simon dyson

He broke the rules and discussions on whether others get away with same thing because of x, y and z just don't do anything for me.

And likewise, whether he deliberately broke the rules or whether it was inadvertent doesn't really matter - to me - ior indeed the rest of us. The penalty for this rule break is the same regardless - he just accepts it and gets on with life. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because that's me - willing to see the best of folks unless evidence is overwhelming to the contrary.

We all make mistakes - we all do daft things - we all cheat or are dishonest in some way (actually we all do - not necessarily in golf). But hopefully when we do we immediately see the errors of our ways and if caught accept our punishment. If not caught - we admit to our misdemeanour if possible - as try to ensure that wherever possible our admission does not hurt someone else. Either way - we reflect on our error and pledge to avoid doing it again. And that is what Simon Dyson must do.

Besides - it makes life one hell of a lot easier to live if you don't carry guilt around with you :)
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