duncan mackie
Money List Winner
That is just swing speed and a centered strike. There are no other parts. You could deloft the club and get more yardage but your playing partners would still hit it further than you if they did the same.
Generally more mass (heavier clubhead) would result in less speed.... that is why the tour guys 'work out' so they can accelerate more mass (although generally they use the same mass clubs as you and I but just accelerate it faster than you and I - swing speed) but you can't add mass by 'getting your weight thru'... only swing speed and/or improved launch conditions (where applicable).
technically your 3 variables, outwith any material elements associated with the clubhead and ball, are the energy in the clubhead (clubhead mass x it's velocity squared), the application of this known as the smash factor relating to the impact conditions (clubface square to swing path in all planes being max) which together produce the energy and transfer it to the ball - and finally the actual launch conditions wil dictate what happens with that energy, and can therefore affect distance through launch angle and trajectory.
that the energy is a function of the mass and velocity squared is why heavier heads don't provide more distance.
interestingly a lighter ball will leave the clubhead faster - but from then drag will have a bigger impact on it's travel so it won't go further..