Just Bought my Dad MP-52's Anyone got them ?


Medal Winner
Jan 9, 2009
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Got them for him as a surprise, hes been going on about them for the last month so i hope he hasnt went and bought them at the same time otherwise ill have new clubs :D

Has anyone tryed them ? if so what they like ?
Go on, you can tell us, you're among friends, you know he bought 'em yesterday and that would mean you'll end up having to keep the 'wretched' things !!???

lol :D
Welcome to the forum. Tell us about yourself and where you play, whats in your bag etc. I have tried them and I think they are decent club. TO be fair Mizuno don't really make bad clubs so he can't go wrong. What handicap is he off
Hi sorry, drinks are on me. What u after ?

Ive only just started playing golf in 2008 so im a newbie, joined my dads club Douglas Park in November but havnt played any medals as they had finished so im desperate to get my 3 cards in.

Heres my Club http://www.douglasparkgolfclub.co.uk/html/course.html

Last year i played 1 of the troon Courses ( cant remember which ) Aberfeldy, Monktonhall in Edinburgh, Gleneagles PGA (Crazy) Gleneagles Queens ( Stunning ) & a few other Glasgow ones not worth mentioning.

The guys i play with give me 18 so id be happy if my handicap was under 20 & by the end of the year ive set myself the target of 15.

Bought some new Nike Slingshot irons & they have given me some confidence, they are for high handicappers so they suit me well.

Going to play tomorow morn if the weathers ok.
Ill have a larger and welcome to the forum.

The MP-52 are some great clubs keep your fingers crossed!
What a great son you are. Your father abviously brought you up very well!

Now how do I persuade my 2 year old son to buy me some newsticks!

Welcome to the forum.

I like the look of the 52's as well, but I think I might struggle with them, being a bit of an inconsistent thing.
I have them.

Welcome to the forum.

I had my 52's custom fit and they are the mutts nutts. I think it was a pretty unnanamous decision by the forum users not long back that mizuno made the best irons. They are fantastic.

What does the old man play off? Is he a good ball striker? What irons does he have now.

Stick around, this is the best place to visit online if your half serious about your game. Tell your dad about us too :D

He can let us know how he gets on with them