M25 protests


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Feb 26, 2016
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Back to my previous post, if you give the voice an audience it keeps shouting.

I’m not a fan of the press, and media in general only know how to sponge off bad news.

Push one of the protesters off the bridge and then report that if they want an audience!!!
So... you're suggesting assault, and report that. But not "group of people want to force central action in attempt to stop global warming"?
that might be because the likes of BBC and Sky etc have overseas correspondents

And media outlets don't follow protest groups? I fail to see how the press arriving at any event, anywhere, is a surprise. Oddsocks is correct above - the media are a sponge and love a (usually negative) story.


Q-School Graduate
Nov 3, 2014
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So... you're suggesting assault, and report that. But not "group of people want to force central action in attempt to stop global warming"?

And media outlets don't follow protest groups? I fail to see how the press arriving at any event, anywhere, is a surprise. Oddsocks is correct above - the media are a sponge and love a (usually negative) story.

why don't the soap dodgers go to China and see how they get on?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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So... you're suggesting assault, and report that. But not "group of people want to force central action in attempt to stop global warming"?

By that I assume you fully support the cause of the stop oil protests and honestly believe that a couple of protesters will have a far more significant impact on change than the current global efforts already underway. If this is case then your nugget needs a serious wobble!

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
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Have a look/listen to these above.

As you're aware Press ID is recognised by the police. The fact the arresting officer refused to even look at his Press ID in my opinion is a misuse of power.

Both lads were released without charge etc

I have Stu. Interesting that having been arrested before, and knowing that police were coming up to the bridge, the footage only appears to show the moment of arrest rather than the events leading up to it which would have potentially persuaded me far more that something was amiss.

Yes, the police do recognise Press ID; as ID, no more or no less as far as I'm aware but I'm a bit rusty having left a while ago. But I'm certainly not aware of why a journalist can't be arrested if he is suspected of committing an offence just because he's a journalist.

Guess we're going to have to agree to disagree.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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So it's the press' fault for being there, not the police officer for ignoring the ID and abusing his position?

That's good to know. Doesn't sound remotely like fascism.

Are they peaceful? Yes. They are not violent. Therefore they are peaceful. Protest is by it's definition designed to cause issues.

Will they remain peaceful? I have not seen any evidence of "Just Stop Oil" protesters causing aggression. I have seen evidence of people being aggressive towards them, and the above police video. The protesters are not the aggressors here. But it would seem you, and others in this thread, reject that notion?

Additional edit to add: I would agree with you on stopping emergency services - there's no need for it. ever.

If by fascism you mean being overly authoritarian in their actions then there's an argument that this is the wrong way round.

The police officer has powers of arrest granted to him in law if he believes there is an offence being committed; the fact that it is potentially a journalist committing the offence is not, to my knowledge, grounds not to exercise the power of arrest. But if he reasonably believes the offence is being committed he is acting within the authority granted to him in law.

The citizens of this country have a right to pass & repass over the Queen's or King's highway enshrined in law, unless that has been suspended by order or officers exercising powers to close the road. Just Stop Oil have no authority to remove this free passage but have taken away the rights of the masses to pass & repass; to visit dying relatives; to go about their lawful business; to attend funerals; and stopping emergency services working. There is no negotiation with them, they have imposed their will on the rest of those wishing to use the road without any lawful power to do so.

Which of these actions sound more fascist?

For the record, I am grateful that we have the right to peaceful protest in this country & have defended its reasonable use many times. But I'm not prepared to defend Just Stop Oil/Insulate Britain/Extinction Rebellion when the manner of their protest has deprived so many ordinary citizens of their civil rights, and alienated much of the support that they had in the process.


Jan 7, 2021
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It must be a complete an utter nightmare for the public around there at the minute. The protesters are just rubbing everyone up the wrong way.

On a sidenote did you see how Hertfordshire police locked up 2 press members who were reporting/filming on the protests the other day? A blatant misuse of power.

