The YouTube open 2019......

Get that little southern softie, double barrelled, no look swing geezer to attend.

See just how much minerals he really has. 😂

What’s his name? Robin somthing?

Worth a fiver just to watch Pete finch snap and start river dancing on his head. 😂
Get that little southern softie, double barrelled, no look swing geezer to attend.

See just how much minerals he really has. 😂

What’s his name? Robin somthing?

Worth a fiver just to watch Pete finch snap and start river dancing on his head. 😂
He's just posted on his Instagram about it along with a rehashed clip off him tearing into the other you tube guys. Though to be fair he has said he is willing to play regardless of the fact he thinks he will be beaten
He's just posted on his Instagram about it along with a rehashed clip off him tearing into the other you tube guys. Though to be fair he has said he is willing to play regardless of the fact he thinks he will be beaten

This event will surely be synergetic for all youtubers that attend, with more subscribers as the audience will find people they didn't know about before. I really hope that Rick don't give him that opportunity.
Get that little southern softie, double barrelled, no look swing geezer to attend.

See just how much minerals he really has. 😂

What’s his name? Robin somthing?

Worth a fiver just to watch Pete finch snap and start river dancing on his head. 😂

I take it you’re not a fan mate ? 🤣
Really doubt Crossfield will play as he constantly states he does not play proper competitive golf anymore, plus I'm not sure there is much love lost between Crossfield and Shiels. Which will rule out the rest of his gang. But there's probably many other youtubers who would be glad of the exposure Shiels can bring. But whilst it might sound like a good idea, I'm not 100% convinced how much fun it would be watching them all trying to win as it would get very serious and probably as a result a bit dull.
Hopefully they’ll invite Robin Matthew Williams. That’d be fun 😉
Strongly agree with that! I'd definitely watch it then, if he had to go round in a three-ball with a couple of guys that he'd slated previously, haha.

I'd probably give it a glance. Would be interesting to see who would win. Who do we reckon would be the favourites? Who's actually the best at golf out of that lot?
Get that little southern softie, double barrelled, no look swing geezer to attend.

See just how much minerals he really has. 😂

What’s his name? Robin somthing?

Worth a fiver just to watch Pete finch snap and start river dancing on his head. 😂
Southern? He's a northerner mate.
I think he's from Nottingham or something. Northerner.

That’s middle England at best mate.

That being said, half this scouse (notrthern lot) aren’t really northerners tbf. Some of em even wore coats out in Liverpool last winter pfffft! 😂😂
It’d be interesting to watch Chris Ryan knock it miles past the rest of them on a regular basis.
But most of these guys teach & vlog because they aren’t good enough to play properly.
The rule is, above Watford Gap = Northerner. Nottingham qualifies by about 50 miles.
I can concur that this point is true, because according to my family since I've moved to Lincoln I now officially live up north...

Once you go past Watford Gap southerners disown you and make you unofficially Northern