Has using an electric trolley made a difference to your game?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I've got a powakaddy and a big tour bag and hardly ever use them. Maybe a dozen rounds in 5 years.
For me, golf is about fresh air and excercise and if you are fit enough to walk and carry, you should.
So you can imagine my horror when I saw this Junior Electric trolley :eek: :eek: :D


Now I know some of you are going to say if she carried a heavy bag, she would grow up deformed but a little carry bag with 3 or 4 clubs would surely build up her muscles wouldn't it?
What do you think to an 8 year old with an electric trolley?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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As an undiagnosed diabetic I was really struggling with fatigue over the last few holes. Got the problem solved through diet and tablets but was still advised by wise sages on here to invest in a trolley. Best move ever. Not only am I refreshed all the way round I can carry waterproofs, spare towels, hat, spare gloves and food and drink with ease. No more slogging in winter with a carry bag weighed down with the necessities of winter golf.

I don't mind carrying a light bag for a quick summer nine holes but unless its a trolley ban then I'm letting the GK take the strain from now on. I use to be firmly in the carry camp too until I was shown the light on here


Assistant Pro
Jan 29, 2008
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
There are a fair few juniors at my club with electric trollies that mummy and daddy have brought them. Half of them are overweight and would probably collapse if they had to carry their bags.
I have powakaddy but i also carry, it depends how i feel. Always use a trolly in comps.


Assistant Pro
May 6, 2009
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Wouldn't be without my Motocaddy. Have an S3,(if I could turn back the clock,would get a S1, as the I do not often use the 'extra's' on the S3).

Motocaddy's are cheaper to buy than Powercaddy's, and certainly the spares are.
And in my opinion are every bit as good.
Also, a small point but important, the Motocaddy is easier to lift in and out of the car.


Assistant Pro
Sep 6, 2009
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Personally i detest the trolley brigade especially when I get drawn with them in comps of god forbid get stuck behind a group of them.

The amount of wasted time and course congestion caused is borderline absurd. Added to the fact that hardly any of them position their trolley using common sense ie between green and next tee, and it's a cascade effect.

There's nothing worse than seeing a trolley wally going to and from his trolley and the rough he's found cos he can't play anyway to repeatedly change clubs wasting everybody's time and holding up group(s) behind. Normally the electric trolley brigade at my club
a) have too much money
b) have a 28ish handicap
c) have no common sense
d) should get off their lazy backsides, do some exercise and carry like everyone else who doesn't fit into the category above.

Despite being a 20 a day smoker I will more than happily carry for 54 holes during the longest summer days and during the wettest/coldest winter days also.

I only advocate the use of trolleys for people that due to injury/age/deibilitating factors etc who wouldn't be able to play otherwise.

With the exception of summer/exceptionally dry or hot weather we voted to get rid of trolleys from our course with special dispensation given to those who NEED them. The number of golfers completing rounds per day has gone up drastically as our tee time slots have been moved 2 minutes closer together as a result.

Rant over I'm going for a smoke.


Q-School Graduate
Aug 15, 2009
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I use a Powakaddy Digital in summer and a Twinline 3 for a quick 9 in summer and my winter golf. I got fed up changing bags (Cart to carry) for a quick game.

Wouldn't be without it now, I always carried until I tried an electric trolley one day while playing 36 holes. What a difference walked of the course feeling I could play another 18 if I wanted. I wouldn't carry my clubs for more than 9 holes now and don't even think I would even then.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Brave man to categorise most trolley wallys as 28 handicappers when there are number of low figure golfers on here using them Its not different to the idiot leaving his bag at the front of the green when the next tee is off the back. To be honest I take my trolley into the semi rough with me and so unless I'm going into trees or needing to cross a ditch etc then I'm never going to be far from my clubs anyway. If you are rooting in trees etc then you won't be doing so with a carry bag on shoulders anyway so whats the difference


Tour Winner
Dec 16, 2007
East Lothian Scotland
I’ve never used one until I played the 36 hole seniors final back in September, where I got a loan of my friends. What a bonus, it’s a breeze. More to the point it showed me just how much energy I used when I didn’t have one. A week later I also played the full stretch Dalmahoy with the powakaddy and that’s one mother of a 7000 plus yards walk. Okay, I’m no youngster but it makes playing golf much easier, especially in the last few holes.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Wow.....just the 49 posts in one day.

