Pre-shot Routine


Deleted member 15344

That wasn't directed at you, so I'm sorry if you took it that way. Obviously you play to a very high standard and competitive level, so you of all people will know the amount of hard work thru preparation to compete. Preparation is the key to successful golf and especially at your level which you would of done. For players who PREFER competitive golf they have to start somewhere, which can be on the practise ground to attain a PSR, but when on the course it becomes a whole different ball game and trying to control the gobbledygook that goes on in your head........... Surely you can understand that?

Good luck in your endeavours this season and maybe our paths might cross at Worksop.....

When did I ever say I don't play competitive golf ?

I play in regular tournaments including very serious pro Am's and County Tournaments plus scratch tournaments.

I can do that ( and do very well ) without the need of elongated PSR etc.

Preparation isn't the key - hitting the ball well on the day is the key

Deleted member 15344

That's your opinion, but to some it means more and since it's just a laugh for you, you will never get it. And likewise you have made lots of accusations towards people who would like to improve. How many people have had their games 'effected' by people who rush round the course up the groups arses in front and start flailing their arms about and start shouting slow play? Is that showing good etiquette?

Aimpoint. You've not done it so don't comment on it cos you don't get it and won't get it no matter how many times you've been told. In fact your normal method takes longer then Express read.....

Interesting that you want players who hold YOU UP to get either up early to play or start late as not to get in Liverpoolpils way?? And you talk about selfish?

And if your not into psychobabble and don't believe it then why are you letting them effect your game? And talk about being rude, better paint yourself with the same brush?

Never get it ?!

Again you miss the point entirely

I'm all for people taking it serious and are competitive, no problems with that at all.

If people are getting accused of slow play from the group behind that is because they are no doubt holding play up - that itself is one of golfs biggest problems. Just because people play at the correct steady pace and are ready to hit the ball as soon as possible doesn't mean they aren't being competitive - Perfect example is Snedeker - straight down onto his shot as soon as it's his turn to play

Yes I want players who hold me up to play at the back - because they don't just hold me up they hold everyone behind them up, their slow play has a knock on effect throughout the whole field.

The person who I was playing with effected the whole field - we lost holes to the people in front , we had to let groups through , we took 5 hours for a 3 ball to go round a golf course - all because he took so long over every single shot to get himself prepared - so his actions effected me and the other FC as well as the people behind him - that is a lack of awareness of his actions and the effect they have on his FC.

Slow play is killing golf both professionally and at the club on a weekend - elongated PSR's whilst people are getting themselves 100% ready for their shot are a big factor in that - it's a disease that needs sorting


Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Preparation isn't the key - hitting the ball well on the day is the key

Bed prep will prevent you hitting the ball well Phil. I found that to my cost @ Ashburnham - prep was my head in a cocktail fish bowl @ 4am in Swansea during freshers week. I took my 3rd shot on the 1st hole from short of the road still!! :(

2 things learnt that day: I am too old for that carry on and after some of the sites i daughter will never ever go to Swansea university!!!! ;)


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
When did I ever say I don't play competitive golf ?

I play in regular tournaments including very serious pro Am's and County Tournaments plus scratch tournaments.

I can do that ( and do very well ) without the need of elongated PSR etc.

Preparation isn't the key - hitting the ball well on the day is the key

the problem is you are a born natural, most people need to work at everything to get good at golf one of which is the PSR and do have to prepare before a match. You have the enviable ability to get low and stay low without practice and play your best with a seemingly haphazard approach. I would wager you do certain things at certain times before and during a comp but as you never had to think about them you don't know you do it or don't realise there significance.

Most golfers are not so lucky and have to do a number of things to play to their best, if this means they take an extra 20 seconds before each shot then I do not think this is adding an undue length of time to a game. Even if a PSR is a comfort blanket to some people, perhaps it does nothing but give them the confidence that they have prepared properly before each shot. If you don't need that then it would seem unnecessary to some and too long or complicated to others.

I agree golfers tend to take the game too seriously at times, but I think the time for changing behaviour is after a bad shot not before a good one.

Deleted member 15344

the problem is you are a born natural, most people need to work at everything to get good at golf one of which is the PSR and do have to prepare before a match. You have the enviable ability to get low and stay low without practice and play your best with a seemingly haphazard approach. I would wager you do certain things at certain times before and during a comp but as you never had to think about them you don't know you do it or don't realise there significance.

Most golfers are not so lucky and have to do a number of things to play to their best, if this means they take an extra 20 seconds before each shot then I do not think this is adding an undue length of time to a game. Even if a PSR is a comfort blanket to some people, perhaps it does nothing but give them the confidence that they have prepared properly before each shot. If you don't need that then it would seem unnecessary to some and too long or complicated to others.

I agree golfers tend to take the game too seriously at times, but I think the time for changing behaviour is after a bad shot not before a good one.

Add on an extra 20 secs to the normal 10-20 secs people should take anyway and then multiple that by 80-90. That extra 20 secs per shot prob adds on over 30 mins to a game of golf. Those extra 20 secs are taking 4 hour medals to 4 and half hour medals and people arent just having the extra 20 secs - some its longer - up to a min. Just imagine one person doing that and then the snowball effect that will happen.

We played in a Pro Am at Menzies Club - it took us 5hrs 10 mins to go round !! We were right up behind the group in front and the group behind where right up behind us - any rhythm people had just halted ( getting into a groove with the club i believe is vitally important to playing well ) and the round was ruined for many people - the cause was a Pro and his playing partners taking lots of time over each shot - the pro was awful - stepping up then stepping back and doing a very long PSR - his Am's also had PSRs taking too long - the actions of those four people had a massive effect on the rest of the field. It wasnt the first time for the Pro and i do believe he has been given a warning - but thats the sort of effect an extra 20secs plus has on a field of golfers.

