Maximum One Prize Per Player


Tour Winner
Mar 21, 2013
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i have no issues with the one prize only rule as long as the value of the prize given is the highest.

Scratch prizes are slightly different, its when someone wins - best AM, and Overall i dont agree with it. I've seen it before when a club didnt have the rule (in a junior open), the lad won best gross AM,PM,OVerall and the same for Nett (he shot 2 rounds under par off 4 i think). The whole prize giving was a sham.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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corrected that for you :)

Its one of the rare things where the presence of it, as well as its absence, can lead to an unpalatable outcome!

I agree that NTP or longest drive shouldn't be included as anything can happen in that... (WHEN Sam misses the fairway! :D )


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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If there is a 'one prize only' ruling set and there are handicap and scratch comps then I think that the least the comp organisers should do is to ensure the Scratch 1st prize is monetarily as good as the Handicap 1st.

Where I think the ruling is OK is where the comp is primarily a Scratch comp - with a handicap comp and prizes run in parallel to give most players entering a chance of winning something. In such circumstances I suspect that, in most cases, a player shooting both best scratch and handicap scores is likely to be happy to forgo the handicap prize. The Scratch was THE prize.

This is exactly how our Club Championships well as the gross prizes which are played for over 36 holes we have a handicap prize which is won by the best net from the morning 18 holes (not everyone makes the cut for the full 36 holes which are played in a single day so the h'cap is only played over 18 so everyone has a chance of winning).

Should a player win both the 36 holes scratch and the 18 hole net, he will relinquish the handicap prize....we bought the rule in after a player did happen to win both prizes many years ago (I don't know if we was asked to relinquish the handicap prize and refused or the committee at the time just hadn't provisioned for such a happening). The prize for the handicap winner is slightly lower than what the 2nd placed gross player would receive....though the Handicap Champions name does go up in lights....well....more dark letraset on a light oak board but I'm sure you get my drift!!!

At the end of the day its nice to see the honour's shared around though I do understand the potential unease that might be felt by players who pick up a prize for something that they didn't actually "win" in the truest sense of the word.


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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I think I'm ok with someone who has the 2nd scratch and 4th handicap, say, only picking up one prize. But if someone has the best scratch and best handicap, surely they deserve the recognition of both? Especially if each has a trophy.... or, as above, name on a board. How daft to get your name on a board as the handicap winner when you didn't actually have the best net score!


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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But everybody knows that might be the outcome before they tee off.... if folks are really concerned that they may be promoted from 2nd to 1st place then they can choose not to enter. Theres plenty out there who care less about names on boards than winning a few tens of pounds who would be perfectly happy to benefit from such a scenario.

Daft it may be to you.... to others it may be a practical means of sharing a relatively small pool of prizes round as many folks as possible.... its part of the fabric of a small club community.... getting everybody involved and "sharing the love" around.

As it happens.... the situation has never arisen again.... but everyone knows in advance what will happen and more importantly.... they are happy with it.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I think I'm ok with someone who has the 2nd scratch and 4th handicap, say, only picking up one prize. But if someone has the best scratch and best handicap, surely they deserve the recognition of both? Especially if each has a trophy.... or, as above, name on a board. How daft to get your name on a board as the handicap winner when you didn't actually have the best net score!

Here here. As happened at our club championship. Although it caused a fuss at the time I think common sense prevailed. If you play the best golf on the day, irrespective of category then you should claim the prize.

Deleted Member 1156

I think I'm ok with someone who has the 2nd scratch and 4th handicap, say, only picking up one prize. But if someone has the best scratch and best handicap, surely they deserve the recognition of both? Especially if each has a trophy.... or, as above, name on a board. How daft to get your name on a board as the handicap winner when you didn't actually have the best net score!

I've seen this happen at the club champs at a previous club. The guy got both trophies but only 1 voucher, best nett prize went to the runner up.