No surprise when you see how many people are in the police force when they should have failed basic vetting checks.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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How do you answer this without getting political. They are idiots. But do they have a point, of course they do. But why is there protests aimed at Tash and his friends. The ones that it should be aimed at are the very ones that have put us in this position. We all know solar is going to help but they are building an estate on the pit I worked at. 800 plus houses. How many will have solar fitted as standard. Not one. Yet over the road is a small solar farm. What is that all about. We are told we are going electric re cars, so why not houses. Boils my blood. I was a coal miner and I honestly think we should of shut the pits. But not until we had alternative clean energy. So what are we doing, importing coal, cutting down trees for Drax power station and buying Gas from Russia. Its going really well. Sweet lord am gonna have a heart attack.
These idiots are as thick as the people that have put us in this position.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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solar will help but it will never be as efficient in this country as others due to our climate and daylight hours. I’ve worked on a few projects and daylight hours during the winter was a huge challenge.

But let’s not take this off track, we’re debating about protesters!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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If by fascism you mean being overly authoritarian in their actions then there's an argument that this is the wrong way round.

The police officer has powers of arrest granted to him in law if he believes there is an offence being committed; the fact that it is potentially a journalist committing the offence is not, to my knowledge, grounds not to exercise the power of arrest. But if he reasonably believes the offence is being committed he is acting within the authority granted to him in law.

The citizens of this country have a right to pass & repass over the Queen's or King's highway enshrined in law, unless that has been suspended by order or officers exercising powers to close the road. Just Stop Oil have no authority to remove this free passage but have taken away the rights of the masses to pass & repass; to visit dying relatives; to go about their lawful business; to attend funerals; and stopping emergency services working. There is no negotiation with them, they have imposed their will on the rest of those wishing to use the road without any lawful power to do so.

Which of these actions sound more fascist?

For the record, I am grateful that we have the right to peaceful protest in this country & have defended its reasonable use many times. But I'm not prepared to defend Just Stop Oil/Insulate Britain/Extinction Rebellion when the manner of their protest has deprived so many ordinary citizens of their civil rights, and alienated much of the support that they had in the process.

Very well worded sir ??


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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change the law to ensure protests cannot disrupt the normal course of peoples lives - but of course allow it anywhere where it does not do that

Drag them away, arrest them and fine them

#We are world leading in climate change and new plans will accelerate the agenda dramatacically (get going on tidal, floating offhore and min nukes - but also allow home produced gas that has half the carbon footprint of importing to help in the transition phase) - we do not need these tree-hugging morons to cost hundreds of millions of economic output and reduce our very stretched resources - send them to China and India and se how they get on there protesting the main culprits. China have produced more C02 in the last 8 years than the UK have since the start of the industrial revolution
Last edited:


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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solar will help but it will never be as efficient in this country as others due to our climate and daylight hours. I’ve worked on a few projects and daylight hours during the winter was a huge challenge.

But let’s not take this off track, we’re debating about protesters!

Totally agree re solar but it is a small step in the right direction. This discussion is about the protestors. But they are there because of our country’s lack of action.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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change the law to ensure protests cannot disrupt the normal course of peoples lives - but of course allow it anywhere where it does not do that

Drag them away, arrest them and fine them

#We are world leading in climate change and new plans will accelerate the agenda dramatacically (get going on tidal, floating offhore and min nukes - but also allow home produced gass that has half the carbon footprint of importingh to help in the transition phase) - we do not need these try hugging morons to cost hundreds of millions of economic output and reduce our very stretched resources - send them to China and India and se how they get on there protestingh the main culprits. China have produced more C02 in the last 8 years than the UK have since the start of the industrial revolution

Have you been drinking ?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Totally agree re solar but it is a small step in the right direction. This discussion is about the protestors. But they are there because of our country’s lack of action.

