Putting with a glove on

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I take mine if after pretty much every shot especially if very hot or raining, I put without a glove but could easily putt with it on but when I’m practicing at home I don’t wear one
I take glove off to putt. It's nothing to do with 'feel' of strike, whatever that actually may be. It simply feels better gripping it that way.
Glove goes on at the 1st and off at the 18th.
Wouldn‘t make any difference to me if on or off.
This is me as well. I can't be bothered with the faff of glove off and on constantly.

Occasionally I'll take it off on the 18th if I've got a tap in and I put it in my bag, slightly OCD about putting stuff away at the end of a round. It feels weird to putt without a glove. I certainly don't feel any benefit.
In the summer, glove off and airing. In the winter gloves on both hands all round.

After reading this I tried it a few holes last night and I kept running them too far. Not so much an issue in winter when the greens are slower.
After a couple months of not posting....just because of the arguing. Glove on or off.....who....really.....cares..? If I want to wear a glove if I putt.....that's something to worry about? If I put "water is wet" on here....someone would try to tell me it isn't.
Why are you painting this topic as if there was an argument? I just saw lots of people give their preference on whether they putt with a glove or not. :unsure: You remain free to do as you choose. 😛
There is no such thing as feel. But do take the glove off for short shots or putts when weather hot. Velcro to the bag to let it dry a little. Very warm - rotate a pair.
Otherwise, just leave it on. I think the off for putting is just copying TV - where they are invariably playing in the heat. In our weather for much if the year, leaving it on for the but of insulation from the cold is actually more sensible.
Glove off for putting for me....I feel better connected with the club. Otherwise it stays on for the entire round.

If its winter cold or hammering down with rain, then my fingers have no feeling anyway, so the glove will stay on (partly because once off, a wet glove is nigh on impossible to put back on!!).
Glove on for every shot, but comes off after tee shots (to prevent sweaty hand feel). Exception is when I top / duff the ball 3 yards and hack it up the hole - there's no time to remove it!
Hit a bucket of 55 balls at the practice area this morning, glove off/on again after every shot... you're either a player or you're not (y)
Hit a bucket of 55 balls at the practice area this morning, glove off/on again after every shot... you're either a player or you're not (y)
Got to practice that pre-shot routine as well, for consistency
err.....well if you don't know now I guess you never will. Its the sensation that transmits through your fingers??

I'm out now as this is clearly trolling.
I get that. But that feeling you get through your fingers when the putter head makes contact with the ball, has absolutely no impact on how the ball rolls. By the time you experience that feeling the ball is gone and on its way.
I get that. But that feeling you get through your fingers when the putter head makes contact with the ball, has absolutely no impact on how the ball rolls. By the time you experience that feeling the ball is gone and on its way.
In putting I think feel could also mean the feeling of your hands gripping the putter grip. Not just the feel of impact on the ball.