Glove off, Glove on, Glove off and Glove on...


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
Morning All,
I have noticed that when I make a conscience effort to take my glove off between shots I seem to play better!! I scored my best round ever and knocked about 3-4 shots off each round, the past few rounds I have not practiced this and my scores have gone back up to the mid to late 80s :D.

I was thinking about this this morning and maybe its a distraction that relaxes me and takes my mind of the next shot or the one I just played? Does anyone else practice this? If so have you found that not only that your gloves & hands less sweaty but your game has improved?
I do this as well. I think it's almost like a trigger to forget about your last shot and stay in the present. I haven't always done it and I agree that it somehow relaxs me.
I do it so my left hand gets as much sun tan as my right :cool:
I tend to take it off when close to the green and for putting as i think it gives me more feel on the grip......although after the way i played today , i would have been better leaving the glove on and removing the grip
I've started not wearing one at all lately. It's OK when it's dry but I think I need one when it's wet - strange as I started leaving it off because they were only lasting a couple of holes in the wet.
I just can not play without one, I tend to over grip the club causing problems. The Mizuno ExoFlex helps me with over pressure and the wear is great on them.
Have to have one to play. Its part of my pre-shot routine and I do believe I get more control with one. Never used a glove for putting as that is about feeling and as there isn't quite the same necessity for the glove.
I usually put my glove on as I step onto the first tee and it stays on until I leave the 18th Green. Can see some sense in how it may help to move on from bad shots though so may give it a try, plus my left hand is in very bad need of some sun to catch up with the right hand.
I do this, but mainly because my gloves last longer if I take them off between shots.
Surely taking off & putting back on a glove would make it stretch all the sooner.

Can see the validility of taking off the glove as a trigger for calming ones self down for putting & touch short game shots..

Not sure I totally buy the pro's excuse of it gives them more feel to take off a glove, when putting etc, as when I'm using one of those expensive leather gloves I feel more confident & feel just as much through the cabretta than without it on.

Might try the taking off & on for the differnt parts of the game to see if the mental part of the game is affected in a positive way or not.
Taking it off might stretch it, although surely gripping and swinging a club would stretch it more, but I take it off because in warm weather, sweat kills a glove much faster than wear and tear. My hands will also be less sweaty as they aren't enclosed in leather, and I will be cooler if my hands aren't hot.
I find it quite freshening to cool my hand down when I take off the glove between shots, it does help my pre shot routine and helps me concentrate on the next shot. It has nothing to do what so ever with having one white hand :o
Taking it off might stretch it, although surely gripping and swinging a club would stretch it more, but I take it off because in warm weather, sweat kills a glove much faster than wear and tear. My hands will also be less sweaty as they aren't enclosed in leather, and I will be cooler if my hands aren't hot.

Yeah I can see the sense in that now I think of it. Though I don't really suffer from a sweaty hand even if wearing a black glove rather than the usual white ones I'm sure it must be a factor though.