Social media


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2012
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Obviously social media plays a big part in the modern world,people just constantly seem glued to their phones.
What socials do you have & how much time would you say you spend on social media a day?

Just curious 🤨
A few forums and Facebook. However Facebook is only on my old phone and doesn’t get looked at very often. I just deleted my X account a couple of weeks ago.
This forum only really.

I have Facebook, but rarely post on it anymore. Never done twitter or any other ones like that. And don't go on any other forums.

Working in an office, so started off as a nice time filler to find out golf rules initially.
This forum and Facebook. I don't post much on Facebook apart from cute dog pics :-) It's a way of keeping in touch with friends and family. If you don't fit that bill and send me a friend request it will be declined. Also the village Facebook page and a few groups but that's it.
Facebook and this forum for me. I very rarely post anything on FB except for wishing 'friends' birthday greetings.
WhatsApp with mates and family sharing jokes.
Instagram and Twitter.

My screen time is absolutely disgraceful, multiple hours a day. Just mindless scrolling.
Same. Absolutely ridiculous. I do like Instagram. Use it mainly for exercise, meal ideas, photography, music, trainers/clothes and golf. I use Twitter mainly for football. I have Facebook but gradually getting bored of it.
Same. Absolutely ridiculous. I do like Instagram. Use it mainly for exercise, meal ideas, photography, music, trainers/clothes and golf. I use Twitter mainly for football. I have Facebook but gradually getting bored of it.
I deactivated Facebook, was just adverts and stuff I hadn't asked to see.

I can go down a reels rabbit hole on Instagram and I've lost 2 hours.
I look at Facebook a fair amount and Reddit quite a lot. Occasionally glance at Instagram. I have Twitter but I only really use it to search for a video of a football incident that people might be discussing. That's about it for me. Can't get my head around TikTok, it seems absolutely horrendous.

How much time? Loads of it. My brain constantly needs to be distracted with things I find interesting, hence why I'm on here all the time as well. I can't just sit and peacefully exist, I always need to be looking at something.
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This and one other forum.

Facebook…though don’t post just read - mostly what’s new on a couple of groups and only very occasionally. I’d easily deactivate if it wasn’t for the groups.

Tried to delete X last week, but got error. Have never been active on it other than my day #1. Think I’ll just let it die and try again in 30days.

Use WhatsApp for group communications and messaging - not as social media in a ‘posting stuff’ sense.

Occasionally look at what a couple of folks put on Instagram, but not an active poster.

My wife thinks I spend too much time on my iPad on social media…I agree but insist I’m only reading stuff…and only post doing stuff like this 🙄
With the exception of this forum, only a Youtube channel that I upload to now and again.

No X, no Facebook, no Instagram, no Tik-Tok.

I’m far too busy to try to be concerned with the minutiae of other people’s lives.

That and I don’t really care.
Just here and Twitter...never done FB, IG or any of the others...
Only on Twitter now for the morbid fascination of watching it implode as much as anything else.......
I suppose YouTube counts to an extent....