Pre-shot Routine


Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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it really is amazing how the preconceptions on here have clouded peoples views. Read my post again please, I really thought it was obvious that I was taking the michael based on a previous post. Then naturally these two turn up and jump on the bandwagon tickling each other into fits of giggles.

If you do read it properly you will see that I actually advocate a short PSR.

Any golfer pro or otherwise that is taking several practice swings, constantly changing their mind and doubting themselves or spending too long 'psyching' themselves up are not going to be playing their best. Perhaps they play slightly better on occasions than if they were more haphazard but that does not make it the optimum approach.

Whoops just re read it properly, apologies :cheers:

Still stand by post 84 though, maybe the psr's I've experienced have been done badly:confused:

It's not about 4hrs of non stop banter, everyone wants to play well, but in my experience those who are in the zone are the ones you want to be drawn with least :confused:


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
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This raises another interesting point. I believe this forum is pretty representative of the general UK golfing population and everyone is in agreement(?) that there is no need for an extended PSR. So who is doing these long winded PSR's then?

Obviously not GM forum members :whistle:

Without naming names, I do know someone who does an extended PSR (not a forum member). I've watched it develop over 2 years and started with a complete loss of form. He's just getting back to form now and the routine is getting shorter, but it was painful to watch at times...

Deleted Member 1156

Without naming names, I do know someone who does an extended PSR (not a forum member). I've watched it develop over 2 years and started with a complete loss of form. He's just getting back to form now and the routine is getting shorter, but it was painful to watch at times...

Name and shame!!! :D


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
Im not mental - I know they are all out to get me :D

I have no problems with PSR and psyhco babel stuff as long as when it's your turn to play you are ready to hit the ball and don't hold up play - people can pray to Buddha in between shots if they wish

quite amazing really :) no problem with it apart from the fact it is complete nonsense obviously


Nov 16, 2011
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Wind your neck in foxy, I refer you to post 84!!
More Bluster then!

You haven't a clue what the average handicap is do you! Yet claim it hasn't changed!

My version of your post 84.
Is it coincidence, that the best golfers I've encountered have a definite and identifiable pre shot routine.

Whoops just re read it properly, apologies :cheers:
And I refer you to post 92 (and 71)!
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Deleted member 15344

quite amazing really :) no problem with it apart from the fact it is complete nonsense obviously

Is that allowed. ?

Apologies if that offends your profession but I think it's nonsense at our level to be more specific

But I people want to believe in it then no problems - just don't let it effect others games.


Tour Rookie
Mar 1, 2011
Is that allowed. ?

Apologies if that offends your profession but I think it's nonsense at our level to be more specific

But I people want to believe in it then no problems - just don't let it effect others games.

yeah no problem I just enjoyed the irony, it made me smile :)

no offense to my profession there are plenty who do use psychobabble, mostly American coach led pseudo psychology.

I don't do that. I am good.
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Money List Winner
Dec 22, 2008
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More Bluster then!

You haven't a clue what the average handicap is do you! Yet claim it hasn't changed!

My version of your post 84.
Is it coincidence, that the best golfers I've encountered have a definite and identifiable pre shot routine.

Not bluster foxy, it's the truth, the only bluster on here is the yawn inducing pedantry you insist on coming out with.

I believe the average handicap hasn't changed, however have no desire to get into that with you because you would wear me down with your pedantic bollards.

If you wish to be pedantic (which I know you do) I refer you to the word extended.

How's the charity work by the way??:eek:


Nov 16, 2011
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Apologies if that offends your profession but I think it's nonsense at our level to be more specific
Some questions then that might lead onto more.

Do you practice? Why?

At what point do you stop conversation when someone nearby is the next to play? Why?

When would you want others to stop their conversation when it's your turn to play? Why?

Deleted member 15344

Some questions then that might lead onto more.

Do you practice? Why?

At what point do you stop conversation when someone nearby is the next to play? Why?

When would you want others to stop their conversation when it's your turn to play? Why?

I don't practise

The conversation stops when it looks like the person is ready to hit the ball

Why - to give them silence to not put them off because is etiquette


Nov 16, 2011
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Not bluster foxy, it's the truth

Prove it then!

Until you do it's bluster!

Btw. You may be right, but you still have to prove it! And also make the link between the theory and results, excluding 'noise'/other factors!
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Deleted member 15344

So do you continue to converse through their preparation?

You didn't answer the last question.

Preperation ?

A depends on what that "preperation" is where they are in relation to where I am standing - there is nothing set in stone

As for me - I have been speaking to people as I line up and up until I pull my club back as I start my back swing.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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Excuse me but I play in scratch team matches and county and national level competitions. This year I will be playing in the English mid am amongst other competitions. Please don't jump to conclusions :confused:

That wasn't directed at you, so I'm sorry if you took it that way. Obviously you play to a very high standard and competitive level, so you of all people will know the amount of hard work thru preparation to compete. Preparation is the key to successful golf and especially at your level which you would of done. For players who PREFER competitive golf they have to start somewhere, which can be on the practise ground to attain a PSR, but when on the course it becomes a whole different ball game and trying to control the gobbledygook that goes on in your head........... Surely you can understand that?

