Pre-shot Routine

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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As i said in my other post - what happens on the course isnt set in stone in regards how people act when people are getting ready - i have seen some who chat away and some who are quiet - you judge it as you play. Its all down to the players and how they interact.

I don't practise

The conversation stops when it looks like the person is ready to hit the ball

Why - to give them silence to not put them off because is etiquette

I'd prefer you to stop chatting for the scant 15 seconds it takes me to be ready to hit the ball.
Though I'm like you, that I sometimes am still talking during my own backswing!


Aug 5, 2011
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You gotta love the internet.

Someone comes on talking about the benefit of a SHORT PSR, and others insist that PSRs are ruining the game and causing 5 hour rounds because they happened to play with some bloke who takes 2 minutes over a shot.
You are not discussing the same thing so your arguments are flawed.

I have a set PSR- I am not a natural golfer so I need a structured approach especially as I am keen to improve.
Last week someone said i was a "refreshingly quick player"
So you CAN have a set PSR and not hold people up.

Also, my PSR may be short, but I would not be happy with someone who thought it was ok to chatter whilst I set up to the ball until *they* deem i am ready to hit the ball. Surely you could just shut up for the 15 seconds it takes me from checking distance to hitting ball?

who said you can't?

mine is (hang on while I do it and time it)........................7 seconds:cool: after standing behind the ball to pulling the trigger. I really must speed it up:mmm:

Deleted member 15344

I'd prefer you to stop chatting for the scant 15 seconds it takes me to be ready to hit the ball.
Though I'm like you, that I sometimes am still talking during my own backswing!

And it would be very clear for people when you need that silence and most will realise it - you get the odd who need a little nudge

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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who said you can't?

mine is (hang on while I do it and time it)........................7 seconds:cool: after standing behind the ball to pulling the trigger. I really must speed it up:mmm:

I include the stuff before standing behind the ball in my 15 seconds.
A lot of prep can be done while others are playing their shots. Can't stand people who don't seem to even*think* about their shot until it's "their turn"

Some on here seem to think that all PSR's slow things up. The joy of forum generalisations...
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Nov 16, 2011
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I have encountered long PSR's and i have told them they were taking too long over their PSR routine and need to shorten it.

So what's 'too long'? As long as the group is keeping up with the group in front, does it matter? The 2 guys I know with the longest PSRs - or at least the most visible/consistent - are actually 2 of the lowest handicappers i know - 1 off +3, one off 3!

I've seen a lot of golf and don't believe I've seen a 1 minute PSR, let alone a 2 min one. A few have got to maybe 40-50 secs, but that's after a disturbance/reset, not a regular one. And there have been plenty of over 5 hour rounds in that - for other reasons (not me btw).

Timed mine today.....23 seconds :)
That's about normal.

Can you actually think of a way in which you could more than double that time in a PSR - and avoid getting so screwed up that you make a mess of it?
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Deleted member 15344

I include the stuff before standing behind the ball in my 15 seconds.
A lot of prep can be done while others are playing their shots. Can't stand people who don't seem to even*think* about their shot until it's "their turn"

Some on here seem to think that all PSR's slow things up. The joy of forum generalisations...

Thats exactly it - once your FC has played their shot you should be ready to play your shot.

Deleted member 15344

So what's 'too long'? As long as the group is keeping up with the group in front, does it matter? The 2 guys I know with the longest PSRs - or at least the most visible/consistent - are actually 2 of the lowest handicappers i know - 1 off +3, one off 3!

I've seen a lot of golf and don't believe I've seen a 1 minute PSR, let alone a 2 min one. A few have got to maybe 40-50 secs, but that's after a disturbance/reset, not a regular one. And there have been plenty of over 5 hour rounds in that - for other reasons (not me btw).

That's about normal.

Can you actually think of a way in which you could more than double that time in a PSR - and avoid getting so screwed up that you make a mess of it?

Too long will be when its effecting the pace of play - whether that be losing ground or their FC's are waiting around for the person for a time they deem to be too long.

As being said - most peoples "prep" can be done whilst their FC competitors are playing their shots.

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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Too long will be when its effecting the pace of play - whether that be losing ground or their FC's are waiting around for the person for a time they deem to be too long.

As being said - most peoples "prep" can be done whilst their FC competitors are playing their shots.

I have an ongoing argument with my OH, who has incorporated "putting his glove on" into his PSR.
Put the darn thing on while the other chap is hitting his shot!!

Deleted member 15344

I have an ongoing argument with my OH, who has incorporated "putting his glove on" into his PSR.
Put the darn thing on while the other chap is hitting his shot!!

Give him a clip round the ear !


