Club Champion
I've had back issues for the last 3 years and I'm really struggling to get a full 18 in whenever I manage to get a game. One problem I'm having is that I have an electric trolley, but I'm 6ft4 and the handle only comes halfway up my thigh - so whenever I'm holding it its putting strain on my back. I've had a look at all of the various models in the shops and it seem that the trolley manufactures don't really cater for tall golfers! I have to admit that I've always viewed remote trolleys a bit like iron-covers but if I can get over my own (I realise, bloody stupid!) views, I think a remote trolley is going to give me the best chance of getting more golf in. I was looking at either the M7 GPS or RX1 to get the integrated GPS, but there seems to be zero stock anywhere. I stumbled across the GM review of the Stewart Vertx Remote and I'm now thinking that may be a good option. I wondered if anyone had any experience they can share of the various remote trolley manufacturers, or if anyones come across a normal electric trolley that's around belly-button height for very tall golfers?