derby. Which, as nice as it was, was missing the point a bit. The green fee was £30 while the Brabazon was £60. Just before he died he apologised for his carefulness with his money, which we both found funny. I still haven't played it.
But did you get your photo taken by the 18th of the Brab…a photo of me under the tree by the PB 18th green was my compensation for not playing…huh ?


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2020
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But did you get your photo taken by the 18th of the Brab…a photo of me under the tree by the PB 18th green was my compensation for not playing…huh ?

Should have retaliated by offering the soon-to-be wife a photo of a huge diamond encrusted platinum engagement ring, with great big sapphires and emeralds, but given her a fake gold £15 ring from Argos as her engagement ring ?


GM Forum Editor
Sep 24, 2020
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But did you get your photo taken by the 18th of the Brab…a photo of me under the tree by the PB 18th green was my compensation for not playing…huh ?

No, and it chucked it down for two days. The evening was spent playing snooker and eating roll mop herring so not all bad