Golf after lockdown 2

In previous examples of lockdown people at our place booked, the owner then wiped the system when the England golf advice came through. No point booking until our club tells us too.
In previous examples of lockdown people at our place booked, the owner then wiped the system when the England golf advice came through. No point booking until our club tells us too.

BRS isn’t even available for us yet. I suspect we’ll get an email tomorrow and the system will probably be open to us some time after that.

Personally, I don’t think this compares with May, when we came out of several weeks of lockdown, and then only to 2-balls. This is a full return to golf after only four weeks. I’m not entirely sure I can understand why everyone is getting so desperate to cancel this and that, rearrange usual roll-ups and so on. It’s not as though we’ve been starved of golf for six months.
Our online booking system is blocked out atm until the club know what if any restrictions there will be on Dec 2nd.
They have emailed to say no more than 2 bookings per week initially for the 1st 2 weeks & no guests or visitors.

Possibly more worrying is the fact that my club makes an awful lot of money in the run up to Christmas from parties & functions.
At best it will have to severely limit numbers & at worst be shut altogether depending on what tier we end up in.
I can't see much changing until April at the earliest, so more tough times ahead.
Our online booking system is blocked out atm until the club know what if any restrictions there will be on Dec 2nd.
They have emailed to say no more than 2 bookings per week initially for the 1st 2 weeks & no guests or visitors.

Possibly more worrying is the fact that my club makes an awful lot of money in the run up to Christmas from parties & functions.
At best it will have to severely limit numbers & at worst be shut altogether depending on what tier we end up in.
I can't see much changing until April at the earliest, so more tough times ahead.
They have anounced that gyms will be open in all tiers. There's no way after that they will close golf courses. No matter what the tier
How come? Our system was frozen on lockdown and think its now not opening for bookings until two days before hand. Going to be interesting to get a time

Our tee sheet never closed. Still the same book 2 weeks in advance. There are bookings for 1st December which seem a bit optimistic.
I can book a time tomorrow if I want to. Obviously can’t play though.
I'll wait for the club email. I can see an almighty scramble on Monday to book weekend slots. It was bad enough when we were open and it was running smoothly. Got a feeling it'll be a weekend of practice (which wouldn't be a bad thing). Tempted to take next Friday off and try and get a game that way
Do it homer ? have the Friday off, bit of me time me finks.
Well thanks for the feedback both positive and negative. Had an email from our club re what’s going off and when we can book.Fair to say that differant course have a different strategy and booking systems.
Our online booking system is blocked out atm until the club know what if any restrictions there will be on Dec 2nd.
They have emailed to say no more than 2 bookings per week initially for the 1st 2 weeks & no guests or visitors.

Possibly more worrying is the fact that my club makes an awful lot of money in the run up to Christmas from parties & functions.
At best it will have to severely limit numbers & at worst be shut altogether depending on what tier we end up in.
I can't see much changing until April at the earliest, so more tough times ahead.

Industry Members in the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Golf have welcomed the Prime Minister’s announcement today (23 November) that golf clubs and other facilities in England may reopen from 2nd December.

The announcement paves the way for golf to return at all COVID-19 alert levels within the Rule of Six, permitting fourball play without restriction on number of households. Coaching, fitting and ranges will also be allowed to open, as will indoor hospitality facilities in tiers one and two (those in tier three will can continue a takeaway service only).
Do you think it's right that at my club the day golf is due to resume the first half of the day is taken up by ladies only? Like every Wednesday. Surely they could bin that off for the first week

If that is the rules of course its right. Unless you think that somehow men are more important?

Would you be happy to give up your tee time on a Saturday morning for the ladies to play?

The question should be. Why on earth does everyone not have equal playing rights? (Paying the same fees obviously!)
If that is the rules of course its right. Unless you think that somehow men are more important?

Would you be happy to give up your tee time on a Saturday morning for the ladies to play?

The question should be. Why on earth does everyone not have equal playing rights? (Paying the same fees obviously!)
Where did I say men are more important than women? In my opinion the fair thing to do when everyone is crawling over each other like a box of hamsters to get a tee time (especially on day 1). Is to satisfy the masses and get people out there.

And yes. If the course was reopen on a Saturday I would insist that men do not take the lions share of the tee times to allow women to play. We're all in the same pot imo
Club has released details. Not an overly happy camper about two balls to cater for expected demand but if thats correct hopefully initial demand will be sated and it'll be easier getting four ball times on 7th December

The following key points apply to help you plan and book your golf:
1. Booking will be made using the Club V1 Members Hub app. If you have any difficulty using the app to book Tee Times then the office will be manned from 7am each day initially. Please do NOT try calling before 7am.
2. Members can ONLY play if they have a Tee Booking on the system. This enables government track & trace requirements to be met.
3. Bookings for the initial period of 9-hole golf can be made 3 days in advance ONLY. The Tee sheet for 2nd December will be released on 29th November and then one day at a time will be released thereafter to allow booking 3 days ahead. One booking per day per member maximum is permitted (but see note 4 below).
4. During the 9-hole period, if on the day that there are spare slots then additional 9-holes may be booked through the office.
5. When making a booking for 9-Holes you have the option to book either front 9 or back 9 (but NOT both). To select the ‘Back 9’ click on the Flag and select the ‘Back 9’ before making the booking.
6. 18 Hole golf will resume on Saturday 12th December and will be bookable 5 days in advance as before the latest lockdown. For example – to book a Tee Time for Saturday 12th December, the Tee Sheet will be released for bookings on Monday 7th December.
7. There will be no external visitors permitted in December at all.
8. Members Guests may be booked (just 3 days in advance and NOT before) once 18-hole Tee Times become available. This will give members 2 additional days to book Tee Times before members guests may be booked on any given day.
9. Bookings will be for Casual Golf ONLY and there will be no reserved tee times for ANY groups outside of that during December.
10. There will be a Marshall presence during the first few weeks following the return to golf for a few hours per day. Please let the office know if you would like to volunteer to help.
Our time for booking 4 balls is coming in less than an hour...I'm not going to join that scrum. Planning on booking a practice time on the field tomorrow for next week. I won't join the madness. Hoarding of toilet paper.....desperation for tee times......just give me a field and don't bother me.