Rules in club comps


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Dec 17, 2018
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A slightly vague question, but how much knowledge of the rules do you need when playing in club comps?

Everyone says they are one of the best things about joining a GC, but how much are you expected to know and how much do you just ask?

An example, I hit my ball in the rough, look for it, can't find it.....where exactly do I play my next shot from and what's the penalty?

It probably sounds insignificant to most people, but if you don't know, you don't know. And nobody wants to feel awkward, playing with an opponent they've never met.

Best option is just have fun and get on with it. So what if you break some rules and get disqualified. With any luck, your playing partner will be a member on this forum and will post an entertaining story about you in the irritations thread.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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Most players in club comps have only a minimal knowledge of the rules, and generally just make a best guess whenever not sure, and it wotks out OK. If not at all like you see in pro tournaments on TV. Its more or less up to each individual how deep and correct you want to get on rules, unless you reach a really good level amd are playing for club trophies and the like.


Well-known member
Dec 31, 2020
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Most players in club comps have only a minimal knowledge of the rules, and generally just make a best guess whenever not sure, and it wotks out OK. If not at all like you see in pro tournaments on TV. It’s more or less up to each individual how deep and correct you want to get on rules, unless you reach a really good level amd are playing for club trophies and the like.
Won’t the OP be playing for ‘club trophies and the like’?


Jan 7, 2024
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Most players in club comps have only a minimal knowledge of the rules, and generally just make a best guess whenever not sure, and it wotks out OK. If not at all like you see in pro tournaments on TV. Its more or less up to each individual how deep and correct you want to get on rules, unless you reach a really good level amd are playing for club trophies and the like.

Ignorance is not an excuse!


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Most of us probably didn't know every single rule when we played our first comp. If it's a drawn comp you'll hopefully be playing with more experienced players who will know a bit more about the rules than you. Just ask them every time you're unsure. Chances are they will get some rules wrong as well, but as long as everyone in the group agrees with whatever ruling or decision you've come to, that normally works out pretty satisfactory. If nobody has any idea then you can check the R&A Rules app on your phone (if I'm being honest though, for all the times that gets brought up I've literally never seen anyone actually doing it).


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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The main one for me that I remember seeing from "experienced" golfers and saw again in a recent YouTube video is when you think you saw your ball go into long grass, gorse bush, daisies, trees, etc but can't find it.
Don't do what they did and drop one, saying, "About here yeah?", then carry on with a 1 stroke penalty. It seems fairly common but it's not a rule.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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The main one for me that I remember seeing from "experienced" golfers and saw again in a recent YouTube video is when you think you saw your ball go into long grass, gorse bush, daisies, trees, etc but can't find it.
Don't do what they did and drop one, saying, "About here yeah?", then carry on with a 1 stroke penalty. It seems fairly common but it's not a rule.

I've heard that described as 'Youtube Rules' by at least one of these amateur channels :D

Deleted member 29109

No need for a book.



Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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The main one for me that I remember seeing from "experienced" golfers and saw again in a recent YouTube video is when you think you saw your ball go into long grass, gorse bush, daisies, trees, etc but can't find it.
Don't do what they did and drop one, saying, "About here yeah?", then carry on with a 1 stroke penalty. It seems fairly common but it's not a rule.
That's probably the biggest one to get used to, because everyone does that in casual rounds. Purely because we don't hit provisionals and there's no chance we're walking back 200 yards to the tee in a casual round.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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I've heard that described as 'Youtube Rules' by at least one of these amateur channels :D
I dont think people would do that here when playing competition rounds. But in general play, as long as it keeps the score in your normal range, works OK.

Banchory Buddha

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
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Yes, you always get a better outcome if you ask your playing partners. They will be sympathetic, and generally come to a favourable common sense suggestion that gives you the benefit of any doubt. Checking the rule book risks just making everyone more confused and delays getting on with the game.
OK, at least now it's out in the open that's you're a troll, the constant nonsense on fitting was one thing, presumed to be ignorance, but this is a belter :LOL:


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Most of us probably didn't know every single rule when we played our first comp. If it's a drawn comp you'll hopefully be playing with more experienced players who will know a bit more about the rules than you. Just ask them every time you're unsure. Chances are they will get some rules wrong as well, but as long as everyone in the group agrees with whatever ruling or decision you've come to, that normally works out pretty satisfactory. If nobody has any idea then you can check the R&A Rules app on your phone (if I'm being honest though, for all the times that gets brought up I've literally never seen anyone actually doing it).
Well, that may often be so but could lead to great disappointment if, after finishing & checking things out, you discover you've been led into an error that means DQ. Yes, I'm sure lots of groups operate like this & avoid the DQ problem by not investigating further in retrospect. Also, the reason many folk are somewhat disillusioned with Club Comps.

Banchory Buddha

Well-known member
Jun 10, 2021
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Most players in club comps have only a minimal knowledge of the rules, and generally just make a best guess whenever not sure, and it wotks out OK. If not at all like you see in pro tournaments on TV. Its more or less up to each individual how deep and correct you want to get on rules, unless you reach a really good level amd are playing for club trophies and the like.
Once again terrible advice, please ignore this guy. You do not "best guess" anything, you do the right thing according to the rules.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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Once again terrible advice, please ignore this guy. You do not "best guess" anything, you do the right thing according to the rules.
That's true, but rules mistakes are pretty common in elite professional sport with full time officials and video replays. In those scenarios it's rarely more than a talking point and we're talking about the lowest level of amateur recreational club golf.
Rules are important but not sucking the fun out of a new golfers hobby is also important. Mistakes are forgivable as long as they are confessed to, if identified, and not covered up. Surely.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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It might not be the best advice, but I bet he's only saying what happens in (too?) many games most weekends. 😉
Yes. Its the norm for those of us playing handicap golf in a club. County players, national competitions, of course they have to play to the rules, will take time to determine the correct procedure, consult the rules book (but generally thats a rabbit hole best stayed out of), or call a referee. But most golf has no need for that, and, unpleasant truth for some maybe, is how the majority of golf is played.