Tour Winner
apologies if this has been done but just read he could face a tour ban for his mistake other week where he touched the line of his putt and signed for a wrong score. bit harsh?
Why do you think the other "offences" need to be public? This is a disciplinary procedure, there should be no requirement on them to make it transparent in huge public view.In this morning's DT there is a suggestion that this may not exactly be a " first offence".
If so then any other "offences" need to be made public before the authorities apply any sanctions.
I think it's very harsh and without being too dramatic, something which will only serve to put off more young people picking up the sport.
Disqualified from the tour and faces a massive loss in earnings for an error, for which he was already punished and DQ'd from the comp.
Imagine doing that in a monthly medal (either by accident or deliberately) and being banned from all club and county comps.
Young people will read this and shirk at the absurdity - and it will put people off taking up golf as a hobby. Luis Suarez bit someone, was banned for a set number of games, and then allowed to play after serving his ban. He wasn't expelled from British football and not allowed to return. Daft.
Huh? I think you're being very dramatic. I would put money on that there is no child in the UK desperate to play golf who would read about this (odds on them actually reading about it without already being keen?!) who then completely changes their sport.
I don't get your reference to Luis Suarez either? Is this not the same thing, such that he is banned for X number of weeks? (Genuinly don't know the protocal of this, so this is a question.) I can't imagine they would completely ban him for life for this?! The BBC article just says COULD. Doesn't say that is what they are going to do. Shock journalism.
Certainly it's a DQ for pressing something down on the line of his putt.
If the further "offences" are substantiated then it'll be valid to ban him.
But if they are not made public how will anyone know if they are substantiated?