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      oleinone posted the thread MARMITE MURRAY in Out of Bounds.
      Can't argue with his determination and how well Murray has optimised his talents through sheer hard work. Undoubtedly the outstanding...
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      oleinone replied to the thread The Cricket Thread.
      Where on earth are the crowd and the England fans? It definitely robs the semi final of atmosphere. Not improved by Morgan's drone in...
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      oleinone reacted to nickjdavis's post in the thread Random Irritations with Like Like.
      4x4 drivers who you meet down narrow country roads who seem to be terrified of putting their wheels on the grass verge when passing.
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      oleinone replied to the thread Dogs on the course?.
      Our lady treasurer has the most extraordinary German Shepherd cross. His devotion to her and his impeccable behaviour is really rather...
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      oleinone replied to the thread Scandinavian Mixed.
      "Grant was very gracious in defeat"?????
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      oleinone reacted to D-S's post in the thread Scandinavian Mixed with Like Like.
      Couldn’t disagree more, she spent ages signing autographs and having selfies with fans. Seemed genuinely sorry for Soderberg, spoke...
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      oleinone posted the thread Scandinavian Mixed in The Lounge.
      Commentators overdoing poor old Sodeborg, hearts goes out etc to Sodeborg. Grant shot a 65 , he shot a 77. He three putted from 20 ft...
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      oleinone replied to the thread Random Irritations.
      Look on the bright side, the beloved track suit bottoms were spared.
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      oleinone reacted to Dando's post in the thread Dress codes with Like Like.
      How are they?
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      oleinone replied to the thread Golf Random Irritations.
      Got pushed into organising our seniors friendly matches of which there are about 20 in total. home and away. It's a pain trying to get a...
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