Golf - the safest option

The guy flies all over the world holding seminars and regularly appears on tv because of his standing, I take what he says to be very close to the reality. Some people just refuse to accept reality and want to bury their heads in the sand, the government should have been much more proactive in their measures and if travel was stopped alot sooner etc and everybody coming into the country from known problem areas was tested on arrival we wouldn't be in half as bad a situation, but you can only play with the cards your dealt I'm afraid
Generally when I've met medics their understanding of drug/vaccine development is next to nothing (I worked in Pharma research up to a few years ago)
Interesting posts here. I'm across the pond in North Carolina and we're practicing the same things as you in Europe. I played nine holes today by myself. We pay monthly dues so I didn't have to go in the shop. Everything I touched came to the course with me (clubs, tees, balls, gloves, etc). I hope I can keep doing this if for nothing else exercise and mental health. We in the US are a couple of weeks behind the rest of the world and our leaders are not handling this very well. Also, some of our citizens are not taking this seriously. My guess is the worse is yet to come for us.
Stay safe and healthy my friends.
We in the US are a couple of weeks behind the rest of the world and our leaders are not handling this very well.

I saw a press conference this morning where Trump was referring to it as the Chinese virus. And when challenged he insisted on continuing to use the Chinese label. He's trying hard to divert attention way from the US response and fan the xenophobic flames.
I saw a press conference this morning where Trump was referring to it as the Chinese virus. And when challenged he insisted on continuing to use the Chinese label. He's trying hard to divert attention way from the US response and fan the xenophobic flames.
You're right. Now is not the time for politics. Those of us here who do not support this man find his behavior appalling. That's another reason I'm happy we can still play golf with a few modifications. Getting away from hearing about the virus, the tanking economy and this president is good for one's mental health. Now if it would just quit raining every few days here in NC.