Head Pro
Can't comment specifically on that, but presumably the referee got involved so it was on his shoulders. If it was very possible he was lying, I'm pretty sure the referee can still make a subjective decision as to whether he gets relief or not (i.e. make judgement like the commentators). I've seen many players before try and get relied (e.g. McIlroy and Kuchar spring to mind), and the referee has not allowed it. So, I wouldn't criticise Reed for this. If he managed to argue his case, and the referee went along with it, that is on the referee's shoulders. After all, all players will try and get a ruling if they think it will work out in their favour.
I suppose, if you have something like a bush or tree that could be very much in play with a reasonably bad shot, when setting up the course, grandstands, scoreboards and TV equipment (towers and cables), it probably needs to be taken into account that this should be placed in positions to minimise the impact on player shots
Yes - I think that's the get out and why it hasn't become a big deal. And certainly broadcasters don't want to lean too heavily on a player as they might be (rightly) criticised for not subjecting everyone to the same scrutiny.
But like I said, the official might ask you 'would you play it from there'. Now if you can get a club on it (even left handed), you can get away with saying yes and an official can't really ask you to show him. But the difference is when you are faced with the option of playing it or taking a penalty drop... are you actually going to take the penalty drop rather than risk trying to address your ball, moving it again, not getting it clear of the bush and leaving yourself in a worse position?
The incident with Rory (at this event last year) was that his ball was next to a cart path. The official had just given DJ a free drop, who'd taken a full stance with a 6 iron to ensure one foot was on the path. Gets 2 club lengths relief and can come out from behind a tree. Next hole Rory is in a similar spot, but is about 9 inches shorter than DJ and the official said he wasn't close enough to the path. Rory ended up playing it left handed onto the wrong fairway. Almost certain that if DJ took the shot that was available to him... i.e. a chip out with a wedge, he'd have been nowhere near the cart path.
Kuchar was at it with the 'ball made a 2nd divot' story.