Pre-shot Routine


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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To be honest I should be surprised, but I'm not :eek:

30 secs visualising a shot FFS, there in itself demonstrates why slow play is strangling the game.

Chuck in aimpoint and the other bollards and you have 5 hr round.

Psr and the rest of the guff have no impact on performance, otherwise the average handicap would be coming down, which it's not.


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
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It always amuses me when people who play golf as a hobby want to act like the pro they see on telly
Same here Phil. I doubt there are many on here that enjoy a game of golf more than me. They may play better, probably a lot better, but I just want to hit it, find it, and hit it again. In between I want to have a bit of banter with like minded folk.

The more you think about something, the more it will mess with your head. Richart 4/4/2014.;)

Deleted member 15344

Same here Phil. I doubt there are many on here that enjoy a game of golf more than me. They may play better, probably a lot better, but I just want to hit it, find it, and hit it again. In between I want to have a bit of banter with like minded folk.

The more you think about something, the more it will mess with your head. Richart 4/4/2014.;)

And that final statement is perfect !

It's a hobby - an enjoyable one where the banter flows on and off the course and at times we hit the ball into a hole


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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And that final statement is perfect !

It's a hobby - an enjoyable one where the banter flows on and off the course and at times we hit the ball into a hole

Is it coincidence, that those golfers I've played with who have an extended pre shot routine also happen to be the biggest tits I've encountered on the course ??

Deleted member 15344

Is it coincidence that those golfers I've played with who have an extended pre shot routine also happen to be the biggest tits I've encountered on the course ??


Coffee on the I Pad moment

And you are spot on - the mid handicappers acting like pros !

Deleted Member 1156

It amuses me on this forum that ALOT on here disregard something that they no nothing about, and discredit those who have taken the time to look into, try things and to implement into their game. Those who do are trying to improve their game to achieve their goal, and some by what I can gain from this forum are quite happy to pootle along with their game and disbelieve those who TRY!

The psychologist has done his studying in his field and has given his time to give his thoughts on the matter of the mental side of the game that DOES EXIST. if you don't then maybe you need to see a shrink yourselves. What his hc got to do with his knowledge of sports psychology is immaterial, is Shaun Foley a better golfer then Tiger, no, but Tiger see's him cos of his knowledge of the golf swing. At least the psychologist HAS a hc unlike someone on here shouting from the roof tops.

The greatest MAJOR winner of all time has stated he never hit a shot even on the practise round until he was 100% ready and sure. And by judging some of the comments I don't know why you waste your time on even 20 secs, why not just plonk your bag down, grab the nearest club, tee it up and whack it, as clearly your not interested in shooting the lowest score possible but to go round in the least time possible?

Some interesting points you've made there.

Firstly, who says the people on here know nothing about sports psychology? For what it's worth, I don't need anyone to tell me how great I am, I already know.

And secondly, I agree that a round of golf isn't a race BUT I don't want to spend 5 hours on the course while other people dick about with their PSR's. This is all part of the greater problem of people not knowing how to conduct themselves on the course. Your PSR should start before you even get to your ball NOT when it's your turn to play!


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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That's fine, if you want a social game and that's all what golf means to you, a little get together with a laughs banter and jokes then I can accept that, you obviously don't have ambition in the game which is your prerogative, but don't decry players who are busting their guts wanting to be better just because it's effecting your buddies enjoying the laughs banter and jokes and if that's all what golf means to you then, sit back, relax, enjoy the company, the walk, smell the flowers and occasionally hit a white ball towards a hole in the ground, in a field.

Deleted Member 1156

That's fine, if you want a social game and that's all what golf means to you, a little get together with a laughs banter and jokes then I can accept that, you obviously don't have ambition in the game which is your prerogative, but don't decry players who are busting their guts wanting to be better just because it's effecting your buddies enjoying the laughs banter and jokes and if that's all what golf means to you then, sit back, relax, enjoy the company, the walk, smell the flowers and occasionally hit a white ball towards a hole in the ground, in a field.

Excuse me but I play in scratch team matches and county and national level competitions. This year I will be playing in the English mid am amongst other competitions. Please don't jump to conclusions :confused:

Deleted member 15344

That's fine, if you want a social game and that's all what golf means to you, a little get together with a laughs banter and jokes then I can accept that, you obviously don't have ambition in the game which is your prerogative, but don't decry players who are busting their guts wanting to be better just because it's effecting your buddies enjoying the laughs banter and jokes and if that's all what golf means to you then, sit back, relax, enjoy the company, the walk, smell the flowers and occasionally hit a white ball towards a hole in the ground, in a field.

You have missed the point entirely

Golf is a social game for us amateurs - it's a hobby , it's what we do in our spare time to relax and socialise. That is 90% of the make up is club golf.

You have made lots of accusations towards people who enjoy themselves on a golf course.

Put it this way how many people have their game "effected" by people just enjoying themselves and playing to a nice pace without any needs for elongated PSR or aimpoint etc etc on a golf course ? These people are still respectful a they keep quiet when people are playing their shot and show good ettiqute towards fellow golfers. Would that effect your game ?