Nov 16, 2011
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Too long will be when its effecting the pace of play - whether that be losing ground or their FC's are waiting around for the person for a time they deem to be too long.

As being said - most peoples "prep" can be done whilst their FC competitors are playing their shots.

A 1 second PSR will affect the pace of play! You need to do better than that!

Or is it simply too long when you think it's too long?! Even when you are right up the group in front's backsides and miles in front of the group behind!

I have no quibbles someone castigating a guy for not preparing at the earliest possible chance, wherever they happen to be.

I have an ongoing argument with my OH, who has incorporated "putting his glove on" into his PSR.
Put the darn thing on while the other chap is hitting his shot!!
Tell him to not take the bleeding thing off! Except maybe for putting!

And get it back on before he gets to the next Tee!
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Deleted member 15344

A 1 second PSR will affect the pace of play! You need to do better than that!

Or is it simply too long when you think it's too long?! Even when you are right up the group in front's backsides and miles in front of the group behind!

I have no quibbles someone castigating a guy for not preparing at the earliest possible chance, wherever they happen to be.

Its simply too long when the pace of the group is slow enough to lose ground on the group in front - hence why i said said ground on the group in front in the other post

Will say it again - when you are losing ground on the group in front ( which appears to happen when i think the person is taking too long over each shot )

If you are right up with the group in front then the pace of play will be fine - with the obvuous being that the group in front have lost lots of ground etc


Nov 16, 2011
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Its simply too long when the pace of the group is slow enough to lose ground on the group in front - hence why i said said ground on the group in front in the other post

Will say it again - when you are losing ground on the group in front ( which appears to happen when i think the person is taking too long over each shot )

If you are right up with the group in front then the pace of play will be fine - with the obvuous being that the group in front have lost lots of ground etc

So if the guy rushes his otherwise consistent 25 sec routine - to 18 secs say - in order to comply with your wishes, which causes him to take an extra shot on the hole, how much time do you think that has cost? And that time is time you have cost the group btw.

Deleted member 15344

So if the guy rushes his otherwise consistent 25 sec routine - to 18 secs say - in order to comply with your wishes, which causes him to take an extra shot on the hole, how much time do you think that has cost? And that time is time you have cost the group btw.

My wishes are that we keep pace with the group in front as it is expected of you on a golf course to ensure that rounds are kept to a minimum - if someones PSR means we lose touch with the group in front then yes i would expect them to quicken up as player to ensure we dont hold people up.

You can keep coming up with different scenarios or twisting things but it wont change anything

Keep up with the group in front - simple as that

Deleted Member 1156

Some on here seem to think that all PSR's slow things up. The joy of forum generalisations...

Have you read what people are saying? Nobody is saying you can't have a PSR, just keep it reasonable and start it as soon as you can ie. as you walk towards your ball.

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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Have you read what people are saying? Nobody is saying you can't have a PSR, just keep it reasonable and start it as soon as you can ie. as you walk towards your ball.

Yes I have read what people are saying- i don't contribute to a thread without reading all of it.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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Have you read what people are saying? Nobody is saying you can't have a PSR, just keep it reasonable and start it as soon as you can ie. as you walk towards your ball.

But there has been a fairly unsubtle undercurrent that is stating that PSR's are unnecessary and are the main cause of slow play... In my experience, the PSR is NOT the main cause of slow play, but an overly long, convoluted PSR may contribute, if that time is not made up elsewhere. For example, someone who has a 45s PSR, but virtually runs between shots, compared to someone who has a 15s PSR, but ambles and "banters" with his/her pals between shots... Generalisations don't help...:D

North Mimms

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Apr 22, 2012
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But there has been a fairly unsubtle undercurrent that is stating that PSR's are unnecessary and are the main cause of slow play... In my experience, the PSR is NOT the main cause of slow play, but an overly long, convoluted PSR may contribute, if that time is not made up elsewhere. For example, someone who has a 45s PSR, but virtually runs between shots, compared to someone who has a 15s PSR, but ambles and "banters" with his/her pals between shots... Generalisations don't help...:D
Thank you. I knew what I had read!

Deleted Member 1156

But there has been a fairly unsubtle undercurrent that is stating that PSR's are unnecessary and are the main cause of slow play... In my experience, the PSR is NOT the main cause of slow play, but an overly long, convoluted PSR may contribute, if that time is not made up elsewhere. For example, someone who has a 45s PSR, but virtually runs between shots, compared to someone who has a 15s PSR, but ambles and "banters" with his/her pals between shots... Generalisations don't help...:D

I haven't detected that. I would argue that everyone SHOULD have a PSR as proper preparation will help you execute the shot better and (hopefully) lead to fewer shots which obviously speeds up play. 15-30 seconds is ample.