How far do you travel? And how far would you travel?


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Feb 26, 2019
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simple questions but interest to hear responses, especially to the second question:

A - how far do you travel to your current club/course?

B - how far would you travel if you had the opportunity to join a top class course? (probably defined as the best course you can join at your maximum budget)

For me, im 2 miles and 5 mins away from my current course, but the answer to B is difficult - I have toyed with a couple of brilliant course that's about 30 miles/1 hour away but think I couldnt justify the travel cost for what is an already expensive course, so i guess about 15 miles is my limit!


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My circumstances with work and 3 kids mean locality is absolutely key so I can nip over and practice/go round in a relatively quick manner. My current course is about 7mins drive away but I'm on the waiting list for a course 2mins walk away.

I have some great courses 15-20mins drive away (Burhill, 3 W's, etc) but leaving aside if it's even possible for me to join those courses, the travel time rules them out for now


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Jul 22, 2021
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My main course is 10 mins away at most and I also play a few links course that are 30/40 mins away and think that is about as far as I would travel to be a member at a club

Lord Tyrion

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Sep 9, 2014
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Currently 15 minutes, 10 miles or so. I'd go to 20-25 at a push but probably no more.

The psychology of it affects things. The quick 9 holes in an evening is no longer quick, you are leaving your family for longer, if that affects you of course.


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May 3, 2011
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My club is 15mins by car and public transport.
I wouldn't go much beyond this unless it was absolutely necessary. For me, one of the benefits of membershkp is being able to nip up there for a quick 9 or a bit of practice. An extended journey time wouldnt allow this.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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6 miles and about 10 minutes

Best courses in range are Links courses, within my price range Littlestone is about 20 minutes but I dont much like that a fair bit of their golf is 2 ball or foursomes

Biggleswade Blue

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Mar 6, 2013
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simple questions but interest to hear responses, especially to the second question:

A - how far do you travel to your current club/course?

B - how far would you travel if you had the opportunity to join a top class course? (probably defined as the best course you can join at your maximum budget)

For me, im 2 miles and 5 mins away from my current course, but the answer to B is difficult - I have toyed with a couple of brilliant course that's about 30 miles/1 hour away but think I couldnt justify the travel cost for what is an already expensive course, so i guess about 15 miles is my limit!

A - Ten minutes
B - Perhaps up to half an hour, but it woiuld be difficult to justify the cost at that extra travel time. My course is already the best course you can join at your maximum budget.


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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11 minutes door to door.
Had nearly 25 minutes to the Zoo and that was the limit...
Wouldn't want to be going that far these days..I'm up at the club at dawn most days for a quick 9 before work...


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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1 mile so about 3 minutes in the car to the club car park.
Don't think I'd join another course unless circumstances change, a lot of the lads I drink with have also joined the same club so the banter is great and we are guaranteed games throughout the year.


Assistant Pro
Feb 25, 2014
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2 miles, 5 minutes - in school holidays - 15 minutes when going past the schools at home time!

To me, location is more important than the 'prestige' of being a member at a top course. I want to be able to get there in a decent time and not have to add another hour or so each way onto the day. Makes it a lot easier for the evening rounds/few holes after work.


Assistant Pro
Jun 17, 2013
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Current course is 10-15 mins from home, ideal.

How far would I travel for a top course. Enville is even closer, so probably none, but currently can’t warrant spending 3k in the first year to join.

I left my last course because it was 25-30 mins away, even though it’s better than the one I’m at now. It was fine until I started working from home. £400 a year more expensive and you can’t beat being able to nip out for 9 holes before/after work.


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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my club is about 16miles / half an hour away from home

There are "better" courses closer to my home that are at the top end of what my budget might be....i probably wouldn't want to travel more than 40 minutes for a "regular" game.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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The course where I play is roughly 5 miles away 15 minutes in quiet times (there is another closer) .

There are no better courses in the area, IMO, and some courses that many would class as better are well outside of the distance I would travel (one + hours drive) and just as importantly well outside the my price range.


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Aug 14, 2020
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Mine is about 8 miles and anywhere between 17 and 30 mins away depending on time.

There are some great courses nearer and I'm toying with the idea of getting my name on the waiting list for St Annes Old Links as my Father and Brother in Law are members there and would only be about 15 mins away. But it is much more expensive and, although the course is in great condition year round, it does have a tendency to beat me up whenever I play there so not sure how much enjoyment I'd actually get.

We have a good little group at knott end and membership is 500 quid for me so at the moment I'll be sticking there and possibly toying with the idea of joining Herons Reach on a PMG membership for those quick evening rounds.

Any further than 30 mins away would simply be too long out the house with a young family if I was to play there regularly.
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Feb 26, 2019
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Interesting reading above showing how location seems to be more important than "quality".

Completely agree with most - even if I joined elsewhere i'd probably still stay local for the ease of a quick evening round and practice facilities.

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This year swapped playing to a course about 40 minutes from home. EDIT last year was only about 15 minutes and do not regret it

For a course I wanted to play whilst at home and not as part of a family, its about 50 minutes is the maximum(done it a few times in the past when only I played in the family and thats very much the max I would travel).

For weekend family course, further for the perfect course.

Banchory Buddha

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Jun 10, 2021
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I lived about 3 miles from my club, now moved and it's nearer 11, and next year I'll be also joing a secondary club that'll be 100 yards from my door, so that's nice.

There has to be a very good reason not to join your most local club IMO, bad layout, bad condition, tee time availability etc. Those are the only reasons I'd not join the club on my doorstep, the convenience outweighs most things, and you'll play far more golf, even if it's just a late evening 9 holes, or out on the practice range.

Deleted member 29109

Currently 8 miles and 20* minutes from front door to first tee.

* This is the normal time. It can be more depending on how much slow moving farm machinery, or Honda Jazz's there is crawling along the fen roads.

There is a reasonably nice course a bit nearer, but the course lacks the variety I'm looking for and the membership give off the wrong kind of vibe.

Other than that I'd be looking at 45 minutes to get to a perceived better course. Which I'm not prepared to do.