First ever round of golf

I put 2 OB on the 1st and ended up with a 9 on a par 4 .. After that I played ok and still broke 100
I got a birdie on my first ever round. I was about 14 year old, it was a cheap crappy nine hole course playing with my mum and dad. Wish I could remember what it was called but I can't, and I don't believe it's been there for years now. The birdie was the 8th hole, a par 3, probably not much over 100 yards and I hit a wood off the tee that was just short of the green. Managed to chip it in by total fluke. 😆 Thought this game is easy, I've cracked it.
I don't remember anything specific about my first ever round at Barnsley Municipal.
I do remember my first ever par a few rounds later. 10th hole very short par-4. A good chip and a good putt, naturally.
I can remember all my back-nine scores from the first time I broke 100.
I simply can not forget this.
5,5,5,5,5,5,7,5,5 - tough hole that 16th! Long par-4 uphill. I was 10 years and 7 months old. In The Bag - spoon, mashie, mashie-niblick and putter.
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Couldn't remember specifically when it was, but my first 18 would have been at Dewsbury District, probably around 1982 - made my first birdie there which I do remember, bunker shot on the 18th, up on to the green and dropped in the hole.
Mines was only 2.5 years ago so remember it will. Shot well into the 100s and remember trying to get out a bunker and going right into another over the green lol had fun and was instantly hooked and the race to break 100 started.
If Southport Pitch and Putt late-60s doesn’t count, it’ll be Deaconsbank (now Rouken Glen) municipal around 1970 - played it regularly until mid-70s and in my minds eye I can still see myself playing it. 1st round was with my mates Alan and Crawford and if I try hard I can almost feel what it was like arriving, changing shoes in very, very basic old farm building that was the changing room, and then to adjacent 1st tee - not having much of a clue and being rather anxious about what lay ahead.
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First game was a pitch and putt at Farnham Park then 9 holes round Southwood Farnborough. 45 years later and still going at it.

Putting is a different matter having played on an 18 hole putting 'course' from about the age of 6.
First game was a pitch and putt at Farnham Park then 9 holes round Southwood Farnborough. 45 years later and still going at it.

Putting is a different matter having played on an 18 hole putting 'course' from about the age of 6.
Farnham Park is still going strong…a lovely Par 3 course (designed by Henry Cotton) with some holes quite a bit longer than typical P&P length. Unfortunately for local Pay and Play golfers Southwood closed a few years back.
Farnham Park is still going strong…a lovely Par 3 course (designed by Henry Cotton) with some holes quite a bit longer than typical P&P length. Unfortunately for local Pay and Play golfers Southwood closed a few years back.

Yes very sad about Southwood I would have thought they would have at least reverted to a 9 hole course so the local beginners has somewhere to go.

I know the local Councils view was that there were plenty of golf courses in the area without appreciating costs.
Difficult to remember as it was nearly 70 years ago. What I do remember was where - Kinross, which, at that time, was still a 9-hole course (I wouldn't recognise it now as there are two 18-hole courses).

Probably not my first round, but an early and memorable one, was when I took an almighty swing on a tee next to the clubhouse, overswung, lost grip and the driver flew backwards over the clubhouse (quite a small building) and landed on the other side.

In those days you could not get a drink on a Sunday unless you were a bona fide traveller. So Sundays involved getting on the local bus with the clubs for a 6-mile trip, hack around the golf course, retire to the Green Hotel and bus home a few hours later.
Yes very sad about Southwood I would have thought they would have at least reverted to a 9 hole course so the local beginners has somewhere to go.

I know the local Councils view was that there were plenty of golf courses in the area without appreciating costs.
True. And Pine Ridge isn’t too shabby. Trouble is…it’s £32 for a round today, and back in the day I could pay for my golf out of my paper round (think it was 40p, possibly only 20p, a round out of my £2/week for 7 days delivery 🙄). Not sure how many 12/13yr olds can afford £32 or £60 for a two ball.
My first time ever was as a guest at Colville Park GC in the late 70s.
I only hit one good shot, using a sand wedge over a large Oaktree, that one shot got me hooked.
Sadly things haven't changed much over the years, still only hit the occasional good shot :eek::ROFLMAO:
True. And Pine Ridge isn’t too shabby. Trouble is…it’s £32 for a round today, and back in the day I could pay for my golf out of my paper round (think it was 40p, possibly only 20p, a round out of my £2/week for 7 days delivery 🙄). Not sure how many 12/13yr olds can afford £32 or £60 for a two ball.

I also think how much money I saved because they had a practice ground and not a driving range. I used to use it about 3 times a week. It was short drive from where I worked and I spent a lot of lunchtimes on the practice ground.
My first round was 47 years ago at good old 'Royal' Magpie in Bromley, My Uncle took me one Saturday, it was packed and because it was only a 9 hole you had to put your ball in a shute and alternate with golfers coming off the front 9, I remember there was about 8 balls in the 1st 9 shute and Uncle said "Lets go and have a breakfast", over an hour later our ball had worked it's way to the bottom and we were off
A couple of hours later we were coming off the first 9 and had to put the ball back in the shute and again there's a trough full of balls and another hour odd wait to play the 2nd 9, From memory I think I shot 116, but absolutely loved it, so here I am nearing 3000 rounds later and already looking forward to the next round.
My first proper 18 holes would have been in the early 90's at Bar Hill Golf Club. My uncle had a friend who was a member there and the only thing I can remember is being told that I could have played of the red/ladies (delete as appropriate) tees as I was a junior.
1990 or 91
Fragger took me to Wexham Park nr Slough
Shot 138....
A few 9 hole rounds in the next year or so before packing up Cricket for Golf.
Played at a cheap course in Aylesbury, shot 105, then 102, then 99 and I haven't been in 3 figures since...
And, Yes, Fragger was playing before me.....;)