Joining a club


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Feb 12, 2019
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I'm looking for some tips on joining a club. For myself I'm mid 20s and I struggle to find people around my age to play. So I'm thinking of joining a club but looking for some advice around it in general.

The last time I was part of a club when in my mid teens when I played an entire year alone as nobody really spoke to me because my pregnant sister picked me up which seemed to shock all the members.

So not exactly a great memory of them. However would like to meet people around my age to have rounds with. But then again I have no issues playing with those who are older than myself or younger.

The reviews I have read on a few clubs seem to be such a mixed bag.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2019
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The last time I was part of a club when in my mid teens when I played an entire year alone as nobody really spoke to me because my pregnant sister picked me up which seemed to shock all the members.

Eh ? What ? How utterly bizarre :confused: I have no knowledge of this but that seems the most absurd reason possible for folk not to talk to you :unsure:


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Feb 12, 2019
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Eh ? What ? How utterly bizarre :confused: I have no knowledge of this but that seems the most absurd reason possible for folk not to talk to you :unsure:

Well the first two weeks was great then when all the older gents where out and about my sister came to pick me up she was heavily pregnant at the time she was 18, after that it was far than great. I'd go out and tee off solo and the same people who would often allow me to join them or let me play through when full. Where less than welcoming.

Now sure could put this down to sheer coincidence but I doubt it.


Head Pro
Jul 22, 2015
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Where are you based Jordan.

I was in a not dissimilar situation as you in my mid 20s (apart from the pregnant sister thing). I eventually took the plunge and joined somewhere purely because it was affordable.

I was able to get involved in a group of guys who had a weekend roll up and got a regular game with them. It's just your luck if you can find somewhere like this, but it's probably wishful thinking to imagine playing with a load of guys your own age.

I'd say when you join somewhere, turn up regularly. Try and ask people on the tee if you can get a game with them, but be prepared to go out yourself. Play in competitions and get to know people that way. Most clubs will have informal regular games and it would need to be a pretty unfriendly place for them not to allow someone else in.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Where are you based. Many golf clubs are really inclusive and I find your original situation strange. It is a two way street though and you have to make an effort to integrate. Try and get involved in roll ups or comps. Speak to the pro about hooking up with members. Good luck with your search


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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i was at a club for two years and played alone all that time. I didn’t have a handicap and just started to play. I still enjoy my alone time on the course though.
When I felt ready and could break 100 I then joined a second club with a new member system then entered comps. There I made playing partners within the times I liked to play.

Join a club with new member system if you don’t have a handicap.
If you do have a handicap, enter the comps.

Golf clubs and golf is very cliquey but eventually you will find your own clique.


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Golf clubs aren't all cliquey, and even at those that are it's usually possible to find people to play with.

I've been at my club for over 10 years now and don't think I've ever had a regular group of playing partners, I just drop into a gap with whoever is playing when I want to play using the on-line booking system and must have played with well over half the membership by now, men and ladies.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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i was at a club for two years and played alone all that time. I didn’t have a handicap and just started to play. I still enjoy my alone time on the course though.
When I felt ready and could break 100 I then joined a second club with a new member system then entered comps. There I made playing partners within the times I liked to play.

Join a club with new member system if you don’t have a handicap.
If you do have a handicap, enter the comps.

Golf clubs and golf is very cliquey but eventually you will find your own clique.
We're trying to move away from this perception and have introduced a really successful "buddy scheme" to help integrate new members which is up for an EGU award


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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We're trying to move away from this perception and have introduced a really successful "buddy scheme" to help integrate new members which is up for an EGU award

We have this at our club, for which I’m a “buddy”.
I get them their handicap, show them how to book in comps and share my experience of being alone at clubs and hopefully they spread their wings and find their own clique if they don’t play at the times I do.
Good thing is we have bookable comps so they can play with familiar faces and they can avoid the usual golf tossers. Also the shop aids them with what names to place themselves down with.


Assistant Pro
Apr 18, 2012
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I think the key things I'd ask is what sort of roll ups are done at the times you're able to play? How are comps organised - I think if it's a booking system this can come in really handy as opposed to having to know someone to play with?

Also ask what level of members they have your age if that is something important. Some will have reduced offers which may attract a number of players and past clubs have looked at a thursday evening roll up for young professionals in the city (Birmingham in this case). I should say that's how they billed it, I wouldn't worry about the professionals/job front as it would be welcoming to all.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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We have this at our club, for which I’m a “buddy”.
I get them their handicap, show them how to book in comps and share my experience of being alone at clubs and hopefully they spread their wings and find their own clique if they don’t play at the times I do.
Good thing is we have bookable comps so they can play with familiar faces and they can avoid the usual golf tossers. Also the shop aids them with what names to place themselves down with.
Well done you. It's great when clubs can be proactive and we've found that if we give new members a positive initial experience as members, they spread the word and so one new member become one or two more. I am in the process of getting more involved in this myself especially as we move to longer nights and I'll be up the club every weekend and most evenings


Assistant Pro
Jul 25, 2011
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Based in Liverpool. Thought I had included that in post sorry!
Try Ellesmere Port Municipal its (management) about to be taken over by people who concentrate on members (whilst allowing pay as you play) join the club that is attached to the Course

Deleted member 21258

Golf clubs aren't all cliquey, and even at those that are it's usually possible to find people to play with.

I've been at my club for over 10 years now and don't think I've ever had a regular group of playing partners, I just drop into a gap with whoever is playing when I want to play using the on-line booking system and must have played with well over half the membership by now, men and ladies.

I think this post says it all. Thankfully alot of golf clubs have changed from back in the day or even in the last ten years.

We have had people join us(dad/mum/son) on comps to make up a fourball and always been great fun, my son/wife have joined various other 'groups' over the years and always had fun. One guy that joined us on the 25 year celebrations, even bought his wife along in the evening and sat with us rather than his normal group, all of us spent the whole evening ripping into each other. Once I had a couple to drink I was trying to convince him/his wife to borrow out tandem to go out cycling on much to his disgust and wifes laughter. Great memories and still see him now.

If you are new to the club then I would ensure that joining groups via the booking in option is available, along with what roll ups and socials are held.


Tour Winner
Mar 12, 2009
Wroclaw, Poland
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Based in Liverpool. Thought I had included that in post sorry!

Which course are you looking at joining?
You can always ask the pro to make an introduction with the swindles/rollups/swizzles/etc or just find out what time the friendliest groups tee off they'll generally have a set pre-agreed time that they meet possibly in the clubhouse for breakfast, possibly on the first tee but they'll be there.