Medal...I refused to sign his card.


Money List Winner
May 12, 2011
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I think cheat is a strong word to use. Misguided perhaps or even stupid. Probably to him a coins length isn't his idea of cheating.

Come on - the guy was off 5, not wet behind the ears, he knew what he was doing. You don't get to 5 without knowing all the angles.

joe nustedt

Assistant Pro
Jul 2, 2012
E. London
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Had a similar situation 2 years ago playing in a comp in Ireland, one of the guys i was playing with noticed it, the guy was in a few bunkers and was grounding his club and taking practise swings, i wasn't paying much attention to it, but it happened again so both us watched him take 2 practise swings then ground his club, we told him you can't do that . He couldn't see what he's done wrong he'd no clue about rules or scoring .

He hit one out of bounds and only classed it as one shot,he walked of with 38 pts but the guy marking his card wouldn't sign it either and told him why ,he stormed of in the huff and never turned up the next day.

What was his handicap? Both those events seem to me the type a higher handicapper would do through ignorance of the rules, rather than a purposeful intent to cheat. Not that I'm saying what you did was wrong mind.

This case I think is different, it is a 5 handicap who I think it's safe to assume has a good enough knowledge of the rules such that he knows what he is doing is wrong. Therefore, if he purposefully does it, he is cheating (even if the benefit to him is negligble).


Money List Winner
Jan 14, 2008
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What was his handicap? Both those events seem to me the type a higher handicapper would do through ignorance of the rules, rather than a purposeful intent to cheat. Not that I'm saying what you did was wrong mind.

This case I think is different, it is a 5 handicap who I think it's safe to assume has a good enough knowledge of the rules such that he knows what he is doing is wrong. Therefore, if he purposefully does it, he is cheating (even if the benefit to him is negligble).

If i remember his handicap was 15 so not a novice by any means this guy could golf.


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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Tommo i have to commend you on what you did......For me i had a very similar issue in that it was the exact same thing on the greens except that me being off 14 and this chap being off of 1......Same scenario as yourself....Mark directly behind the ball but then when placing it it was placed at least a balls width in front of the maker....

The sad thing for me is that i had gotten very friendly with this lad and really aspired to be able to play like him one day....I was really disappointed in what i saw and there had been other incidents as well.....He is the lowest handicap in the club and rather than speak up like you did i have kept quite as he is usually the talk of the club....I dont want to be branded as the rotten apple either and i havent played with him since......I know that i should have maybe highlighted it but its hard to know exactly who to confide in as everyone holds him in high regard....


Tour Winner
Jul 22, 2011
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well done tommo :thup:
i think you done it at the right time to ask if he is happy with him replacing the ball correctly

say if you asked him on the 10th and then he took the huff then he could of spoilt the rest of your round


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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A fudger is a fudger, good spot Tommo, fair play for calling it (despite what anyone says its far easier to turn a blind eye)

Have to be honest and say these days I dont overly pay attention to what those I am playing with do (in years gone by ive refused to sign cards for what ive seen as cheating but its never easy to do). I expect it is more prevalent than I expect and arguably I am pretty lax as a marker.


Challenge Tour Pro
Apr 13, 2012
ballynahinch, northern ireland
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from what i read from the op that guy was blatantly cheating, your a better man than I, the situation would have made it hard for me to concentrate knowing cheating is going on, very well handled

one of the regular guys in our group is notorious for cheating, hence why i dont play in his group any more


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Tommo i have to commend you on what you did......For me i had a very similar issue in that it was the exact same thing on the greens except that me being off 14 and this chap being off of 1......Same scenario as yourself....Mark directly behind the ball but then when placing it it was placed at least a balls width in front of the maker....

The sad thing for me is that i had gotten very friendly with this lad and really aspired to be able to play like him one day....I was really disappointed in what i saw and there had been other incidents as well.....He is the lowest handicap in the club and rather than speak up like you did i have kept quite as he is usually the talk of the club....I dont want to be branded as the rotten apple either and i havent played with him since......I know that i should have maybe highlighted it but its hard to know exactly who to confide in as everyone holds him in high regard....

If it was someone I knew well, I would have a quiet word with them. If they took it the wrong way then they are no friend. If it was in a medal I would still call it......I think.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Not sure i would have waited until the 18th to mention it.

I think I would have probably said something to him straightaway, in a non-confrontational way, "i'm sure its nothing mate but you may want to take more care how you mark your ball" or words to that effect. I would explain what I thought I saw and nip it in the bud there and then.

Playing to 5 he's played a lot of golf. Surely he would have been labelled a cheat or there would have at least been a murmering around the club by now.

Careless? Yes.
A cheat? Unlikely IMHO


Money List Winner
Feb 1, 2009
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If it was someone I knew well, I would have a quiet word with them. If they took it the wrong way then they are no friend. If it was in a medal I would still call it......I think.

Well i didnt really know him until i played with him a few times..... When your a midhandicap and you've got the chance to play a few rounds with someone that low you get a little bit starstruck....Well i did anyway....... But the more i played the more i thought to myself..." I hope this guy doesnt think that im that naive that i cant see whats happening"........
This lads father was held in high esteem in the club until he passed away...And he is the same way....Its a bit of a delicate situation at the moment.....But i think after reading your post there will always be someone on my side...And 1 or 2 people is all thats needed in such instances.


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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I think more stories like this would be very valuable for fellow golfers who read this forum. I will be honest before reading this its highly unlikely i would of said anything in the same situation. Now ive read this and seen everybodys opinions and thoughts about it theres a much bigger chance i would intervene in the same situation as it gives you confidence in doing the right thing however awkward/uncomfortable it may be.


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
Playing to 5 he's played a lot of golf. Surely he would have been labelled a cheat or there would have at least been a murmering around the club by now.

I think by the response to this thread not many would have said anything...I dont think many golfers pay atttention to how others mark their ball. Someone needs to say something before the murmering starts. By saying what you've said, and I appreciate your point, has without doubt made me more sure the way I done it was the right way. How a 5 HC golfer can do this was my first thought and for a while I was doubting myself. Thats how I had to make sure in my own mind. At the end of the day it was his doing and I think he got himself into a bad habit that no one was going to challenge.

One thing, this guy did not say I was reply or defence. When I demonstrated on the practice green he did not question what I was doing, he couldnt, because he knew. When in the clubhouse, I was away by this time, I think he was riding on the fact he was never pulled before and that he was a member for many years.
Last edited:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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you have handled this well. the guy will learn a harsh lesson! very silly thing for him to do!

well played Tommo:thup:


Club Champion
Feb 18, 2013
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tough situation, how was the reaction from the captain during the phone call? did he brush it off or take it serious. obv he didn't put the guy in the score but was he understanding and in agreement you were right?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Sounds fine to me, you should sleep easy. Cheating is cheating, don't waste any more time thinking about him.

Well done Tommo.