Now I have no problem with people wanting to improve their golf - I wanted to score better and I did - but I didn't need any 100%focus for each shot or any elongated PSR or aiming method on the greens - I just played a bit more and relaxed and enjoyed the game for what it is - an enjoyable hobby.

The problem I have is and It appears others do is when these 100% focus or PSR or aiming methods etc effect the pace of play on a golf course and then effect every single other golfer out there - that's the problem - people spending over a minute on each shot whilst they go through some long PSR and getting them focused 100% because someone like Karl Morris has told them and they see the pros on the course do it !?

If someone really wants to do that then go out in the last group so they don't hold everyone up - or play when they know the golf course is quiet and they won't effect everyone else on the course.

I have played with people who have spent ages over each shot and asked them to speed up because they were effecting my game - their response - "I need to do this to play to my best" !! Well I told him by doing that he was effecting everyone else and holding up play and effecting his FC ! It's selfish and rude and it's becoming a problem in many golf clubs that suffer from long rounds


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
it really is amazing how the preconceptions on here have clouded peoples views. Read my post again please, I really thought it was obvious that I was taking the michael based on a previous post. Then naturally these two turn up and jump on the bandwagon tickling each other into fits of giggles.

If you do read it properly you will see that I actually advocate a short PSR.

Any golfer pro or otherwise that is taking several practice swings, constantly changing their mind and doubting themselves or spending too long 'psyching' themselves up are not going to be playing their best. Perhaps they play slightly better on occasions than if they were more haphazard but that does not make it the optimum approach.


Nov 16, 2011
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30 secs visualising a shot FFS, there in itself demonstrates why slow play is strangling the game.

Another who completely misinterpreted the Gobbledegook 101 post!

Chuck in aimpoint and the other bollards and you have 5 hr round.

Definitely not - if done properly.

Psr and the rest of the guff have no impact on performance, otherwise the average handicap would be coming down, which it's not.

Hard Evidence please - other it's just bluster!

Do you even know what the average handicap is?

Deleted Member 1156

it really is amazing how the preconceptions on here have clouded peoples views. Read my post again please, I really thought it was obvious that I was taking the michael based on a previous post. Then naturally these two turn up and jump on the bandwagon tickling each other into fits of giggles.

If you do read it properly you will see that I actually advocate a short PSR.

I read and understood your original post (although I didn't comment on it) but that doesn't change the fact that a high percentage of amateurs that only play as a hobby DO spend inordinate amounts of time on a PSR.

If I was playing for £000,000's of pounds then fair enough but I'm not.


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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That's fine, if you want a social game and that's all what golf means to you, a little get together with a laughs banter and jokes then I can accept that, you obviously don't have ambition in the game which is your prerogative, but don't decry players who are busting their guts wanting to be better just because it's effecting your buddies enjoying the laughs banter and jokes and if that's all what golf means to you then, sit back, relax, enjoy the company, the walk, smell the flowers and occasionally hit a white ball towards a hole in the ground, in a field.

There's loads of people on here who play to a comparable level to you without out the need for a completely robotic approach to the game.


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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I read and understood your original post (although I didn't comment on it) but that doesn't change the fact that a high percentage of amateurs that only play as a hobby DO spend inordinate amounts of time on a PSR.

If I was playing for £000,000's of pounds then fair enough but I'm not.
And up to now, I believe that almost everybody has stated that an elongated PSR is wrong. Very wrong. Some people have misinterpreted a post and turned an interesting thread into a witch hunt.. I'm not one for psychology in golf, but I wouldn't decry it for anyone else..

Deleted member 15344

My posts aren't aimed at Mr Mulligan - reading back it's clear what his second paragraph was meaning

I may not agree with the psychology stuff though

My posts are in direct response to 3665

Deleted Member 1156

And up to now, I believe that almost everybody has stated that an elongated PSR is wrong. Very wrong. Some people have misinterpreted a post and turned an interesting thread into a witch hunt.. I'm not one for psychology in golf, but I wouldn't decry it for anyone else..

This raises another interesting point. I believe this forum is pretty representative of the general UK golfing population and everyone is in agreement(?) that there is no need for an extended PSR. So who is doing these long winded PSR's then?

Obviously not GM forum members :whistle:


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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My posts aren't aimed at Mr Mulligan - reading back it's clear what his second paragraph was meaning

I may not agree with the psychology stuff though

My posts are in direct response to 3665
I appreciate that, but I think that 3565 is trying to defend G Mulligan from some Psychology detractors..:D

In all honesty Phil, I've got say that anyone who spends as much time and effort on a forum as some on here (including myself) probably need more than a little help in the mental department...:whistle:

Deleted member 15344

I appreciate that, but I think that 3565 is trying to defend G Mulligan from some Psychology detractors..:D

In all honesty Phil, I've got say that anyone who spends as much time and effort on a forum as some on here (including myself) probably need more than a little help in the mental department...:whistle:

Im not mental - I know they are all out to get me :D

I have no problems with PSR and psyhco babel stuff as long as when it's your turn to play you are ready to hit the ball and don't hold up play - people can pray to Buddha in between shots if they wish