Occasional Tour Caddy
I get what you're saying. Back a few decades ago golf was played by fairly proficient individuals and the handicap system was used to make up for obvious stuff like not being strong enough to get to a par 4 green in 2 shots. Things have moved on to using it to compensate for those that really shouldn't be competing at all. That's why it's become a bit silly.
Some of us are stuck in that past I guess.
Guesswork on my part but I think if golf & competition golf remained today as you describe it as a few decades ago, the game might now be dead on its feet
Golf (& all society) has been transformed, golf from an exclusive/elite activity often with its club roots closely aligned to only those (men) with professional occupations & ex-military officers, into something open to all
I agree with you that “things have moved on” but handicaps have not moved on to “compensate” for todays players, it’s to include todays players (not sure I should say anything about your opinion they shouldn’t be competing at all !)
There’s an awful lot of things that were accepted decades ago, a large number are no longer accepted or fit for purpose today
If in 1980 the golf landscape was more like it is today, the handicap system would absolutely have changed decades ago