Best Remote Controlled Trolley/Does any electric trolley manufacturer cater for tall golfers?


Club Champion
Oct 24, 2011
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I've had back issues for the last 3 years and I'm really struggling to get a full 18 in whenever I manage to get a game. One problem I'm having is that I have an electric trolley, but I'm 6ft4 and the handle only comes halfway up my thigh - so whenever I'm holding it its putting strain on my back. I've had a look at all of the various models in the shops and it seem that the trolley manufactures don't really cater for tall golfers! I have to admit that I've always viewed remote trolleys a bit like iron-covers but if I can get over my own (I realise, bloody stupid!) views, I think a remote trolley is going to give me the best chance of getting more golf in. I was looking at either the M7 GPS or RX1 to get the integrated GPS, but there seems to be zero stock anywhere. I stumbled across the GM review of the Stewart Vertx Remote and I'm now thinking that may be a good option. I wondered if anyone had any experience they can share of the various remote trolley manufacturers, or if anyones come across a normal electric trolley that's around belly-button height for very tall golfers?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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I'm 6'2" and have a GoKart electric trolley. The handle is hip height for me, which is perfect.
Belly button height would be weird - you'd look like a toddler.


Club Champion
Aug 25, 2009
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I struggled at 6’2”! I now have a Stewart golf x9 follow. Its handle is low but I only use it for around ponds and paths. The rest of the time is the remote or follow mode. You’d find the follow function great in the rain as you can walk with your umbrella in hand Instead of ducking under an umbrella in a holder that isn’t quite high e enough.

youll get them second hand on golf bidder. Full manufacturer refurb with new battery.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
My S7 has performed faultlessly since I had it repaired under warranty a couple of weeks after I bought it. Got it direct from Motocaddy as a little used model. It turned out to have a switch fault that wasn't immediately obvious. Once repaired, it has been perfect. I'm sure you'd be happy with the M7.

As far as using one is concerned, I wouldn't be without mine. Walking around stooping all the time, which I see most people doing, really does become uncomfortable. I'm sure you will feel a great benefit. Keep an eye on the Motocaddy website, they often have used /refurbished models at attractive prices.


Mar 27, 2017
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I had the Vertex trolley 6 weeks ago. It's my first remote control trolley. I was apprehensive about having one because of the stigma that comes with them and the (friendly) stick I might get from my friends. However I realise now that was stupid and I wish I had got one sooner, although I don't personally think there's been an electric trolley out previously that's as nice as the new Vertex.

The new wheels and branding on the trolley make it look very cool and easy on the eye. Functionality wise it's absolutely superb. It's very very stable, the remote control will work from literally a mile away, much further than you'll ever need to use it, but it's nice to know its capability. The motor is super smooth and quiet and it never changes speed when going up/down hills. The new 45 hole battery really is brilliant - it'll do 72 holes if you really want it to.

The handle can feel a little flimsy considering how much it costs but providing you aren't trying to pull and yank the trolley around by it it's fine. Stewart themselves advise not to lift and manoeuvre the trolley around by the handle and only use it to lift the front end when going up kerbs etc.

Price wise it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's still expensive don't get me wrong, but it's much cheaper than the Q or X10 models. It's actually only fractionally more expensive than the M7 GPS you mentioned. It doesn't have GPS of course but I believe it's a better remote trolley than the M7. A friend who's had an M7 and Stewart trollies in the past say that the rotating front wheel on the M7 makes it veer off course more easily whereas the fixed wheels on the Stewart make it drive much straighter with less alterations required.

If you've got the money to spend on a trolley in this price bracket I highly highly recommend it.


May 2, 2011
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I had the Vertex trolley 6 weeks ago. It's my first remote control trolley. I was apprehensive about having one because of the stigma that comes with them and the (friendly) stick I might get from my friends. However I realise now that was stupid and I wish I had got one sooner, although I don't personally think there's been an electric trolley out previously that's as nice as the new Vertex.

The new wheels and branding on the trolley make it look very cool and easy on the eye. Functionality wise it's absolutely superb. It's very very stable, the remote control will work from literally a mile away, much further than you'll ever need to use it, but it's nice to know its capability. The motor is super smooth and quiet and it never changes speed when going up/down hills. The new 45 hole battery really is brilliant - it'll do 72 holes if you really want it to.

The handle can feel a little flimsy considering how much it costs but providing you aren't trying to pull and yank the trolley around by it it's fine. Stewart themselves advise not to lift and manoeuvre the trolley around by the handle and only use it to lift the front end when going up kerbs etc.

Price wise it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's still expensive don't get me wrong, but it's much cheaper than the Q or X10 models. It's actually only fractionally more expensive than the M7 GPS you mentioned. It doesn't have GPS of course but I believe it's a better remote trolley than the M7. A friend who's had an M7 and Stewart trollies in the past say that the rotating front wheel on the M7 makes it veer off course more easily whereas the fixed wheels on the Stewart make it drive much straighter with less alterations required.

If you've got the money to spend on a trolley in this price bracket I highly highly recommend it.

Torn between the Vertex and how smooth it looks and the better speed control on slopes versus the follow version - did you consider both?


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I have the M7. I'm 6ft2 and have back issues, which is the reason for buying a remote trolley. I originally wanted a Stewart, but having taken my money they kept putting the delivery date back, so cancelled the order and dont regret buy the M7 one bit.
Guy I play with has a Stewart, and he has had no end of issues he would'nt buy another.


May 2, 2011
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I have the M7. I'm 6ft2 and have back issues, which is the reason for buying a remote trolley. I originally wanted a Stewart, but having taken my money they kept putting the delivery date back, so cancelled the order and dont regret buy the M7 one bit.
Guy I play with has a Stewart, and he has had no end of issues he would'nt buy another.
New or old model?