Without a doubt a good step, but in my opinion wind turbines and hydro mills work more efficient with our climate. Unfortunately the locals do not like the appearance of a wind turbine or hydro water mills on their local canal so this will never work.

on a recent trip to Cornwall me and the misses discussed this, great landscape that could have housed so many wind turbines to power local towns, unfortunately everyone would block them as it would ruin nice views.

I wonder if they’ll feel the same after this winters electric bills


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Without a doubt a good step, but in my opinion wind turbines and hydro mills work more efficient with our climate. Unfortunately the locals do not like the appearance of a wind turbine or hydro water mills on their local canal so this will never work.

on a recent trip to Cornwall me and the misses discussed this, great landscape that could have housed so many wind turbines to power local towns, unfortunately everyone would block them as it would ruin nice views.

I wonder if they’ll feel the same after this winters electric bills

All you mention is a step in the right direction, re solar on houses, you could incorporate batteries in houses as well instead of them being an afterthought. Houses as standard fitted with car charging points. Minimum 2 x car parking spaces.


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Nov 19, 2018
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I wouldn't want to be driving a car when a protester falls either in front of me and I run them over or worse, causes me to crash and injure myself or someone else.
So the police have no choice but to shut the road.

I watched one of them briefly on itv today (I can only watch it briefly at normal times) and just had to switch off, as he basically just kept saying the same programmed lines and not answering, even by Ed Balls' standards, some pretty basic questions.
It appears that they won't engage in dialogue or hear the other point of view.

I left home yesterday at 7am, and got into work at 10am instead of 08.45 because of their "protest". I was and remain, livid at their actions! Their demands are not achievable as yet. There isn't the infrastructure to provide all the world's energy other than with fossil fuels for a time longer. However, I fully support the reduction and dependency on fossil fuels, but please can we have realistic targets, not politicians setting them without a clue or this lot seemingly without a scientific clue.

I spotted a picture yesterday on twitter of a chap looking rather smug atop a gantry and couldn't help but notice his hard hat was made from a coconut shell, his hi-vis jacket was hemp, dyed with berry juice and both were made on an island, by hand, and then rowed in a wooden boat across the sea and then transported to him by foot.
WERE THEY HELL!!! Plastic products all, a by-product of the very oil they demonise, factory produced overseas I'm sure and shipped over.

Protest by all means, but the hypocrisy needs to be checked.

Re the bold, Yes, tbh you are right, which is more than irritating!
But they need to be stopped , somehow. Arrest them , no bail and a year’s jail.
Also, it needs to be publicised exactly what chaos and hardship they have caused. This seems to get glossed over by the media, but I’m sure that some people not getting where they need to be must have caused real hardship, not financial, but physical, medical, emotional etc
. Much as I want to see climate change, this is not going to influence Governments.And it is them that must change our ways.
We had a chance when there were the likes of Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Kennedy , Attlee and Bevan about, but now.?
Just a shower, that’s all they are.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Re the bold, Yes, tbh you are right, which is more than irritating!
But they need to be stopped , somehow. Arrest them , no bail and a year’s jail.
Also, it needs to be publicised exactly what chaos and hardship they have caused. This seems to get glossed over by the media, but I’m sure that some people not getting where they need to be must have caused real hardship, not financial, but physical, medical, emotional etc
. Much as I want to see climate change, this is not going to influence Governments.And it is them that must change our ways.
We had a chance when there were the likes of Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Kennedy , Attlee and Bevan about, but now.?
Just a shower, that’s all they are.

Unfortunately the jails are full.

There is a way of addressing this but the peoples right campaigners would be in uproar if it was suggested.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Went to Ypres in Belgium a couple of weeks ago. We were briefly caught up in the two protestors that climbed the Queen Elizabeth bridge. We were not aware of what had gone on until later in the week. what made a few folk chuckle was some members of the public were firing fireworks at the protesters Who were up the bridge.It seems not everyone has a sympathetic ear.