Good luck in your endeavours this season and maybe our paths might cross at Worksop.....


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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I appreciate that, but I think that 3565 is trying to defend G Mulligan from some Psychology detractors..:D

In all honesty Phil, I've got say that anyone who spends as much time and effort on a forum as some on here (including myself) probably need more than a little help in the mental department...:whistle:

I am, I think it's disrespectful. Just because he doesn't do it doesn't mean everyone else has not got to do it.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 2, 2013
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You have missed the point entirely

Golf is a social game for us amateurs - it's a hobby , it's what we do in our spare time to relax and socialise. That is 90% of the make up is club golf.

You have made lots of accusations towards people who enjoy themselves on a golf course.

Put it this way how many people have their game "effected" by people just enjoying themselves and playing to a nice pace without any needs for elongated PSR or aimpoint etc etc on a golf course ? These people are still respectful a they keep quiet when people are playing their shot and show good ettiqute towards fellow golfers. Would that effect your game ?

Now I have no problem with people wanting to improve their golf - I wanted to score better and I did - but I didn't need any 100%focus for each shot or any elongated PSR or aiming method on the greens - I just played a bit more and relaxed and enjoyed the game for what it is - an enjoyable hobby.

The problem I have is and It appears others do is when these 100% focus or PSR or aiming methods etc effect the pace of play on a golf course and then effect every single other golfer out there - that's the problem - people spending over a minute on each shot whilst they go through some long PSR and getting them focused 100% because someone like Karl Morris has told them and they see the pros on the course do it !?

If someone really wants to do that then go out in the last group so they don't hold everyone up - or play when they know the golf course is quiet and they won't effect everyone else on the course.

I have played with people who have spent ages over each shot and asked them to speed up because they were effecting my game - their response - "I need to do this to play to my best" !! Well I told him by doing that he was effecting everyone else and holding up play and effecting his FC ! It's selfish and rude and it's becoming a problem in many golf clubs that suffer from long rounds

That's your opinion, but to some it means more and since it's just a laugh for you, you will never get it. And likewise you have made lots of accusations towards people who would like to improve. How many people have had their games 'effected' by people who rush round the course up the groups arses in front and start flailing their arms about and start shouting slow play? Is that showing good etiquette?

Aimpoint. You've not done it so don't comment on it cos you don't get it and won't get it no matter how many times you've been told. In fact your normal method takes longer then Express read.....

Interesting that you want players who hold YOU UP to get either up early to play or start late as not to get in Liverpoolpils way?? And you talk about selfish?

And if your not into psychobabble and don't believe it then why are you letting them effect your game? And talk about being rude, better paint yourself with the same brush?
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Nov 16, 2011
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You have missed the point entirely

Golf is a social game for us amateurs - it's a hobby , it's what we do in our spare time to relax and socialise. That is 90% of the make up is club golf.

You have made lots of accusations towards people who enjoy themselves on a golf course.

Put it this way how many people have their game "effected" by people just enjoying themselves and playing to a nice pace without any needs for elongated PSR or aimpoint etc etc on a golf course ? These people are still respectful a they keep quiet when people are playing their shot and show good ettiqute towards fellow golfers. Would that effect your game ?

Now I have no problem with people wanting to improve their golf - I wanted to score better and I did - but I didn't need any 100%focus for each shot or any elongated PSR or aiming method on the greens - I just played a bit more and relaxed and enjoyed the game for what it is - an enjoyable hobby.

The problem I have is and It appears others do is when these 100% focus or PSR or aiming methods etc effect the pace of play on a golf course and then effect every single other golfer out there - that's the problem - people spending over a minute on each shot whilst they go through some long PSR and getting them focused 100% because someone like Karl Morris has told them and they see the pros on the course do it !?

If someone really wants to do that then go out in the last group so they don't hold everyone up - or play when they know the golf course is quiet and they won't effect everyone else on the course.

I have played with people who have spent ages over each shot and asked them to speed up because they were effecting my game - their response - "I need to do this to play to my best" !! Well I told him by doing that he was effecting everyone else and holding up play and effecting his FC ! It's selfish and rude and it's becoming a problem in many golf clubs that suffer from long rounds

But I people want to believe in it then no problems - just don't let it effect others games.

And if your not into psychobabble and don't believe it then why are you letting them effect your game? And talk about being rude, better paint yourself with the same brush.

My pedantry for the evening/morning.....

Can you guys please use 'affect' and 'effect' properly?