Pre-shot Routine


Nov 16, 2011
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Hence why is said keeping up as opposed to pushing - but obviously if the group in front have slowed down then you may well end up being stuck behind them and end up waiting for them. Normally when I reach the tee I expect the group in front to have just moved on for their second shots , and when I reach my second shot they have just left the green.

Well that's either very close to pushing them (most likely) or you guys are actually bloody slow - 9 minutes to play your tee shots, get to them and play your seconds!

That also means you are almost certainly going to be waiting for them to clear the green, if not actually waiting for the last of them to get onto it!

There's a distinct pace-of-play argument, where the 1st is a Par 4, to (generally) prevent the next group from tee-ing off until the group ahead is walking onto the green. That's normally pretty much bang on 10 mins. Par 3s sort themselves out and Par 5s playing 3rd shots. all pretty much 10 mins.

If that gap is maintained, all rounds flow and at optimum pace.

So, given that you don't dawdle, you are too close - pushing! On a Par 4, they should, again, be walking onto the green as you prepare to tee off.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Nothing like dealing with extremes Is there

Do you intend of going to a forum meet or are they not serious enough for you and too much enjoyment for you

Didnt realise that was a prerequisite to be on this forum!!!

Not really as I wouldn't like to be a downer as I'm a pro in an amateur body that takes it too seriously, can't have a laugh, and not keep up cos my Aimpoint routine is longer then my PSR as I need to get my digital level out, protractor and set square to get my line of putt, I then have to get my metronome out for my putting stroke, and god forbid if you were the group behind me, so I'll leave you to your little meets cos I don't think I'd be popular if you saw me do that!

Ill stick to my serious, dower, gloomy, tedious boring golf I think.. :whistle:


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Chris your pre shot routine tends to be telling everyone how badly you are playing, and what trouble you are about to hit in to. At least no one can accuse you of being positive.:whistle::)

Well, it works for me!

No one ever said golf was meant to be fun, either. It is to be endured, not enjoyed.

Deleted member 15344

Didnt realise that was a prerequisite to be on this forum!!!

Not really as I wouldn't like to be a downer as I'm a pro in an amateur body that takes it too seriously, can't have a laugh, and not keep up cos my Aimpoint routine is longer then my PSR as I need to get my digital level out, protractor and set square to get my line of putt, I then have to get my metronome out for my putting stroke, and god forbid if you were the group behind me, so I'll leave you to your little meets cos I don't think I'd be popular if you saw me do that!

Ill stick to my serious, dower, gloomy, tedious boring golf I think.. :whistle:


There is no prerequisites to join the forum

One of the best things though is getting the chance to play golf with various people on various courses around the course and enjoy ourselves

But seeing as enjoyment is certainly off your radar I can't see the "little meets" will be your flavour - they are all about what great about golf.

Have nice evening :thup:


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Do you know what, sod all these PSR's. What really grips my [insert 4 letter word starting with S] is people who insist on studying putts from all 4 angles then doing a plumb line with their putter. They then still miss that 12 foot putt 12 inches below the hole and stick it 4 foot past, then go and do it all again. Now that is a PSR that slows play down.

A guy I know ( he is very slow), plumb bobs every shot. So he stands on the first tee, dangling his driver, ascertaining the break on the first fairway.

He has been a member of my club for 45 years.

It's flat. It always has been.

Deleted member 15344

Well that's either very close to pushing them (most likely) or you guys are actually bloody slow - 9 minutes to play your tee shots, get to them and play your seconds!

That also means you are almost certainly going to be waiting for them to clear the green, if not actually waiting for the last of them to get onto it!

There's a distinct pace-of-play argument, where the 1st is a Par 4, to (generally) prevent the next group from tee-ing off until the group ahead is walking onto the green. That's normally pretty much bang on 10 mins. Par 3s sort themselves out and Par 5s playing 3rd shots. all pretty much 10 mins.

If that gap is maintained, all rounds flow and at optimum pace.

So, given that you don't dawdle, you are too close - pushing! On a Par 4, they should, again, be walking onto the green as you prepare to tee off.

Sorry think we have exhausted it all now - given my idea of the correct pace of play

But regardless of what people expect or what tee gaps there are people will always get held up because things always happen within groups to delay things and long rounds happen.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend


Nov 16, 2011
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But regardless of what people expect or what tee gaps there are people will always get held up because things always happen within groups to delay things and long rounds happen.

That is true.

Just don't blame your FC's, slightly longer than you think is necessary, PSR for them!

Have a nice amiable round!

Deleted member 15344

That is true.

Just don't blame your FC's, slightly longer than you think is necessary, PSR for them!

Have a nice amiable round!

I will blame them if it's a cause of the slowness of a round

Enjoy :thup:


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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There is no prerequisites to join the forum

One of the best things though is getting the chance to play golf with various people on various courses around the course and enjoy ourselves

But seeing as enjoyment is certainly off your radar I can't see the "little meets" will be your flavour - they are all about what great about golf.

Have nice evening :thup:

who says I don't enjoy myself when on the golf course? Not me! It's your presumption that I don't, like your presumption that PSR's and Aimpoint cause slow play?

I can have a laugh and enjoy myself on a golf course just like you've been harking on about.

