A professional athlete, therefore its his workplace.
No person should go to their work to be abused. It's extremely sad that people think they can hurl whatever insults they like from the "safety" of a packed crowd.
As for Phoenix, it's a cringe worthy embarrassment to golf. Drunken louts shouting and chanting and whooping is not golf. There is no place for it in a professional tournament. Of course that is just my personal opinion and you are welcome to yours.
No person should go to their work to be abused. It's extremely sad that people think they can hurl whatever insults they like from the "safety" of a packed crowd.
As for Phoenix, it's a cringe worthy embarrassment to golf. Drunken louts shouting and chanting and whooping is not golf. There is no place for it in a professional tournament. Of course that is just my personal opinion and you are welcome to yours.