I'd like an electric trolley but it's still a bit off t.b.h.
I'm undecided between that and a GPS.

Most likely, neither will happen, as if I did "syphon" £250 into the golf pot, I'd spend it on either green fees or lessons.

Maybe someone will get me one for my 40th....


Tour Rookie
May 22, 2009
Heswall, Wirral
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Each to their own, but the macho attitude of some bag carriers does make me chuckle. If you really do play golf "for the exercise" and carry to because of that, then why not make the most of it and add a few house bricks to the bag ? Ankle weights can be piked up for a couple of quid, try wearing them as well.

I don't play golf for the exercise, I play golf because I love playing golf. I do other stuff for exercise, including marathon running. I was asked in a recent game "why does someone who runs marathons use a trolley ?", the answer to which was "because I run marathons".

As for the OP, take a look at minor tours like europro. All of the players who cannot afford a caddy will use a trolley. Same for amateur eveents where there are no caddies. I'd suggest that if those players think they play better with one, chances are we would as well


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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I had an electric trolley - the Hillbilly Terrain and its a good piece of kit - but I realised that I didn't really need it so I got a PK Twinline 3-wheel pusher instead.
Main reasons for ditching the 'leccy are forgetting to charge battery, leaving battery at home, it's bloody heavy, took up too much room in the boot and I kept getting soaked dismantling it in the rain! Also the course I play is pretty flat and the 3-wheeler runs nicely.
I'm carrying now as the wet weather means having to leave the trolley miles from the green.
I can't say it made a difference when I had it but I did feel fresher at the end of a round compared to carrying.


Assistant Pro
Mar 15, 2009
Between Basingstoke & Reading
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There's nothing worse than seeing a trolley wally going to and from his trolley and the rough he's found cos he can't play anyway to repeatedly change clubs wasting everybody's time and holding up group(s) behind. Normally the electric trolley brigade at my club
a) have too much money
b) have a 28ish handicap
c) have no common sense
d) should get off their lazy backsides, do some exercise and carry like everyone else who doesn't fit into the category above.

Those are harsh words G-man.

However being a 18Hcp Golfer who is Diabetic, needs the use of a trolley, as it becomes hard work after 3-4hrs out on the course caryying, so now I can have my Blood sugars at a nice level, without having to carry a box of Mars Bars :D


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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Regards the OP - dunno, don't have one. And don't think it would (yet?). Am happy with a pull trolley and can manage plenty of holes without thinking the pulling is doing me in. If you want electric, then by means have one, but I think my money is better spent elsewhere.


Assistant Pro
Jan 29, 2008
Hitchin, Hertfordshire
Where do you play gasman and what is your h`cap?
We have a leccy trolly wally at my club. He`s been club champ 13 times, county champ at both singles and forsomes a few times and winner of various other county and national titles. Oh yes, hes been Eurpoean Mid-Amature champ and won The Sunningdale Forsomes. What a chopper!
But then, being as you carry, your record must put his in the shade! :D


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
I've never read such arrogant cods wollop in all my time as I have read from Gasman. If a club banned trollys 365/24 without a docs note it would be on its arse quick sharp, at least 70% of trolly users use them without medical needs and it must be atleast 60%+ of members at any club use them, so by turning them away they will find a decent club that allows the new members to use what trolly they want (weather permitting).

As for saying only 28ish handicappers use them, what about ladies who need them? My wife is 5'4" and 8 stone, she can not carry a bag full of winter kit over 18 holes, even if she did it would take away the enjoyment of the game and no doubt she would give up and once again club membership fulls as I am sure many lady golfers are in the same boat. I would hard and don't want to waste all my weekend energy on macho retarded issues like yourself Gasman, I'd prefer to use my trolly over 18 holes and still feel fresh in the club afterwards and so be ready for my Sunday match.

a) have too much money - Jealous are you, you should have worked harder at school
b) have a 28ish handicap - No 19 hcp after 18 months of playing
c) have no common sense - There is no such thing as common sense otherwise everyone would know it, you tit.
d) should get off their lazy backsides, do some exercise and carry like everyone else who doesn't fit into the category above. - I work hard and if I wanted exercise I would go to the gym but I prefer to support my club in liquid assets.

Summary: -

Gasman is a knob.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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So, we have electric trolleys for golfers, electric buggies for the elderly, mopeds for the young....why doesn't someone invent an electric pram?