Anyway got to go to bed and prepare myself to hold the field up in the morning with my excessive PSR, up at 5:30 an hours workout prancing about in my leotard doing yoga, before doing Zen, then to the practise ground with at least 140 balls with visualisation on every shot, get the stimp out for Aimpoint then 3/4 hr routine with that, then tee off at 8:18 and hopefully finish at 13:23 and be anti social to my FCs before, during and after my round. It'll be a great day for being ultra competitive cos that's what it's all about.

note, the last paragraph is sarcastic to those players that have presumed certain things tonight.

North Mimms

Tour Winner
Apr 22, 2012
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who says I don't enjoy myself when on the golf course? Not me! It's your presumption that I don't, like your presumption that PSR's and Aimpoint cause slow play?

I can have a laugh and enjoy myself on a golf course just like you've been harking on about.

Anyway got to go to bed and prepare myself to hold the field up in the morning with my excessive PSR, up at 5:30 an hours workout prancing about in my leotard doing yoga, before doing Zen, then to the practise ground with at least 140 balls with visualisation on every shot, get the stimp out for Aimpoint then 3/4 hr routine with that, then tee off at 8:18 and hopefully finish at 13:23 and be anti social to my FCs before, during and after my round. It'll be a great day for being ultra competitive cos that's what it's all about.

note, the last paragraph is sarcastic to those players that have presumed certain things tonight.
Ha ha!
Don't forget to spend plenty of time fishing old balls out of the water, and make sure your score card is filled in before teeing off!

Deleted member 15344

who says I don't enjoy myself when on the golf course? Not me! It's your presumption that I don't, like your presumption that PSR's and Aimpoint cause slow play?

I can have a laugh and enjoy myself on a golf course just like you've been harking on about.

Anyway got to go to bed and prepare myself to hold the field up in the morning with my excessive PSR, up at 5:30 an hours workout prancing about in my leotard doing yoga, before doing Zen, then to the practise ground with at least 140 balls with visualisation on every shot, get the stimp out for Aimpoint then 3/4 hr routine with that, then tee off at 8:18 and hopefully finish at 13:23 and be anti social to my FCs before, during and after my round. It'll be a great day for being ultra competitive cos that's what it's all about.

note, the last paragraph is sarcastic to those players that have presumed certain things tonight.

you have continuely missed the point in this thread

I think at one point you said that people that just play the game for enjoyment "dont get it"

You have gone on about how your playing competively - dont engage in banter and you arent there for laughs and jokes.

Unless you are a Pro - then this game is a hobby - we don't do it to earn money , its not out job , its something we do that we enjoy when we have spare time.

This quote from you sums it up for me

That's fine, if you want a social game and that's all what golf means to you, a little get together with a laughs banter and jokes then I can accept that, you obviously don't have ambition in the game which is your prerogative, but don't decry players who are busting their guts wanting to be better just because it's effecting your buddies enjoying the laughs banter and jokes and if that's all what golf means to you then, sit back, relax, enjoy the company, the walk, smell the flowers and occasionally hit a white ball towards a hole in the ground, in a field.

Deleted member 15344

Everyone plays golf for different reasons. Doesn't mean others are wrong.

Correct - but just because people play it for enjoyment doesnt mean they dont get it or have no ambition in the game.

People can be competitive whilst also enjoying the game , people can play well whilst also enjoying the game and having the banter and the laughs and the jokes.

the one thing i would always request is that whatever people do on the golf course or how they act or how serious they take it - it should never effect other peoples games.

thankfully i have only ever witnessed people that play the game for the enjoyment and for the company and have the banter etc - even the pro ams i play - the pro i play with loves the pro ams - because he has a very good time with the company and get the perfect mix. He does all the serious stuff when he plays in his pro tournaments.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Correct - but just because people play it for enjoyment doesnt mean they dont get it or have no ambition in the game.

People can be competitive whilst also enjoying the game , people can play well whilst also enjoying the game and having the banter and the laughs and the jokes.

the one thing i would always request is that whatever people do on the golf course or how they act or how serious they take it - it should never effect other peoples games.

I'll come and bat in your corner Phil and go 100% with what you have said. 3565 reads to me as he is saying anyone who just goes out to enjoy them self and have a laugh, does not take the game serious and has no ambition to get better. I do not take this game serious at all, the only time I touch my clubs is to clean them, or play a round. I play to have a laugh and a bit of banter, just as long as people still show respect to other players when they are playing a shot.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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I'll come and bat in your corner Phil and go 100% with what you have said. 3565 reads to me as he is saying anyone who just goes out to enjoy them self and have a laugh, does not take the game serious and has no ambition to get better. I do not take this game serious at all, the only time I touch my clubs is to clean them, or play a round. I play to have a laugh and a bit of banter, just as long as people still show respect to other players when they are playing a shot.

That makes three of us then Adey. We must be in the minority on here, but strangely at my club I am in the majority.:whistle: Any way I know what type of golfer I would rather enjoy playing with.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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you have continuely missed the point in this thread

I think at one point you said that people that just play the game for enjoyment "dont get it"

You have gone on about how your playing competively - dont engage in banter and you arent there for laughs and jokes.

Unless you are a Pro - then this game is a hobby - we don't do it to earn money , its not out job , its something we do that we enjoy when we have spare time.

This quote from you sums it up for me

Just tell me what was the point of this thread again? Cos I'm pretty thick you know?