Strokeplay in fourballs


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
Many years ago at my club the traditional game was fourball betterball matchplay and an average round at our shortish course took less than 3½ hours. Over the years more & more members have formed themselves into roll up groups and have weekly competitions, usually playing individual Stableford. The generally play in fours and often play a 4BBB match at the same time. This, in my view, slows down play considerably, especially when practised by the average mid handicapper. Four people taking one over par, or more, to reach the green, then all holing out takes a lot of time. This is why, in the past, all strokeplay & Stableford competitions have been played in threes.

It has now been decided that our midweek competitions will be played in fours, if people wish to do so. Certain Committee, & other, members think that this will have little effect on the pace of play, with other members who do not wish to take part in the competition playing in fours amongst them. I couldn't agree less, the result will be a reduction in the already slow pace of play which often prevails at present.

I am not against members, who wish, marking cards every time they go out but think that, if this is what they want to do, they should do it in such a way that their round doesn't take over 3½ hours. This would mean that less able players would be obliged to play in threes.

Does anyone else have this problem? Many folks at my club complain about slow play bit I think that allowing strokeplay in fourballs is only going to make things worse.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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I'm not against 4 ball play in mid week medals although it's not allowed at my club.
Members not playing the medals can play in a four off the back tees so I don't see why players in the comp have to be a 2 or 3.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
I'm not against 4 ball play in mid week medals although it's not allowed at my club.
Members not playing the medals can play in a four off the back tees so I don't see why players in the comp have to be a 2 or 3.
Because they're so bleedin' slow! We played our regular fourball yesterday & played 16 holes in 3 hours. Do you honestly think four players holing out would be anywhere near this? And, if you're not in the comp you're not allowed to play off the medal tees.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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I like to play quickly and to not be held up. At my club, pretty much every member plays off the white tees.
A three ball in the medal usually takes 3.5 hours.


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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I feel you pain, tosses extent, last year we played 4 balls in the morning for weekend comps and 3 ball in the afternoon as comps were always over subscribed.

This year 4 ball morning and afternoon. Easily, another 20 mins on per round longer if conditions are tough. However, if more people can play it makes the club more inclusive so that is a good thing. If it’s an issue numbers will drop off and we go back to 3 balls as members vote with their feet.

Personally, I don’t care about 3.5hrs, 4hrs or longer as long as I don’t spend time waiting for the group in front. If my round takes longer but doesn’t feel slower and participation increases so be it.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Our place allows 4 balls on a Saturday morning. It hacks me off every time I see a 4 ball booking ahead of my booking as I know it will cause problems. 2 and 3 ball groups work so much better.

Odd decision by your club MiB.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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All of our medals and stablefords can be played in fours.

In the main I do not think you can pick on a group for slow play because all it takes is one slow player in any group and the whole group becomes slow.

I know within our usual group of around 20 players there are particular players that can get round easily in under 3 hours playing as a 4 ball if they play together and go out first with a clear field in front of them.

Deleted member 16999

I don’t believe there is a correct answer, just different points of view.

I’ve been at our place for over 15 years and have never known anything but 4 balls, 2 & 3 balls are welcome if no one joins them.

A 4hr round will be considered as a slow round, avg is 3:20-3:45 depending on format.
Mar 27, 2019
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Wow, you don’t know how lucky you guys are. Here in Spain where we are mostly golf societies we mainly play Stableford games in 4 balls, this is due to the golf club insist that we go out in four’s. I’m not the quickest over my shots, but I make my time up between shots, I walk quickly. Because we play ready golf (even before the rules came in) I am normally the first on the tee.

Friday’s Medal took 4 hours 40 minutes. (and we have the first tee times) However I wonder how much this is down to course design. I can remember going round my father’s course in the 60’s where the next tee was 30 yards from the last green. We have about 5 tees where we play 3 times a week that are a minimum of 100 yards away, and a couple where it is over 350 yards. Of course this is made for the holiday makers and the use of buggies. I played a high class course here last year (where they play European qualifying games) where the distance from the 9th green to the 10th tee must be over 600 yards, ridiculous!


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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we play as 3 balls in comps and we take, or should i say used to take 3 hours (new course layout) to get around in a medal. the roll up groups i'm in tend not to play singles scores too often, it usually 4 BBB among them selves and a team score with that winning the pot