Once your FC has taken their shot - you should be down ready to play your shot - if peoples PSR routine stops them from doing that then they need to change or find a way to change before going into comps.

Deleted Member 1156

On the European tour, the first player to arrive at his ball is allowed 50 seconds to play his shot, the rest of the group get 40 seconds. These are guys who are playing for thousands of pounds, not club golfers playing in the weekly stableford. There is absolutely no justification for club golfers to take any longer than 40 seconds. Add in the fact that they are hitting 20 or more shots per round and often playing in 4 balls and it is quite clear there is a problem. Amateurs also spend a lot of time looking for balls.

Start your prep as you walk to your ball, not when you get to it. A couple of swishes then hit the ball. As someone said earlier in this thread, the more you think about it, the more you clutter up your head.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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When did I ever say I don't play competitive golf ?

I play in regular tournaments including very serious pro Am's and County Tournaments plus scratch tournaments.

I can do that ( and do very well ) without the need of elongated PSR etc.

Preparation isn't the key - hitting the ball well on the day is the key

I'm glad you do well in them, obviously like the psychologist said you are very naturally talented and your attitude towards people who are TRYING leaves a lot to be desired. And this last comment you made, is utter bowl ex mate.

Deleted member 15344

I'm glad you do well in them, obviously like the psychologist said you are very naturally talented and your attitude towards people who are TRYING leaves a lot to be desired. And this last comment you made, is utter bowl ex mate.

Its not my attitude to people who are trying to do things but in them trying to do things are holding up play -

You appear to continuely miss the point the miss so i will say it again - i have no problems with people trying to improve themselves on the golf course and trying various methods to do so "AS LONG AS IT DOESNT EFFECT THE PACE OF PLAY" - when it does effect/affect the pace of play then i do have a problem with them.

And my last comment seems to be very valid for me. I dont do any pre comp preparation


Challenge Tour Pro
Mar 10, 2010
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If you google pre-shot routine you get quite a lot come up. You can get examples from Tour players (Annikas has been quoted somewhere as 24 seconds).

I see no reason for an effective routine to hold up play, plenty seem to argue that it can help you and some even argue that people are doing it without realising. I might even have one, I was asked to demonstrate my routine in the past and made one up it took about 23 seconds and was remarkably consistent considering it definitely was not what I did.

Edit: I don't like to hang around anything above 2 hours 40 is too long for me. As someone mentioned earlier it's easy for rhythm to be affected and it is going to happen if you're going to play in comps. You can't (unfortunately) expect to get round in that sort of time, so I had to find ways of wasting time to allow myself to perform in comps. So I guess that I used time wasting avoidance strategies to allow myself to keep my rhythm, it was something I had to learn to deal with. Pre-shot routines may help deal with those kind of issues too.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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do people really have to consciously visualise the ball flight. surely your mind will do this automatically? otherwise we would be smashing into trees / getting blown away by the wind all the time.

oh wait! :whistle:


Head Pro
Sep 16, 2007
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That's fine, if you want a social game and that's all what golf means to you, a little get together with a laughs banter and jokes then I can accept that, you obviously don't have ambition in the game which is your prerogative, but don't decry players who are busting their guts wanting to be better just because it's effecting your buddies enjoying the laughs banter and jokes and if that's all what golf means to you then, sit back, relax, enjoy the company, the walk, smell the flowers and occasionally hit a white ball towards a hole in the ground, in a field.

I am sorry but that is the biggest crock of ***** I have ever read.
If I want to drive down the road the wrong way stopping traffic, is that ok? Because that's what people with 2 minute PSRs are doing to the traffic on the golf course
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North Mimms

Tour Winner
Apr 22, 2012
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You gotta love the internet.

Someone comes on talking about the benefit of a SHORT PSR, and others insist that PSRs are ruining the game and causing 5 hour rounds because they happened to play with some bloke who takes 2 minutes over a shot.
You are not discussing the same thing so your arguments are flawed.

I have a set PSR- I am not a natural golfer so I need a structured approach especially as I am keen to improve.
Last week someone said i was a "refreshingly quick player"
So you CAN have a set PSR and not hold people up.

Also, my PSR may be short, but I would not be happy with someone who thought it was ok to chatter whilst I set up to the ball until *they* deem i am ready to hit the ball. Surely you could just shut up for the 15 seconds it takes me from checking distance to hitting ball?

Deleted member 15344

You gotta love the internet.

Someone comes on talking about the benefit of a SHORT PSR, and others insist that PSRs are ruining the game and causing 5 hour rounds because they happened to play with some bloke who takes 2 minutes over a shot.
You are not discussing the same thing so your arguments are flawed.

I have a set PSR- I am not a natural golfer so I need a structured approach especially as I am keen to improve.
Last week someone said i was a "refreshingly quick player"
So you CAN have a set PSR and not hold people up.

Also, my PSR may be short, but I would not be happy with someone who thought it was ok to chatter whilst I set up to the ball until *they* deem i am ready to hit the ball. Surely you could just shut up for the 15 seconds it takes me from checking distance to hitting ball?

As i said in my other post - what happens on the course isnt set in stone in regards how people act when people are getting ready - i have seen some who chat away and some who are quiet - you judge it as you play. Its all down to the players and how they interact.


Nov 16, 2011
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I am sorry but that is the biggest crock of ***** I have ever read.
If I want to drive down the road the wrong way stopping traffic, is that ok? Because that's what people with 2 minute PSRs are doing to the traffic on the golf course

Er. How many of these have you actually encountered? And, if any, what have you actually done about it?
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Deleted member 15344

Er. How many of these have you actually encountered? And, if any, what have you actually done about it?

I have encountered long PSR's and i have told them they were taking too long over their PSR routine and need to shorten it.