So I went to Mizuno today...


You're going to have to get rid of these AD333s though. You will be able to tell the difference between a hard ball and a soft ball with the 52s. Different sound and feeling when you strike it( a more responsive ball) well.
yes tony new mizzies wil do the trick! they are a proper golf club manufacturer not a barbie doll manufacturer like Ping(oopsss i must of offended some one !!!)

Indeed you have! Outside now, you and me bare chested! :D

Its all about horses for courses. I got custom fitted for a set of MP60'S and binned them within 6 moths losing a hell of a lot of money in the process. I went back to my tried and trusted I5's and then onto a set of S59's. Ping and I are like ham and eggs, we just get on very well together.
yes tony new mizzies wil do the trick! they are a proper golf club manufacturer not a barbie doll manufacturer like Ping(oopsss i must of offended some one !!!)

Indeed you have! Outside now, you and me bare chested! :D

Its all about horses for courses. I got custom fitted for a set of MP60'S and binned them within 6 moths losing a hell of a lot of money in the process. I went back to my tried and trusted I5's and then onto a set of S59's. Ping and I are like ham and eggs, we just get on very well together.

Nice wedges mate!
Good read that tony i swear by my mizzy's and if the mp52s are as good as mp30s you wont be disapointed.
yes tony new mizzies wil do the trick! they are a proper golf club manufacturer not a barbie doll manufacturer like Ping(oopsss i must of offended some one !!!)

How can a manufacturer that is devoted purely to golf be considered the maker of 'barbie dolls' (lol) when mizuno have interest in many, many other sports from football through to skiing meaning they would surely be the less 'specialist' brand!!

Anyway glad the fitting went well Tony, and how about you do me a favour- take them up on the putter offer (you said you wern't sure) buy me a Bettinardi Black Carbon Series BC1 and I will buy it off you for £55 plus postage, meaning you loose nothing (gain a fiver in fact!) and I am very happy ;) I'm serious as well.
How can a manufacturer that is devoted purely to golf be considered the maker of 'barbie dolls' (lol) when mizuno have interest in many, many other sports from football through to skiing meaning they would surely be the less 'specialist' brand!!

dont take it seriously guys its not gospel just me being bias
You know what, I felt this when I was there, I was in the Callaway camp firmly untill the pro told me a few things.

1) and this made real good sense was. Callaway stick a uniflex shaft in there irons and say everyone can hit it, but The pro said, they expect you(me) an 18 handicapper to hit the same shaft as me(him) a pro. You (me) swing at 75mph and me(him) at 96.

2) the amount it costs mizuno to forge there clubs is a hell of alot more than callaways cast and they really should be knocking them out at double what they do, but to stay competitive they dont.

3) they are so confident of there own gear, they dont need to charge people to come try it or get fitted for it. The gear sells its self. and It really does.

1) I think this is a bit unlikely.....If you go for a set of X-20s they come uniflex, but if you want a set of X-20 Tours (for example) you get a choice of shaft. If a player is really good enough to use a non-GI iron, he or she will be fitted correctly with the appropriate shaft.
2) True.....probably.....I don't know why Callaway don't get into more forged irons.....profit margin???
3) It's a good point.

Otherwise, well done for going for it!
Eagle... as great as your idea is, I had thought of buying one and flogging it on ebay for as much as possible to help fund the irons. But at £50 i think it would be rude of me(and daft) not to keep the putter myself. Especially as I am looking for a decent back up. It will be custom fit for me aswell.
Dave, great point about #1, i did think about that after I had posted. But 2 and 3 are good enough for me. :D
I was at my local shop yesterday and there a was a guy in shopping for irons. I overheard the pro say to him that a common complaint people have with Mizunos is that they get noticeably less distance with them.
It was the first time I'd heard this and was wondering is there any truth in it?
Can't see why, except may be their lofts are more honest. Some manufacturers (Wilson particularly) strengthen the lofts, so a 7i is really a 6i. Other than that, it is daft.
Can't see why, except may be their lofts are more honest. Some manufacturers (Wilson particularly) strengthen the lofts, so a 7i is really a 6i. Other than that, it is daft.

Wilson + Taylor Made are the worse for this, they claim its technology, has put me off getting another set of Wilson irons.

I agree with your comments but Cally are doing it too now. I'm pretty sure there X22 are stronger than the X20. That is what the guy at the last Cally demo day told me anyway. BTW hows the new Spider going??
Yes The X20's are stronger. The x20 PW is 45* where as Mizuno are 47* hit 2 shots the same with each club of course the callys with be longer, but the stop wont be as great.

Another great point made by the pro fitting me was, everyone always looks to the total distance of each shot to see how long they can get it up by. He was trying to get mine to come down. Why? Because I had about 15 yards roll added to 145 yards of carry, total distance 160. But with the mizuno's I was carrying about 150 and only rolling about 5 yards. Total distnce lost but carry gained.

Why is this better? Well, more accurate/softer landings. No runniing through the back of greens. Attack the pin and hold it. Better for carrying longer hazards,

I Would rather have all these than an extra 5 yards roll. Wouldn't you?
doesn't this just argue the case for getting rid of the numbers on irons and stamping them with their lofts?

it's like the commentaries on golf saying that xyz has just hit 195 with an 8 iron - as if that meant anything!
doesn't this just argue the case for getting rid of the numbers on irons and stamping them with their lofts?

it's like the commentaries on golf saying that xyz has just hit 195 with an 8 iron - as if that meant anything!

Yes because that will make them put the right loft on the club....I think the case you argue is that you need to know how far you hit each of YOUR clubs and not anyone elses......
I think the manufactures are strengthening lofts jsut to con you into buying a gap wedge or a lob wedge beacsue lets face it the pitching wedges in sets have crept up to 45 degrees in some case yet a sand wedge has still got to be useful for bunkers so there is a big need for the extra clubs to filll the gap. eg theres about 50 yards between my sw and pw so i need to get my self a 52 for the inbetween shots that are o so common
I don't really think it matters what number of loft is on the club.If you swing consistantly (not necessarily well) and can find a way of accurately measuring how far you hit on AVERAGE then you have enough information to make a reasonable choice of club on each shot.
Eagle... as great as your idea is, I had thought of buying one and flogging it on ebay for as much as possible to help fund the irons. But at £50 i think it would be rude of me(and daft) not to keep the putter myself. Especially as I am looking for a decent back up. It will be custom fit for me aswell.

I don't blame you at all, they are the two things I would have considered doing (keeping it or flogging it for as much as possible) I just couldn't believe you were actually thinking of turning down the offer! Can't blame a man for trying ;) But best of luck with the putter whatever you decide to do with it!