Nov 28, 2020
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Torn between the Vertex and how smooth it looks and the better speed control on slopes versus the follow version - did you consider both?
I bought a Vertx last week. Having looked into all the various remote control models, and playing a very hilly course, I was between the Vertx and MGI Zip Navigator (sold by AG). The M7 doesn't have a gyroscope like those do for keeping it straight on hilly courses. The Q Follow doesn't do as well on hilly courses either. So you may want to consider going for one that is most suitable for the courses you'll play.
A friend had an older Stewart model and had issues with it (not sure which model though) but apparently the Vertx is much better build quality having only come out last year, and he's very happy with his Vertx now.
I got a refurbished one from Stewart off their website - saved about £250 compared to a new one and it seems as good as new.


Aug 5, 2018
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I am not tall so I can't help on that front, but I can say that the M7 is jolly good. I've had mine for 4 years now and I haven't had any issues at all.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I have a Powakaddy CT6.
The handle in its top position is just about ok for me.( 6’0” I’ve shrunk in old age 😉)
I can imagine anyone taller it would pose a problem.

But like club fitting a lot depends on the length of your legs compared to your arms.
Manufacturing these you would think this would be a consideration.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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Have you thought of getting a push trolley? You can raise the handle as high as you like.
I have a Stewart one and it is a doddle to push.
How hilly is your course?


May 2, 2011
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I bought a Vertx last week. Having looked into all the various remote control models, and playing a very hilly course, I was between the Vertx and MGI Zip Navigator (sold by AG). The M7 doesn't have a gyroscope like those do for keeping it straight on hilly courses. The Q Follow doesn't do as well on hilly courses either. So you may want to consider going for one that is most suitable for the courses you'll play.
A friend had an older Stewart model and had issues with it (not sure which model though) but apparently the Vertx is much better build quality having only come out last year, and he's very happy with his Vertx now.
I got a refurbished one from Stewart off their website - saved about £250 compared to a new one and it seems as good as new.

Lilley Brook has some steep hills on the back 6 holes :D


Mar 27, 2017
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Torn between the Vertex and how smooth it looks and the better speed control on slopes versus the follow version - did you consider both?

Not really - the Q with the follow function is around £400 more than the Vertex and I actually think the Vertex is a better trolley. It has nicer looking wheels (subjective I know) but it comes with an option for a 45 hole battery which the Q doesn't. The 45 hole battery is a beast and will comfortably do 3 rounds with battery to spare or if you play on a relatively flat course it will do 4 rounds.

I thought about how often I am likely to use the follow function and I just couldn't justify the extra cost plus as I said I think the larger battery and better looking wheels make the Vertex a better trolley. Plus if you believe the marketing jargon the Vertex has a new type of chip in it for controlling speed which I don't think the Q has either.


May 2, 2011
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I bought a Vertx last week. Having looked into all the various remote control models, and playing a very hilly course, I was between the Vertx and MGI Zip Navigator (sold by AG). The M7 doesn't have a gyroscope like those do for keeping it straight on hilly courses. The Q Follow doesn't do as well on hilly courses either. So you may want to consider going for one that is most suitable for the courses you'll play.
A friend had an older Stewart model and had issues with it (not sure which model though) but apparently the Vertx is much better build quality having only come out last year, and he's very happy with his Vertx now.
I got a refurbished one from Stewart off their website - saved about £250 compared to a new one and it seems as good as new.

Hi how are you getting on with your Vertx, I might be considering a purchase for the 2025 season.


Nov 28, 2020
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Good, apart from looking like a knob now (see the "Stewart trolley" thread)... it's only ended up in a bunker once so far and that was user error!

The app to check the battery is a bit weird as it doesn't save the battery name once you've paired it over bluetooth, so you need to remember the battery name if you ever want to check the battery status. Not a problem most of the time but the first time I used the app I was in the car park and three Stewart batteries showed up and I had no idea which was mine. But my old trolley didn't have any way to check the battery status at all and I've not actually had to check the battery status since trying the app as I only play 18 holes.

It is incredibly heavy, even without the battery in it. Getting it in and out the car when folded requires a bit of effort. It's difficult to turn it manually using the handle as it's so heavy, but the trick is to go a bit faster (preset 2 is a good speed) and then turning it using the handle is easy. Bu that's only needed when on paths or in the car park.

Other than that it has been excellent on the course. It's so nice walking around the course freely with just the remote in my hand. I send it around the green to the next tee whilst I wander onto the green to putt out. And I love it when I've walked 30 yards through the rough to find my ball and can then call my trolley over.

A friend did mention that he doesn't use his MGI during the winter as the single front wheel struggles in the wet/boggy conditions, and another guy doesn't use his older Stewart trolley in the winter as you can't pressure wash it (you're only supposed to use an air hose). Another guy with a Stewart trolley said he uses it throughout the winter and said it doesn't struggle with the wet/boggy conditions. My course isn't boggy yet but I did notice the wheels were starting to pick up mud on them due to the weight of the trolley, whereas a friend who has a Motocaddy was mud-free on his wheels. So the verdict is out on performance in those conditions until later.

If you're tall then not having to use the handle all the time will be a help for your back. They do an extended umbrella holder which increases the height of the umbrella, although they say you're only supposed to put the umbrella in it when stationary?!

Sign up to their newsletter as they do discounts throughout the year at various times e.g. Fathers Day. Also, if you add the trolley to your basket after logging in, and then leave it 24 hours, you might receive an email giving you an extra 10% off to complete your sale!