Slab's Caddy Comp


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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Hopefully @Slab will be able to update this thread with how he, and his player, Oliver Lindell is getting on this weekend.

I was inspired to put a bet on a top 20 finish so hopefully Slab will provide enough local knowledge to make this happen. I was a bit concerned this morning when I scrolled through the leaderboard and got to the +4s and still couldn't see his name. then realised he is a late starter.
Anyone know what happened to our/Slab's guy on the 15th? Leaderboard originally said birdie 2 but then changed to bogey 4. Hope it wasn't Slab getting the flag in/out/swapping wrong and getting a penalty.
Finished the day -1 steady effort.

If anyone speaks to Slab, ask him to have a look for my top flight on the eighth I lost year last May 👍
Jeez it was warm

I'm not gonna try a long post on phone so will do that later
He had really solid front 9 with 7 pars and 2 birds
Unfortunately on the turn it was bogey bogey and I learnt some Finnish swear words
He got it back under control though and got back to one under before missing the island green with the same club he comfortably hit yesterday but got up and down from drop zone to go back to level

A couple more pars had us on 18tee where he said to me he really needed the bird which came after 2 putts on the closing par 5 for T27 Place, 5 shots back from the lead, but no one ripped the course up today
5:15 round time, they don't play slow they spend a lot of time waiting

We'll tee off tomorrow while you're all sleeping
Slab is that the island green that was me nine iron in and the French guy nicked me ball from the pond saying it was his. 👍
@Slab great write up, thank you. When you say they don't play slow, they are waiting, do you mean your group? Someone is playing slow somewhere otherwise it wouldn't take 5hrs 15. Any mutterings of any group going on the clock?
Is this where a pros mindset kicks in to stay chilled. coz if it was me, Sky sports would be banning me from tv coz my tyrets would have kicked in on the second tee. 😳
@Slab great write up, thank you. When you say they don't play slow, they are waiting, do you mean your group? Someone is playing slow somewhere otherwise it wouldn't take 5hrs 15. Any mutterings of any group going on the clock?

We waited to play for easily 45 mins of that round time maybe more
Its an 11-12 km course so physically it'll never be a 3:45 round even if it was just a Saturday social
An pretty brisk unladen 12km walk is a minimum 2 hrs with no golf or stopping

First I think the 10min tee spacing needs to go out to maybe 12 minutes
There's a 156 player field that could maybe drop by 25-30 players

Caddies save the player a huge amount of playing time with the dozen or so tasks and I actually felt rushed on some tees especially those with water stations
(I'll make up a list of the, mostly mundane, things a caddy does)

We were never out of position all day

No one has an extended PSR
They don't spend more than 2-3 seconds lining up the ball to putt I've played with plenty AMs that take way longer lining up

They are always in the correct position for their next shot, none of this heading down as a group or waiting behind the furthest player playing their 2nd
They'll do call up on short par 4 even if it's not mandatory

They're so good at looking at course guide, pacing out, club selection etc takes no time at all. He'd often have this done in the seconds it took for me to get back beside him
He didn't use rangefinder for any practice round. The course guide is so detailed

Way too many AMs either consciously or unconsciously slow down if they think they'll just be waiting on next shot, Pros don't
We looked for one ball all day and it was found before I got there

Social golf as a 2 ball on Tuesday PM can easily go round a compact and short course quickly

A full field tournament covering 12km just can't.
Someone wil inevitably lose a ball/ search etc and the concertina effect is massive simply because the field is so bunched , so when it happens more than once its Bank Holiday traffic on an A road