I played today and..(Rolling) -originally created by JohnnyDee


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May 15, 2024
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Just 8 holes again today as the course was pretty busy, I was waiting on every shot but just enjoyed being out there and tried to reset.

Positives - 18 points for 8 holes with some really nice drives
Negatives - 2 x 3 putts & my carry bag breaking... back to the trolley until I can get a new one.

Greens at the new place are so much quicker but really true so hoping I get used to them soon.


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Mar 6, 2024
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Beaten in the Club 4BBB Comp, 1 hole, neither team could go more than 1 up, we were 1 up after 14, they won 15 & 16 with net birdies, halved 17 & 18 in pars for the loss.

Arthur Wedge

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May 8, 2024
Leighton Buzzard
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Just finished the three day Lincolnshire Swing

Day 1 - Seacroft , the course is excellent, right now due to the recent weather it’s greener than I have ever seen , rough was brutal - greens very pure

Day 2 - Blankney - a very nice parkland course , lush soft fairways , rough even thicker and balls lost just off the fairway - greens confusing - rock hard and tough to hold a ball but very slow

Day 3 - Woodhall - one of my favourite courses , fairways immaculate, greens outstanding, bunkers beyond penal - a world class course

The event is great - we have 16 come from our place , stay over in a nice hotel in Horncastle

If anyone is looking for a little trip it’s well worth it


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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Singles ko match this afternoon. Started terrible, losing my ball on the first hole. Got back to a/s on the 4th, after that it was nip and tuck, I went 1up , he got it back, he went 1 up, I got it back. Got to the 17th all square, I hit a good drive and a great approach to win it, then closed it out on the 18th to win 1up. Really good match with both of us playing really well.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Felt sorry for a mate of mine. Shot gross 76 (+6) off 10 and lost 2 down to a guy off 2 who shot 66 (-4) gross. Glad I conceded my match and don't have to face him in the next round which I would have had to do had I won


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Yesterday found myself playing in a comp. Didn’t realise it was seniors; and importantly didn’t realise I was in a four ball. Oh crumbs was it slow. Every hole hunting for balls, only on a couple of occasions looking for my own. TBH for many high handicappers with the rough as long and as dense as it is my course is too problematic and difficult. But with two players with shots on every hole, sometimes two, it makes for awfully long rounds. Thing is, I knew it would likely be slow as soon as I found out as I stood by the 1st tee that we were a four ball as I expected it to be a three ball in a comp. No matter. Just getting it off my chest to cleanse myself of my frustrations.


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Oct 5, 2018
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Played last night but due to the wind and a different putting setup decided not to put a card in before we went out and it was the right decision. I played well enough but the wind was brutal, easily 30mph+ gusts and from the west so blowing everything towards OB and the sea on the first 3 holes. The 4th is a short par 4 that runs east to west, about 260 to the middle of the green with 3 bunkers in front at about 235. My drive was 40 yards short of the bunkers. We skipped a couple of holes to get ahead of the knockout match in front of us (after letting them go out in front of us as we thought they wouldn't hold us up) as it took nearly 2 hours for the front 9. Wise choice as the heaven's opened up about 15 minutes after we got in so we got to sit and watch the hailstones bouncing off the ground.


Q-School Graduate
Sep 3, 2015
whitley bay
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4th day on the trot I've played, and definitely a day too far.

Have been playing really well this week, 37 points Monday, 36 Tuesday and a good matchplay win yesterday. Started off 3, 3 for 7 points on the first 2 holes. 3rd pulled drive into the trees, no score. 4th gave newly acquired 3 wood it's first view of a golf course, duffed it into the bushes, no score. 5th got stuck in a bunker, no score, 6th stuck behind a tree, then stuck in a bunker, and so it went on.

My bunker play is normally ok, but it totally deserted me today, got stuck in at least 5 bunkers and couldn't get out. So frustrating. Ended up with an atrocious score of 20 points :poop:


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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Back to playing like a yo-yo. Good for 6 holes, bad, good, bad repeat repeat repeat. I was playing with one of the "leaders" of the two rollups I play with and put forth a few recommendations on changing things a little bit. I've done this in the past at another club and just got laughed at. The groups tend to play the same way....every time. No variation. Usually 2 to count with a 4 ball. They used to play the occasional 3 to count....but I think it was too much "stress" for some people. I also suggested a couple other things like giving everybody 3 mulligans for the round.....do that a couple of times a year. Or.....every other hole you have to take one club out of action. Something.....anything.....rather than just doing things the same way every time. Golfers really don't like change though :(


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Slow day today, intended to play nine holes but only managed 7. Lost a ball on the 8th in the rough, it was a veteran of 27holes and starting to show its age.. wife will be pleased she thinks I have too many balls.
Played okay was a bit hit and miss of the tee, it was an experimental round but the irons were not. But that chipping technique in the Bullard video, works .. been practicing it and it’s paying off.


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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Played an AmAm at Coxmoor today, what a course!

One of the most enjoyable courses I've ever played, every hole was a picture and the whole set-up was fantastic.
We scored 84 points and I managed one under handicap with my own ball, which helped the enjoyment factor. :)

below is the 9th hole from the tee playing down into a valley and then from behind the green having played your approach back up the other side of the valley.



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May 15, 2024
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Played an AmAm at Coxmoor today, what a course!

One of the most enjoyable courses I've ever played, every hole was a picture and the whole set-up was fantastic.
We scored 84 points and I managed one under handicap with my own ball, which helped the enjoyment factor. :)

below is the 9th hole from the tee playing down into a valley and then from behind the green having played your approach back up the other side of the valley.

View attachment 53612
Aaahh nice, this is one of our reciprocals so will have to give it a go. Good shooting too (y)


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
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Feeling pretty deflated having been well beaten yesterday in a match. Lost 4+3 but was a bit unlucky with some of the guys wayward shots hitting trees and bouncing back into play. That said I played so bad from 120 yards in I didn't deserve anything, some awful golf considering I hit every single fairway. From within 100 yards I dropped 6 shots alone when I'd expect to be a few under par.

I'm in the process of recovering from a rotator cuff injury and have tried to take shortcuts on the rehab to avoid risking it going again. I'm now going to enjoy my golf, enter no comps and then build it back up over the winter ready for next season.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2012
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Medal at ours today and I hit the ball well but struggled with the pace of the greens so did not score well, my score replaced a 6.6, the best of last 20 and so an increase of around .7 tomorrow, takes me over 10 for the first time since WHS came in.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Feeling pretty deflated having been well beaten yesterday in a match. Lost 4+3 but was a bit unlucky with some of the guys wayward shots hitting trees and bouncing back into play. That said I played so bad from 120 yards in I didn't deserve anything, some awful golf considering I hit every single fairway. From within 100 yards I dropped 6 shots alone when I'd expect to be a few under par.

I'm in the process of recovering from a rotator cuff injury and have tried to take shortcuts on the rehab to avoid risking it going again. I'm now going to enjoy my golf, enter no comps and then build it back up over the winter ready for next season.
I have been missing greens from under 100 yds lately (not like me.)
It’s a concentration thing I think.🤔


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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Played in the YUGC meeting at Doncaster today and met TooBlue. It’s not true what you all say about him, I think he is a nice guy. 😀😀😀😀
Yes @NearHull, it was indeed a pleasure to meet you at the Doncaster YUG meet & be the first Forum member you've linked up with even though both our games were only partly there. A lovely day on a very nice course in pleasant weather. Looking forward to visiting your place in a month or so. (y) (y)