Rules on Temporary Greens... anyone?

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My course removes all doubt. The temporary greens are signed “mandatory free drop” , unless the flag is in. Mind you, it seems to be common practice for this to be ignored when using a putter to play to the main green !
It's winter, temp greens will be the fairways so you should be using your course protection mats anyway! :ROFLMAO:

Very old thread to comment on however the correct answer was given in earlier posts. A temp green not in play is a wrong green and so is a main green not in play.

Putting a matt down on the temp green would still incur a penalty.

One other point since this thread was started is that interference now includes stance.
Temporary greens are GUR at our place, just take the nearest point of relief
If we are using temps and they are circled then we have a local rule saying GUR. Its hard enough putting on these without people then whacking chunks out with approach shots to the green

AS per Rulefan just declaring them as GUR leaves it a optional whether or not to drop away unless the LR makes it clear it is mandatory. However there is no need for a LR simply because it is covered by the Rules of Golf. We put a lot of effort in to our notices years ago to highlight to players the rules so we do not need to have a LR.
AS per Rulefan just declaring them as GUR leaves it a optional whether or not to drop away unless the LR makes it clear it is mandatory. However there is no need for a LR simply because it is covered by the Rules of Golf. We put a lot of effort in to our notices years ago to highlight to players the rules so we do not need to have a LR.
Everyone at ours has enough common sense not to play from the temp greens. All I can say is the temp greens have no divots in them…
Interesting about the status of greens / temp greens when they are in play or not. At my old course / new course, at times over the summer temporary greens are barely visible and players will play off the temp greens (which will look much the same as fairways). Over winter, temp greens were not even marked, you just knew what they were as grass was cut shorter and the flag was in them. Some temp greens were also on the large fringe of the main green. So, that fringe, was in fact the temporary green. Are we saying that when the flag is on the main green, relief MUST be taken if the ball is anywhere on the fringe because that is the temporary green (wrong green)? I'd assume not, but then does a temporary green only become a wrong green if it is separate to the fringe, and somewhere else on the general area?

Also, when on temporary greens, especially those on the fringe, a players ball may just roll on to the edge of the main green. They may only have a 6 or 7 foot putt to the hole on the temporary green. However, are we saying they must take relief, even though sometimes that relief, not nearer the hole, could put them significantly further away, potentially having to pitch over the main green? I can honestly say that, in 17 years of playing regular golf I have never seen a player take that relief, and taken the putt.
The definition says the putting green is the area on the hole you are playing that is specially prepared for putting, or the Committee has defined as the putting green (such as when a temporary green is used).
Any (other) green on the course other than the putting green for the hole you are playing is a wrong green. Wrong greens are part of the general area.

So, providing the committee has clearly defined its temporary greens, any 'main' green is a wrong green and relief must be taken as specified.

I know of many players who will say it is ok to use a putter from the 'main' green when the surface is adjacent to the correct (ie temporary) green (as described above). Both they and the players Swango has encountered over 17 years are in breach of the rule.

I am interested in the positioning of temporary green that relief requires chipping over the main green.
The definition says the putting green is the area on the hole you are playing that is specially prepared for putting, or the Committee has defined as the putting green (such as when a temporary green is used).
Any (other) green on the course other than the putting green for the hole you are playing is a wrong green. Wrong greens are part of the general area.

So, providing the committee has clearly defined its temporary greens, any 'main' green is a wrong green and relief must be taken as specified.

I know of many players who will say it is ok to use a putter from the 'main' green when the surface is adjacent to the correct (ie temporary) green (as described above). Both they and the players Swango has encountered over 17 years are in breach of the rule.

I am interested in the positioning of temporary green that relief requires chipping over the main green.

Pretty much all of our temporary greens are situated just to the front of the main green, the 3rd in particular is highly likely to result in having to chip over part of the main green if taking relief from a ball that went over the temporary green. There is a narrow 'entrance' to the main green between bunkers so the NPR could mean having to chip over a bunker as well as a section of the main green.

I have taken relief several times after hitting my approach into one of the temporary greens too long and ending up on the main green and then being subjected to the ridicule of my PP's.

Am I right in thinking that a local rule can be put in place to state that the main green is part of the temporary green to negate the requirement to take relief?