Golf - the safest option

I hope you're right because there won't be much else to do, or many places to go. My football is all cancelled, as of this afternoon I'll be working from home. Still have badminton lined up tomorrow, but who knows if they'll close the leisure centres soon? Pubs will be closed off before long. Golf in the open air is all that's left.

Agreed. To be fair to our club, we're getting frequent updates and they seem to be following a pretty well-informed, but common sense line. The course opened today for the first time in about 7 weeks and they have said, barring a few common sense adaptations, it's business as usual:

Bar is open but the staff are doing A LOT of extra disinfecting
All other socials have been postponed including the presentation to the outgoing head Pro
Certain doors will be kept open so you don't have to touch anything to get in
Hand sanitizer will be present and mandatory
Course is open, but keep flags in and don't touch other people's balls (advice I live my life by)
You should try and pay with your club card as it's contactless
Those in the most at risk categorised are urged to "exercise judgement"

All common sense stuff, which is refreshing amidst all the panic-mongering.
Seems like clubs are going to get through this and remain open for the benefit of their members.

However there will still be a monetary cost in terms of cleaning products, fewer visitors and a LOT less in the way of food & drink sales.

I'd also suggest it would be irresponsible to continue with competitions in their current form given many clubs have disposed of pins and rakes. 100 people all entering scores on a touch screen seems an unnecessary risk as well.
I am currently in isolation as my wife and son started with symptoms on Friday night. Currently neither myself or my daughter have any symptoms. Was considering going out to play 9 holes by myself some time tomorrow or Thursday. Pay by contact less card, and leave the flagstick in and I feel I shouldn't be a risk to anyone (probably be further away from people than if I just went for a walk). I will also be taking some anti-bacterial wipes just in case I hole a putt greater than gimme distance.
It strikes me that golf is one of the safest games to playing the present climate, no bodily contact, no body fluids flying about & taking place in the Open air....
H'mm, I think Tennis (especially a 'gentle' game of Singles) would be better.

Might as well play golf as, soon, there won't be much else to do.
Good idea here though!

PS. I hope your wife stays sensible and well!
I am currently in isolation as my wife and son started with symptoms on Friday night. Currently neither myself or my daughter have any symptoms. Was considering going out to play 9 holes by myself some time tomorrow or Thursday. Pay by contact less card, and leave the flagstick in and I feel I shouldn't be a risk to anyone (probably be further away from people than if I just went for a walk). I will also be taking some anti-bacterial wipes just in case I hole a putt greater than gimme distance.

You gave a strange concept of being in isolation.
Genuine question, is there any details of how long this virus can “live” on rakes/pins etc?

Surely it can’t be that long or shops would be in a right state, ie, I take the flag out the hole and I may be risking those behind me, but if I go to Tesco pick up a tin of soup, change my mind and put it down again I’m risking nobody or at least nobody is concerned.

Am I missing something?
I actually am not bothered if I get it or not because in all honesty its probably not going to do me much harm other than not feeling great for a week or so, I'll still clean my hands regularly out of respect for others but in all seriousness this virus cannot be stopped they can try and delay its spread but alot of people are going to get it and that's that. I'd rather get it and be over with it
I actually am not bothered if I get it or not because in all honesty its probably not going to do me much harm other than not feeling great for a week or so, I'll still clean my hands regularly out of respect for others but in all seriousness this virus cannot be stopped they can try and delay its spread but alot of people are going to get it and that's that. I'd rather get it and be over with it
I think it's inevitable that we're all going to get in the next year or two, it's just that it's likely we can save an enormous number of unnecessary deaths if we can spread it all over a long period.
If you actually read the govt advice, it’s social isolation, ie no socialising in close proximity. How is playing 9 holes alone (when they say you should get out for exercise) in contradiction to that?

If I suspected I might have it then I'd remain inside and make certain I didn't pass it on.

Would you want to follow someone around the course who thought they might have it?
(I can already guess your answer)
I actually am not bothered if I get it or not because in all honesty its probably not going to do me much harm other than not feeling great for a week or so, I'll still clean my hands regularly out of respect for others but in all seriousness this virus cannot be stopped they can try and delay its spread but alot of people are going to get it and that's that. I'd rather get it and be over with it

The virus can be stopped, a vaccine will be developed and rapidly manufactured for worldwide distribution.

This is a world crisis and I believe that the will of the world will make vaccine development happen a lot faster than normal, so the more we can limit the spread of the virus the more lives will be saved.
The virus can be stopped, a vaccine will be developed and rapidly manufactured for worldwide distribution.

This is a world crisis and I believe that the will of the world will make vaccine development happen a lot faster than normal, so the more we can limit the spread of the virus the more lives will be saved.
I do a bit of work for a top surgeon/academic and he said theres almost no chance of a vaccine within 12 months. The only thing they are doing is trying to delay the spread so as not to put as much pressure on the NHS, its inevitable that the old, the weak and the already sick people will have a greater chance of dying but theres nothing that can be done about that I'm afraid. Even if they came out with a vaccine theres no way they could vaccinate everybody in the sort of timescale your talking about, there are just too many people and the cost would be astronomical. Youl have to rely on your immune system and mother nature